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"of course I'm a good driver, don't you think so?" I questioned sweetly, continuing to grind slowly and harshly against Louis' hips. "mhhhhmm" he hummed in satisfaction. Kissing up his neck and below his ear, I pushed him out while he was distracted sitting comfortably in the drivers seat. "Your such a tease" he growled, jumping in the other side of the car attempting to hide his member. I laughed while turning out of the driveway, smiling to myself at my small victory...

"So where we going?" for the past ten minuits I've been driving in random streets, Louis was just staring out the windscreen and ocasionaly back to me. "its a surprise" he whispered, my heart broke at hearing him like this I must have really upset him. I pulled over at the closest side thingy, turning off the car and turning to Louis. "If I upset you I'm sorry I just wanted to have a little fun, I haven't driven since..." I trailed off chocking on my own tears, attempting to keep the memories at bay. " you didn't upset me, I've just been thinking how amazing a mate I have" Louis responded, beconing me in for a hug. I jumoped on his lap hugging the life out of him, "Please don't ignore me again, I love hearing your voice" I whispered to him, feeling his head bop up and down. " you can drive Louis" I stated kissing his cheeks. "okay!" he jumped out from under me running round the car to the drivers seat and starting the car. Not upset my ass, I saw through whatever that was.

Louis stopped the car outside of a restaraunt, one I had never seen before. We both exited the vehicle to walk inside, the cool temperature automaticaly stuck out sending shivers down my spine. Louis noticed wrapping his un-naturaly warm arms around me as we were escorted to a table by a boy about my age. (I don't know if I've mentioned her age before, but from now on it will be 17).

The scene was perfect, Louis as my date, candles and such great smelling food. Where's our food! "Louis where's our waiter person gone its been too long" I whined, the smell of food was overwhelming and intoxicating. "I don't know love" Louis replied staring dreamily into my eyes, woah. " are you going to do that for the rest of our lives?" I giggled to myself. "do what?" he questioned confusedly. "stare dreamily into my eyes" "Its not that bad, I love you so whats wrong with that?" I sighed "It would be a more eventful date if you talked to me a little more than staring" I paused searching the restaraunt for a waiter, " I'm going to go get a waiter." I stopped before passing Louis, resting my hand on his shoulder " I love you too, I just wish you would talk to me more" I walked off on a mission, to find me a waiter.

Seeing as you waited for a while on the past updates I thought I would give you something small hopefully we can make 10 votes on this chapter I will try and update within the next 2 weeks, I have lots of work due soon. Thanks for your support!

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