Chapter Three

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Chapter Three (Remi's POV)

Why did he hate me so much?

I kept asking myself that as the pack, and Kyler, headed back to the Luna Plantation to inform the rest of their pack of what we'd heard. I made a mental note to meet with my uncle and alert him of the dangers, but right now, my main concern was Kyler.

I'm sure no one else noticed, but the way Kyler stared at the corpse like it was going to come to life and kill him was unnerving. Kyler was expressive, whether he liked to think so or not. His silver-blue eyes were like open books to me and I knew he was distrustful. I knew he was hurting somewhere inside, but I couldn't do anything to ease it.

It was the worst feeling in the world when someone you loved was in pain and you were helpless to it.

Yes, I did love Kyler.

I felt it the moment I saw him, the moment I met those crystal eyes of his. I knew the Goddess meant for us to be mated and she must have a real sick sense of humor to mate me with a leopard. It was dangerous, impossible, and strange. Nevertheless, I didn't think of Kyler any less.

I loved him.

He was beautiful in every sense of the word. When he was a human, his skin was smooth and reminded me so much of the porcelain dolls my sisters collected. His hair was so blonde, it was almost white. I wanted so much to run my fingers through it and feel just how silky it was. His eyes were the first to catch my attention, though. Such a pale, pale color. Silver with only flecks of blue that glinted whenever the light hit them.

I know, I know.

Dramatic poet, right here.

Sorry, but honestly, there were hardly words to explain how gorgeous Kyler Mercy was.

It was just a pity that he hated me. I don't know what I did. Or maybe, it wasn't something I did. Maybe it was something someone else did. I'd heard about people who were hurt before and carry that pain with them forever. Kyler must be one of those people...

It made my heart ache for him, but I didn't say anything about it as we weaved through the woods. I noticed he hung back from the others, slinking through the trees. His white fur was laced with smudges of black and gray, his tail coiled at the end as he went around another tree, moving to step off a log when he caught me staring at him.

He growled and flashed his fangs. I looked away, sighing.

Don't worry. He'll come around. I looked up to see Scythe walking beside me, his eyes scanning the path ahead.

I don't think he will. I admitted as we trotted over the border from Amethyst territory to Blood Rain.

Come on, Rem.

Besides, I have a bigger problem, Scythe.


I think I'm mated to Kyler.

You're joking.

No. I've never felt like this before. I need him and I don't think he realizes it. Is it just me or does the Goddess have a sick sense of humor?

Probably... Look, I'll try talking to him. In the mean time, try and get close, but be careful. Kyler's... got his issues. He's totally paranoid and, I know he probably doesn't want me telling you this, but he has nightmares occasionally. I think it's because of what was done to him. You've got your hands full, Remi. Kyler's a loose cannon. Scythe explained, then loped on ahead to walk beside Zaid, nuzzling him behind the ear.

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