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I stayed with Liam, watching him cook the pancakes. The smell in the kitchen was delicious, my mouth was watering as I looked down at the pancakes and then back up to Liam. He placed the last pancake on the plate and walked over to me, sliding himself in-between my legs. I couldn't help but blush and hang my head low.

He lightly grabbed my chin pushing my head up to look him in the eyes "I love your blush, there's no need to be insecure around us" I giggled, nodding my head.

"Your insecure, don't know what for, your turnin' heads when you walk through the do-oo-or..." I sang out "your beautiful" Liam whispered wrapping me in a bone crushing hug "c-ca-can't b-bre-ath" I wheezed out. "sorry" he replied releasing me instently, "I didn't say I wanted the hug to end" I whined. He chuckled handing me a plate of pancakes covered in maple syrup "but I love pancakes..." I mumbled before shoving a piece of the food in my mouth, with every bite a moan escaped my lips. The food was brilliant, my mouth was full of flavour. I turned around after finishing my stack of pancakes to find 5 hormonal boys staring back at me. "what, what'd I do?" I asked looking for face to face.

"you were moaning" came Zayn's strained voice. mhhhm it was turning me on, I quickly ran up the stairs before they could smell my throbbing core. I made the room only to find a note on the side table,, walking over there I wondered if it was even for me.

Dear beautiful, (must be for Harry)

You said I could make it up to you by taking you

on a date, be ready by 5 where something nice

but casual :) Your beautiful.


I re-read the letter before placing it down on the small table, glancing over at the digital clock I realised I only had 20 minuets to get ready. I rushed around looking for clothes, before finding a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a loose fit batman top from valleygirl. Zayn probably grabbed this one, I only then realised that the boys had bought my underwear, they must all be thongs! I hate them. No time to think about it now, I have to do my hair.

I was ready in a record time of 15 minuets, my blonde hair was loosely curled, my make up consisted of lipgloss and some mascara while I wore a pair of white and red Hollister shoes. All I need to do now is see if I look alright for this date, "Liam!"

He rushed in dropping his jaw slightly as he took in my appearance "can you tell me if I'm dressed appropriately for the venue" I questioned. "Yeah your fine, you look hot!" I dropped my jaw a good five inches, Liam just said that bout me woah. "alright thanks Lili" I replied brushing it off. I turned around heading for my handbag when I was grabbed from behind, Liam started humming softly in my ear sending goosebumps down my spine. "Liam I have a date to get to, when we're on a date you can hold me all you want" I said pushing past him to pick up my handbag, "I'll see you when I get back," not being able to say those 3 little words.

I walked down the stairs slowly looking for the boys, only finding a very handsome Louis (so very much better than any fantasy my imagination could have created). He was dressed in a red and white stripy shirt ( no surprise there hehe) and tight jeans. The cologne he was wearing was intxicating, and the mark he gave me yesterday wasn't helping me control myself.

"your beautiful" Louis growled lowley, my body shook with need.

"so where are we going?"

"I thought we might actually have gotten to the car before you asked" He replied guiding me towards the car.

"you should know by now that I don't do the expected, so I'll assume your answer to that is a 'its a surprise'" I joked, smiling brightly back at him as he started the engine.

"your right... again" he chuckled.

"can I drive then, you don't have to tell me the destination" I whipped out the puppy eyes trying to crumble his wall. I saw a flicker of something before he turned away " no its my baby" he sternly responded.

"aren't I your baby though?" I asked inocently, unbuckling my seatbelt and sliding closer to him.

"of course your my baby, you are my whole world" he answered truthfully, staring into my eyes with so much love.

I jumped on his lap straddling him, "then I'm sure a little drive wont worry you" I whispered seductively in his ear.

"I- I don't know if you are a good driver" he spluttered out. I grinded harshly against his growing 'friend', "of course I'm a good driver, don't you think so?" I questioned sweetly, continuing to grind slowly and harshly against Louis' hips. "mhhhhmm" he hummed in satisfaction. Kissing up his neck and below his ear, I pushed him out while he was distracted sitting comfortably in the drivers seat. "Your such a tease" he growled, jumping in the other side of the car attempting to hide his member. I laughed while turning out of the driveway, smiling to myself at my small victory...

I promise to write a longer one if we get 10 votes on this chapter by tonight, do you have any story lines you want me to add. I can try and add them, hope the stories great so far. Thanks for all the votes and comments.

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