Moving Out?

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Chapter 6

I barely make it out of the building before my phone rings and with a tired sigh, I answer.

"What Calisandra?"

"Nova!" I stop halfway into the bus.

The panic in my roommate's voice makes my heart race, "Cali? What's wrong?" I attempt to sound calm.

"There are sketchy guys here and t-they're packing up you're stuff! They said you are moving?"

What the hell?

"Lady, on or off!" Calls a rough voice with a thick Boston accent. I look up to meet the glare from the bus driver through the plastic dividers.
I give a grunt before jumping on the bus and sit with my back against the wall.

How? How did he do it so fast? I haven't even signed anything. Dread slithers down my spine and a cold sweat breaks out on my skin.

"Don't interact with them. Just go to your room and stay there. I'll be home in 10 minutes," I mumble into the phone my eyes darting around the bus. Maybe he has someone following me now.

I hear shuffling as she does what I say and the faint voices of men in the background, "And what if they steal the stuff in the living r-" She's almost yelling. Cali doesn't yell. Having grown up with the nuns as I have we turned out completely different. She is quiet and avoids the chaos that seems to seek us out. While I tend to thrive on the thrill. Such as pretending to be a Nany while trying to write a breakthrough story on the Mafia influence in Corporate America.

"They won't."

"How do you know?" She insists.

I almost smile, "they are just there to send a message."

"To who? From who? What have you gotten into this time?!" She is yelling now and The bus makes a sharp stop forcing my body to jolt forward. I wince at the metal pressing into me.

Frustration builds in me and i want to scream as Cali keeps yelling, "why does this always happen?! You get us into trouble and I have to-"

"Shut it," I bark out louder than I wanted considering I am in public.
"It's nothing I can't handle. We'll talk when I get home."

I hang up immediately after and don't answer when she tries to call. She only tries once more before texing.

You better explain!

I want to laugh at her text and I almost do out loud. She's all bark and no bite.

The bus takes longer than it would have if I didn't leave during rush hour and 38 minutes later I am at my front door.

He's at least 6'7" with a shaved head and tattoos running along the shadows of his scowling features, he is exactly what I expected.

I smile wide, making his left eye twitch, "Nova Vega, it's a pleasure to meet you," My hand is already out and I am waiting to be greeted back.

He stands at the door guarding it like it's his fucking home not mine.

I try to ignore the big doe eyes from Cali as she watches the encounter. She looks like a baby deer, a doe, ready to pounce or run I can't tell which, and I don't think she knows either. It's a wonder I can even see her past this guys hulk frame.

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