Golden handcuffs

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Chapter 11

"What's this?" I ask staring at it.

The thin gold bracelet lays softly against the white silk inside a red velvet box.

We had to take a detour to Anthony's office to grab a few things. One of which was this bracelet.

Melissa watches Anthony as he flips through a few papers at the massive dark brown desk. Its classic design matches the hallway's historic design and must mean something to the family or else they would have modernized it.

When he doesn't answer I turn to Melissa. She smiles apologetically, "I'll be outside."

The click of her heels seems to echo in the room even after she leaves. I watch him again. His dark hair a neat set of waves match the dark ambers of his eyes. The suit fits perfectly and it pisses me off.

"It's for you," Anthony finally answers after realizing I won't ask again.

He doesn't like my staring. Whenever I stare too long he speaks. I want to smile at finding out a piece of him that he never meant to give away.

"Why?" I ask patiently. I feel it. That courage I get whenever it's us, the feeling of knowing I get under his skin. I suppose this is how complexes are made yet I can't find it in me to care.

"Just wear it," His tone is flat maybe annoyed but his voice is soft contrasting the rough command. His shoulders are coiled now and gone is the casual or calm facade. But he still sits on the dark leather office car trying to appear unfazed.

"No," I say and finally he looks up at me, "If I don't know what is it then why should I wear it? It could be bugged for all I know."

He waits for a beat before motioning for me to come closer. This is out of character, normally he wants me across the room from him. An image flashes of his hands grazing my skin and the unwavering sensation of his attention.

He only ever acts like this when his brother is involved. Warily I scan the room for cameras doubtful that he would have any in his private office.

"Nova," He says, and impatient leaks through.

A bit reluctantly, I make my way around the desk to where he is sitting. His chair is turned to the side and our legs almost brush against each other. I have to look down to meet his eyes and am surprised that I am taller than him when he sits, somehow I always pictured him towering over me.
He takes the bracelet out of the box gently like it's precious and shows me the engraved writing. 'Property of A.R.'

"You are property"

"Everything you'll ever do, every cent you'll ever earn you will owe to me."

''Don't dream Nova, it will only hurt you."

I reel back like I've been slapped and feel the cold sweat begin to run down my back.

I look back at him with eyebrows furred, "I am no one's property," I say and try to step further back but he grabs my wrists and stands up.

"Don't start with me," he says in an annoyed voice and with a grip that's too hard.

"I'm not wearing that!" I snap and reel my arm back but his fingers only dig further and I don't break free.

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