0: Monday - New mindsets

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It's the first day of my senior year, I've been attending Lakewood High School since my freshman year.

To say I'm nervous would be an understatement, I am going to be graduating this year! But on a sad note, I am probably going to picked on again by the boy who stole my heart years ago. Oliver Wilson just makes it his life goal to torture me. He has been torturing me since middle school.

He was my best friend as a child. And now he treats me like gum on the bottom of a desk. I don't know where I went wrong. I was always there for him until one day he did not want me there.

So I left and I watched him from a far. This wasn't the boy I knew. The one with a heart of gold. The one who will never let me in. Or let me know why I was to be an outsider in his life.

I swore I would get to the bottom of this. But almost six years later and I still haven't made progress. As he is a senior this will probably be the last time I will ever get to try.

And I am going to make the best of this year. I am going to get the whole story. I will tell him how much he means to me.

I love you Oliver Wilson. I just wish you could see that. I sigh as I walk into my class just as the bell rings.

"Good morning Miss Smith" my English teacher Mr. Villarreal says.

"Morning, Mr. V." I say smiling hoping we get to read a book of our choice again. I need to finish this new book I picked up from the book store. It's called 'The Taking' so far it is so interesting. It is sci-fi and a rom-com at the same time.

As he lectures I tune him out until I notice a new student come into the class.

"Class, let us give a warm welcome to our new student. Sir, would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Villarreal  asks.

"Hello" says a teenage boy. Who looks to be around 5'11". He has green eyes and he has shaggy hair. Well kept but a little long.

"My name is Theo Williams. I just moved here from New York but I originally lived here as a child." Theo says some other things, but I zone out and I just watch him. He seems like a nice guy, like the type of person I would want to be my friend.

As I come back, I hear Mr Villarreal say. "You can sit by Miss Smith. Emily, raise your hand."

I raise my hand and smile at the new boy. He comes over to sit on the desk right next to mine.

"Hi, I'm Theo and it looks like you will be my partner." He says smiling reaching out to shake my hand.

"Emily, nice to meet you and I would be delighted to be your partner" I say smiling back and sticking out my hand.

"Okay, now settle down class. This week we will be working on a project involving the person sitting next to you. This lesson will focus on reading a long poem and breaking it down in your own words." The class erupts in groans. As just came back to school, I mean it's the first day!

"Now, there will be none of that! I expect only the best from you all, as I have heard nothing but the best from your past English teachers. Now I have a list of poems in a basket that you will be drawing from. When I call your group you will come up and draw a number and a poem. The number will be the order of presentation and the poem is self explanatory." Mr. V says.

After getting called up we get the poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost. Theo and I spend the rest of the period talking about his childhood and how his best friend also attends this school.

Curiously I ask who his best friend is and he says "Oliver Wilson."

"Oh." I say looking away.

Was Theo going to be my second hell? Or was he going to be my friend?


As Theo was new to this school he asked me if I could show him around to all of his classes. And I did.

I would walk him to and from every class. And as soon as the 5th period bell rang I waited outside of his classroom to walk him to the cafeteria.

"Hey." He said smiling at me. "Thank you for showing me around. I really appreciate this." I noticed how sincere he was so I smiled back.

I walked and talked with him on the way to the cafeteria. As soon as we got there he went with Oliver and I went with my best friend.

Hope you all liked this chapter I've decided to re-write my story. I'm also changing the plot!


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