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Chapter 10

I don't try to understand why Anthony Rivera protected me.

He didn't keep his brother in the loop because wanted to rile him up, antagonize him, it was obvious. But then he protected me. It didn't make sense. His plan must have been to have me and his brother go head to head, but then he stood between us. His strong grip keeping me grounded.

My fingers still tingle with the relief of having him stand in front of me. It shouldn't be like that though, I shouldn't feel relaxed or relieved in his presence.

I left the office that day with Melissa apologizing twelve times in the elevator ride down. But Anthony was silent as he stood with us. The four walls wrapped around us could have been mikes apart for all he cared. He didn't speak or even look at me. It was like he couldn't, or like he was pissed with the sight of me.

Well, fuck him the feeling is mutual. He set me up. He did it on purpose, I just know he did.

So today as I stand in front of the building hidden between 43rd street and Edwards, trying to blend into the rows of apartments, I realize that I am being set up again. It wasn't the smiling door men that worried me, but the heat he flashed with his grin.

"You lost, sweetheart?" His voice is stern and betrays his smile.

A shiver runs through me but I grew up with men like him. He will never respect me unless someone respectful owns me. That is how men work in this culture that is 40 years behind in its politics. I was raised with Italian and Spanish titos y titas, if anything men like him are the ones that raised me. Told me I dressed too slutty and then shouted after me for being a prude.

I hate men like him.

But I know how to work with men like him. I don't even blink. I don't smile.

"Anthony Rivera is anxious to see me."

His smile is gone. He takes a step toward me in an attempt to intimidate me. I feel his body heat but refuse to step away.

"And you are?" He asks slowly, carefully, to see if he fucked up enough.

I smile this time, "He calls me the Nanny." The man takes a step back both surprised and confused.

"Nova!" His voice is strong and a bit alarmed.

My smile grows and my eyes stay on the man in front of me, "Anthony."

The stranger's eyes widen and his tan skin paled. I watch his eyes bounce behind me and back to my unwavering gaze. I feel a sense of strength overwhelm me as a hard hand grips my hip, I am almost shocked that he grabbed my waist of all things. But I am too lost in the power of making this man cowerer from me.

It feels vengeful.

The rush of power makes me forget his presence as I answer, "As I said. He is anxious to see me."

I feel the tension from Anthony and his eyes look me over, but I don't move my gaze from the doormen packing heat.

"What's going on here?" his tone is annoyed and could be mistaken as insinuating irritation, maybe jealous, but i knew better.

Yet the doorman did not. He barely met Anthony's eyes as he stood next to me. The condescending man adverted his eyes even from me and a heady rush overcame me.

"He was just asking if I was lost," I said, "I never got your name."

"Kolb." Anthony answered and I felt his grip on my hip tighten before he tugged roughly.

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