7: Saturday - Doctors, Family, and Hotties. Oh my!

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Dedicated to: @EternalLights thank you so much for ALL your advice and constructive criticism, I really appreciated all you had to say! I believe that it really helped me a lot. You are super super super nice (: I admire you a lot, so thank you for those kind words.


Plus, I'm going to be bringing her family in a little more.



When I first wake up all I see is darkness. I can hear beeping and the television. I feel some pressure in my hand but I can't really tell what it is. In the back ground I hear muffled voices talking.

"Is she going to be alright? It's been over a week since she blacked out. I just hope the Doc was right about her body needing time to heal itself." Somebody near by says.

"Cam, it's going to be alright. She's hanging in there, don't give up on her so easily. She's a fighter." The voice sounds like my mother.

Why did she say Cam's name? My brother is supposed to be away at college right now.

He's studying to be a attorney. The last time I talked to my brother he seemed to be having a good time. He mentioned dating this girl from one of his classes. He seems happier now, although I miss him I want the best for him. My brother and I are close, we're separated by 6 years.

Wait who are they talking about being out for a week? What happened to me? I try opening my eyes with no progress.

I try again and my eyes slowly open. As my eyes open the lights are extremely bright. I wince squinting then my eyes finally adjust to the light and I look around the room trying to understand where I am.

Blinking, I look at my brother and mom who come rushing towards me.

"Cam, go and call the doctor. Tell him she's awake!" My mom says sitting down grabbing my hand.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" She says putting my hair behind my ear.

"I'm fine mom. What happened to me?" I say looking at the ivy sticking out of my arm.

"Ms. Smith, I see you're awake. I'm Doctor James. How are you feeling?" Dr. James asks me.

"I'm feeling fine, I can't remember what happened to me though." I say frowning.

"Okay, Miss Smith I'm going to be asking you some questions and then I will let you know what happened to you." Dr. James says siting in front of me.

"Okay, let's get started then." I say nodding my head.

"What is your full name?"

"Emily Marie Smith."

"How old are you?"


"What grade level are you in?"

"I'm a freshman at Lakewood High School."

"What year is it?"


"How old is your brother?"


"Okay, Ms. Smith. I hate to say this but you've lost approximately 2 years or more of your memory. You are a senior in high school. You're 17, your brother is 23. And it's 2017." Dr. James says looking at me waiting for me to freak out.

I laugh. "Haha, guys very funny."

"Honey, we're not joking. So you can't remember a thing of your life for the past 2 years?" She says bursting into tears.

"No." I say looking down at my hands.

"What happened to me?" I look at Dr. James hoping he'll give me the answers I need.

"Honestly, I don't know exactly what happened but we were told you hit your head very hard on the lockers at school and passed out." He says shaking his head sympathetically.

"If you have any more questions feel free to ask." Dr. James says smiling.

"Well I've got to go, it was good seeing you Ms. Smith." Dr. James shakes mom's, Cameron's and my hand as he turns and walks out.

I sigh. This stunk big time, all of my high school years are missing. Where do I start again. Was I cool? Was I a loner? Who am I? Am I still the same person I was in middle school? Do I have friends? Or for that matter a boyfriend? I'm so confused, why did this happen to me?

"Em, When you were brought here there were two young men who looked very distraught over what happened. They've have been here everyday since you've been admitted. There in the waiting room. One is asleep right now, would you like to see the one who's awake? There names are Oliver Wilson and Theo Williams." My mom asks softly.

Oh, this is good. Oliver's here? And he actually cared about my well being. Haha, that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. I wonder if he still bullied me in high school. Maybe I should ask him myself. And who's Theo? Is he like my best friend or something? Uh, my memory coming back would be great about now.

"Can you call them both in here mom? I'd like to ask them a couple of questions." I say sighing.

"Okay, Cam go get them. I'm going to go and call Isabelle and tell her you are awake." She says smiling and walking out of the room.

My brother comes and hugs me. "I'm glad your okay Em. You have no idea how scared we were." He kisses my forehead and squeezes my shoulder then walks out of the room.

About 5 minutes pass and I hear a soft knock on the door. I don't turn thinking it's my mom or my brother.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" A deep voice says.

I turn my head and look at the guy leaning against the door. He's extremely good looking. He looks like a model, he has an amazing bone structure. He's wearing a tight tee shirt and jeans. He is muscular but lean and has the most perfect green eyes I've ever seen. He has bags under his eyes and even with bags under his eyes he still looks good. His light brown hair is sticking out in random places, I feel the urge to run my fingers through his hair to fix it.

I look down and fold my hands together on my lap. I look up at him and ask. "Who are you?"

"I'm you're boyfriend sweetheart." He says smirking.


Dun dun dun.

Who is this 'hottie'.

And poor poor Emily losing her memory that's tragic. But it happened for a reason. What that reason is at the moment is a secret.


Adios. Tu amigo,

Summer ☀️

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