La familia

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Chapter 7

He doesn't know.

He doesn't know

He can't know.

My knee bounces and my hands shake as I clutch my nicest purse strap.

Patients has never been a virtue of mine and as I wait for the Mafia's secretary, the lovely Mrs. Kitchens, I realize that anxiety seems to be another one of my fatal flaws.

I catch my reflection in the glass and take a breath. The soft wave of curls and soft green silk from the dress does not distract from the panic in my eyes. Breathe.

"Nova," Mrs. Kitchens calls and my head snaps to the aging woman with the silver-gray mixing into dark black hair and soft wrinkles showing as she smiles.

"Good morning," I say and rise from my spot with an outstretched hand. She takes it and I can't help a smile.

"That's a good color on you," Mrs. Kitchens says and I look down at the forest green dress stretched across my arms and down to my thighs.

"Thank you," I say with a smile, "as promised."

I extended the Starbucks coffee towards her and she gives a rye smile.

"I was rooting for you out of a generous heart," she explains, "but the coffee does make a lasting impression."

I had called the office earlier to make sure I was actually in his schedule. Mrs. Kitchens had answered and I told her if I really was officially written in I'd buy us both coffee. Turns out he is a man of his word. Not a characteristic I despise.

"I'm sure," I hum.

"He is waiting for you," Mrs. Kitchens says before turning towards the hallway but stopping to place her coffee at her desk.

It would be silent if not for the clock of our heels against the smooth glossy tiles. But as soon as we appear before Mr. Anthony Rivera's office and crack the door open, booming voices of arguments poisons the silence.

Mrs. Kitchen seems to be so taken back she freezes and barely manages a "We better wait."

Instead, of stepping back, I step forwards desperate to watch and the stunned secretary stays frozen.

I see Anthony standing beside his desk with a cigar in his mouth. Acting calm as always in his grey suit with a burgundy tie.

"You... YOU..." the man across from his yells stumbling over his words in a sharp brown suit.

"Monster?" Anthony offers casually breathing out a puff of smoke.

"Monster!" The man shouts.

"Oh dear," Mrs. Kitchens says and seems to realize we haven't moved.

She tries to pull me away but I resist. I'm way too interested in any dirty details of the Riveria Mafioso family. Sure it's been a decade since any supposed activity but as my PI says, it's in their blood.

"You are nothing but a low life, I can't believe I wasted so much of my time with this fucked up fucking company! You all are so obsessed with each other and your own asses! This la Familia crap is so fucking childish! I-" I see Mrs. Kitchen's getting ready to pull me away after officially having snapped out of it.

I take this moment to make sure I get a good look at this guy's face by doing the stupidest thing possible. Intervening.

"Mr. Rivera," I say almost as loudly as the door hitting the wall from my heavy push to open it all the way.

"Can't you see he is busy! Tell whoever is calling they can wait, I was here first," the man snaps before Anthony Rivera has a chance to address me.

I take three large steps into the room and watch as the sweaty man's eyes barely glance by way but Anthony's gaze sticks to me.

Anger builds from the comment but I give him my sweetest smile, "I am not the secretary. The funny thing is I have an actual scheduled appointment for this time, unlike you. So I believe you are cutting into my time. Why don't you wait in the hall? I'm sure a secretary, in between those phone calls, would bring you a cookie if you wait patiently and ask nicely," I say dryly my sarcastic tone evident.

I slowly turn my attention away from the stranger with an ease that makes his eye twitch. I looks towards Anthony who looks subtle amused. He is leaning on the side of his desk enjoying the puffs of smoke with a smirk on his face.

"Now Mr. Rivera I would like to go over a certain section of... the..." I pause and look behind me at the man, "do you need help being escorted out?" I ask him concerned.

He opens and closes his mouth like a fish with clenched hands, "I-" but I ignore whatever answer he was trying to give.

"Oh Mrs. Kitchens!" I call turning to the door as the sweet woman walks in more composed than last I saw her, "it seems this man needs to be shown where the waiting room is, could you escort him?" I ask turning away from her and looking down at the folder I had begun to open as I casually half sit on the desk to face Mr. Rivera better.

Anthony takes me in as I sit on his desk as if it was my own home, and address this man in his office as if he were a flea. Although he was able to wipe the smirk off his face and replace it with a blank stare, at the point where I sat myself on his desk a small twitch of a smile was visible.

"Of course, right this way sir," she says and grabs ahold of his arm then shuts the door behind her.

I take a big sigh and relax my shoulders, wanting to pat myself on the back for my performance. I then look down at his full ashtray and shake my head as I look up at him, surprised to see him staring at me.

"You should quit," I say glancing towards the mountain of cigars and cigarettes.

"One day," he says slowly almost cautiously.

"Why not today?" I suggest with a small frown.

"I didn't need rescuing," he says changing the subject as he stays to the side of the desk and takes a drag from his cigar.

"I didn't do it for you. He was intruding on my time," I say and close the empty folder. I was only using it for show anyways. Anthony smirked at the folder as I put it away in my bag. He obviously knew it was for show because he had not given me any copy.

"You're early," He reminds me crushing the end of his cigar into the ashtray.

"I didn't want to wait," I counter with a tight-lipped smile. He could at least say thank you after all I did get the yelling man out of his office. Though I wish I could have listened longer, but Mrs. Kitchens was seconds from pulling me away and I didn't want to leave without getting a look at the man. He could be a source.

As soon as there is a silence I bring up what I came to say. I turn towards him fully and he gives me a sideways glance still not having moved.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask with hands-on my hip

"What?" He asks and I glare at him but he just tilts his head. It's almost cute.

"Okay, which part?" He clarifies his question.

"The part where you sent people to pack my stuff. it freaked my roommate out so bad she tried to call the cops!" I say.

His lip twitches before breaking out into a smile and holy fucking christ, Anothy Rivera could smile.


I hope you all are excited for the next chapter it's gonna be good!


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