Child friend

35 1 11

(Btw, this is in Vincent's POV)

I've read a lot of stories about certain people and characters suddenly turning into a child. The results are always so funny! Or just pure adorable...
However, when it happens to you, it's a complete different thought...

Violet is a strong demon where as I'm a weak one. She can go to and from hell easily but I can't, she rarely goes anyway. So she went to hell and came back, where one of the demons transformed her into a male (and quite a hot one at that).
It was late at night and I woke up to knocking at my door, a small voice desperately saying, "Daddy! Daddy! Please wake up, Daddy!"
Naturally, I was confused by who, what and why was saying this but I opened the door anyway.
All I felt was two small arms hug my leg, I look down and all I could see was shiny purple hair flowing to a little girl's legs. Her whole body shaking. I let her in my room, wondering how the little rat got into my house and thought of the best way to kill her. I closed the door and sat her on the bed and went to grab my knife.
I turned to look at her... Her huge silver eyes sparkled with tears, her body so frail I could have broken her bones like a toothpick. The expression on her face, her eyes: they were Violet's!
It was no doubt about it... I know her when I see her.
She still had the purple shirt I gave her when she was male on. It was the only item of clothing she wore on her small body.
I knew she had a bad past but I was about to find how bad.
"Daddy..." She muttered while tears streamed down her meatless face. She looked starved, but she was starving for the first while of her life...
I sat down next to her and held her to my strong chest. She rested her head on it, her body shook violently.
"What's the matter?" I asked, she sniffled. I ran my fingers through her long hair.
"The men outside my window scare me..." She whimpered. I picked her up and held her close as I checked outside of her window. There was nothing... I went back to my room to gently lie her down on my king sized bed.
"What did the men look like?" I thought if I could get what they looked like I'll check with the police.
"They're taller than you, Daddy," immediately strange. Because I'm in the mid 6 foot. So late 6 to 7 foot. "They have no eyes... Nothing in their sockets... Uneven teeth that make a point. One skinny one not. They don't have a skin colour... They're just... Black... Like the outside, Daddy..." She said to me almost calmly.
I realised then that she suffered from hallucinations. Clearly most of her life. I understood fully when she commented they were next to me.
I lied next to my child best friend and cuddled her like a plushie. Even as a child she's so cosy despite her being so skinny.
Nervously, I kissed her forehead. She seemed to smile and relax a little, her eyes closing as the exhausted girl starts to sleep.
I rub her back softly till I hear slow, deep breaths. She fell asleep.
I later fell asleep.

I woke up to the hell called an alarm. It was 7am, usually, I left Violet here as she doesn't start work till 10, when the pizzeria opens. Today, I couldn't.
I felt so uncomfortable if I got dressed in front of Violet, even if she was somehow still sleeping. I picked up my uniform and went to the bathroom to put it on.
As much as I hate work, I love the purple uniform. It's a dark shade of purple whereas Violet's is a lighter. We all have it our own colour. Scott's red, Mike's blue, Jeremy's greens and Fritz's yellow.
I look at the little girl on my bed, realising she needs to actually wear something. That thought made me so nervous because I knew she would kill me when she returns.
Then it hit me.
What if she forever stayed as a child? I would lose one of my best friends... I would have to act like a father to her... I would have to go through her teenage years with her...
I seriously hoped it wasn't permanent.
I rummaged through her room for anything I could use. I remember she made some clothes for an expected child, then the father abused and used her, the baby died anyway. I was for certain it was female and I was right.
I blushed deeply when I had to look through Older Violet's underwear draw, rummaging through I found a perfect purple dress and, luckily, some panties.
I walked back into my massive room and I saw the little girl sat up in the bed, the duvet covering her legs and stomach. A huge smile went on her face which brought a small one on mine.
"Morning, Daddy." She said happily.
"Morning... Violet." I didn't know what to call her at the time, so I just assumed her name would be best. "I know you don't like dresses but it's all we have so far."
She groaned, "Dad! I don't wanna wear a dress!" Then she pouted. I almost fell to the floor because she looked absolutely adorable. Yes even for my standards.
"Tuff." I simply said and she groaned, moving to me so I can change her. I took the purple shirt off her to show her little naked body. I struggled to get the panties on her but the dress was easy.
The dress itself wasn't bad, not like those people who dress their children in things like mass amounts of makeup and tight clothes. But it did sort of cling to her little body. Her arms were free and legs past the knee.
She reached up and I bent down to pick her up, more or less cradling. She snuggled her little head into my neck, making me smile wide. It was still Violet...
I walked downstairs awhile she messed with my hair and hat, I made her a slice of toast and gave it to her while I gave myself two.
She ate it but crumbs were everywhere, I didn't make that much mess with two. I brushed her down and myself before getting into my car and leaving for work.

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