Capítulo 5

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When they folded to the side of the house I lost sight of them, but did not even have time to fill my glass of juice I was surprised by the voice of Sebastiana behind me.

-So, are you enjoying the Dona Lara snack?"

-What a scare Sebastiana, you seem to fly rather than walk. I never know when you're around.

I laughed to relax what my words said. Because, in fact, it was getting annoying, I always understood everything, I could not tell when this woman came and it was always like she made a point of giving me a surprise.

-It's the tradition. You know to work at home rich there must be discretion and silence. Well, I'll see what Sophia wants for lunch. She eats so little ever.

Sebastiana left, and I was even more disturbed by the last words she had said; "To work in the house of the rich there must be discretion and silence". Someone had certainly said that to her as a recommendation.

I listened to the threshing of the hoe to open the earth and plant the tree, but I could not see them. It took some time, and I began to hear Carminha laughing louder than usual. Curious I was trying to sneak up to the right side of the house to try to see them. They were both down by the newly planted tree. He tried to wipe Carminha's dirty hands from the ground and she laughed in a mischievous tone.

-Carmem! I shouted indignantly.

- I'm coming, I'm coming.

He helped Carmen get up and went to get the hose to water the plant as she headed toward me.

- I loved having this plant near my window. What did you think?

- What I think? Than? From your bad behavior I find it ridiculous and too dangerous even for a

- One what? Are you going to start offending me too?

- Excuse. But were you flirting with this employee in your own home? Where are you going to stop with these daydreams?

- Daydreams? To my knowledge, it has a different name. Attraction! Are you going to tell me that he did not appeal to you as a man?

"Who told you this gardener?"

- Sebastiana. She's related to her. Far I think.

"You can't even be in your right mind. You say that Sebastiana does not like you and employs a relative of her and flirts with him?

I tried to speak quietly so that no one could hear us, but the impression I had is that everyone in the house that morning: Sebastiana and Sophia, already knew what was happening between Carmen and the gardener.

Making a nervous gesture to take the rest of the earth out of her hands, she said,

- I need a shower. I'm going in. You stay?

I thought it best to shut up at that moment. Later he would talk calmly with Carminha.

- I'm going in. I want to see what we have for lunch. - said

THE COUSINS: CARMEN & LARAWhere stories live. Discover now