Celestia/Solaris: [gasps in shock] What have you done?!
*they all look at Starlight and Stellar in shock*
Starlight/Stellar: *nervous unison* We... went with our guts? *grins nervously*
*Twilight, Dusk, Sunset, and Glare are glaring hard at Starlight and Stellar and are standing next to Celestia and Artemis*
Luna/Artemis: *angry and glares at them hard* *in angered unison* Switch our cutie marks back this instant!
Celestia/Solaris- *glares at them hard*
Sunset/Glare- *glares at them*
Twilight/Dusk- *glares at them enraged*
Starlight: *bows in fear* Our apologies, your majesties! But we can't, even if we wanted to.
Stellar- *fearful tone* The spell lasts twenty-four hours. I-It may have been extreme, but, uh, we think it's still a good idea? *nervously grins along with Starlight*
Celestia/Luna/Solaris/Artemis/Twilight/Dusk: [chilling glaring unison] *glares at them hard* What?
Sunset/Glare- *creeped out*
Starlight: *nervous grin* Y-You said it yourselves! Neither of you believes your sibling knows how hard it is to be you.
Stellar- *nervous grin*So this is your chance to prove it.
*the royals look at each other in glares*
Twilight/Dusk- *sighs deeply*
Sunset/Glare- *concerned*
Luna: *sighs* *looks at Artemis* Well, we could use an easy day followed by a good night's sleep.
Artemis- I...agree...*solemn*
Celestia: *smiles confidently* You can try. We haven't had an easy day in, well, ever!
Solaris- *confident* But now, we get to sleep, and tonight will be a breeze. All right, Starlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam.
Celestia/Solaris- *confident unison* We will do this.
Luna/Artemis- *rolls eyes*
Twilight/Dusk- *sighs* *serious* We'll have Raven and Crow prepare the lists for each of your...*clenches teeth and glares hard at Starlight and Stellar* "new duties"
Starlight/Stellar: *nervously relieved unison* Good choice! Not that you had one. [chuckles]
Celestia/Luna/Solaris/Artemis/Twilight/Dusk/Sunset/Glare: *glares at them hard*[snorts in anger]
Starlight/Stellar: *in worried unison* We're gonna stop talking now.
Luna/Artemis- *in the doorway of Starlight and Stellar's room along with Twilight and Dusk* *nods at them and leaves*
Twilight/Dusk- *nods at them solemnly then looks at Starlight and Stellar with a hard glare*
Sunset/Glare- *disbelief* What we're you two thinking?!
Starlight- *looks at them* *groans* We thought it was the right call!
Stellar- *relieved* Yeah, so calm down guys...
Twilight- *slams the door with her magic in seething anger* *takes a deep breath*
Sunset- *backs up in fear*
A Royal Problem
FanfictionA friendship problem arises in Canterlot and it's up to Twilight, Dusk, Sunset, Glare, Starlight and Stellar to solve it and that problem turns out to be the Royal Siblings arguing. Meanwhile Twilight and Dusk deal with royal problems of their own.