Cat in the cradle

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(A story inspired by the song cat in the cradle... I don't know I was bored.)

Almost all couples dream about having a child. That little person that will carry on the family, a thing that keeps them happy, gets them to do things they've never been able to do without a child- well, do and not look like a stalker or something.
Me and my wife have always wanted a child after our year or so anniversary of dating, the year after we got engaged, two years after we got married. That's when we started to try...
After a year of trying, we managed to get one. 9 months we had our little baby.
I remember the day well. I came back from my shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria early once I got the call. I rushed there in my purple car and pretty much sprinted to her room. And there she was.
My wonderful wife, Sapphire. Her red glasses on the desk as her emerald green eyes shone with happiness, dark brown hair over her shoulder and behind her ears. Her slender frame covered in a blanket, a small blanket curled in her arms.
"Shhh... He's sleeping..." She told me as I crept my way to the hospital bed. There, cradled in her arms, was our newborn baby.
A little son.
My little son.
"He's beautiful." I whispered, pecking my lover's soft, rosy red lips with mine. The boy was peacefully sleeping, his body was so small, fragile and chubby.
"I know... We need a name." Sapphire muttered.
We sat in silence as I stroked the little one's soft cheek.
"How about, Scott?" I suggested. Then that began our life with Scott.
It was so happy and perfect at first...
Then it went downhill...

Five years after Scott's birth, I got the news that my father, William Afton, died of electrocution. Since that happened, I was the owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, which, I then found out, how much work it was. I got calls constantly, so much paperwork, I had more day and night shifts than I ever did as manager...
I only realised when I was just lying in my bed as I waited to drift off. I realised how I was for the past few months I was boss.
5-year-old Scott ran up to me the day after his birthday with the purple and black football-like ball in his hands. A huge smile was across his face, it was one of the most warmest and friendliest smile in the whole world (even my wife's smile isn't that warm).
"Hey, Dad! Want to play with the ball you got me? You could teach me how to catch!" He jumped up and down, his cute hair bounced with him and returned to its floppy form. Scott's green eyes was the brightest green eyes ever, they made grass and emeralds look dull.
We used to do everything together, we had the most fun because of him. He could make someone who didn't want to live anymore want to live again, he just had that aura about him. Me and Sapphire probably spent thousands throughout the 5 year old's life on trips he wanted and the places we've all been.
I smiled and reached for the ball as he held it out like the beginning of the Lion King with Simba.
To ruin the moment, my phone rang. I ignored it as I grabbed the ball and looked at the happy face of my son. My phone kept ringing and ringing. With a sigh I gave him back the ball and tightened the bobble that made my purple ponytail.
I glanced at my son, who was still smiling,as I picked up the vibrating iPhone and answered it.
"Vincent, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened, but the cameras are broken into pieces!" My new manager, Violet Bishop, told me. I growled and covered the microphone in the phone with my hand and moved it away from my mouth.
"Not today, Scott. I've got a lot to do." I apologised, he patted my leg while his smile never faded.
"Ok then, Daddy." He hugged me the best he could, being so much smaller than me, then walked away. I could hear him talking to himself. "I wanna be like Dad when I'm older! I wanna be just like him!"

Another time, I was sorting out piles and piles of paperwork. Reading and signing. Reading and writing letters. Scott came into my office at work, trying to be careful of all the books and other things across the wooden floor.
I span around on my black chair to look at him. His little body was covered by a blue towel and bright red swimming trunks with sandals on his feet.
"Ready to go, Dad?" He asked, holding up my purple trunks excitedly.
"The surfing, silly!" He laughed, well it was more of a giggle. Then I remembered that I promised to take him to this area where they practice surfing.
"Oh... Scott..." That was all I needed to say. He understood too well and nodded with a smile.
"I'll just go with Mummy then." He told me and walked away. I bashed my pale face on the desk.
Only a few minutes later, Sapphire walked in with her red bikini on. Her bare arms wrapped around the back of the chair and her hands rested on my stomach.
"Vincent, this is getting ridiculous." Her sweet, silky voice said to me, I held her hands and turned my head around to kiss her cheek.
"Babe, I've got so much work." I gestured my hands to all the paper and emails on my computer. She huffed and turned my chair around so I faced her.
"You never have time for us! You wake up, get your toast and work! When you get home you work! And I know you work at night too... We haven't had a date since you became boss." Sapphire's voice got higher and more upset. I placed my hands on her soft cheeks. Her head leaned slightly into my left hand.
"Look, we have the most money we've ever gotten. We can do pretty much anything." I began.
"Yeah but-"
"Babe, I try. Ok? I try and do what's best for us." She took my hands and held them in hers as she leaned forward and kissed my cheek.
"I want Manager Vincent back... The guy who spent as much time as he could with us," she started to walk out, "your becoming more like your father..."
It hurt more than expected... My father was never there for me or my mother...
Now it looked like I'm not there for anyone...

Years later things dived down. I got more employees, Violet and her girlfriend helped a lot with the work. I got to have more time with my family.
Scott was already in college. It amazed me how fast time goes. I remembered him being this small boy who got exited at little animals. Now he's pretty much an adult... His room was all neat and tidy compared to his messy one where all his toys were all around the carpet.
Stains I remember us making when we were painting were gone from the carpet. He had his own cleaning objects in his wardrobe, he helped around with the street and the house. He was such a good guitarist and even wrote some of his own songs. He was this son that all parents would be proud of.
He came back from college one day when I was off work. He had a smart blue tux on and a red tie over his white shirt. It was amazing how grown up he was and how much he looked like his mother. His eyes were grey like mine but his hair, his face, his body and even his favourite colour was just like Sapphire.
He pushed his red glasses up his nose as he looked at me.
"Hello, Dad." It killed my ears to hear his deep voice, I wanted to hear that high pitched voice again... I didn't even get to hear the times when it started to crack. He grew up so fast and I wasn't there for him.
"Hey, Scott," I smiled, "Woah... You've grown up a lot. I'm so proud of you. Think you can sit for a while?"
I watched as the smile on his face slowly faded, the smile that always made me happy.
"Dad, I can't. I'm too busy. Can I have the car keys please?" He asked, holding out his hand. I took my car keys out and held them in my hand. "Can I have them, please?" I gave them to him and he smiled at me.
"I am proud of you..." I muttered, feeling the guilt starting to build up in me.
"Thanks dad. Bye." That was all he said before shutting the door. I sat in silence as I listened to the revving of my car engine slowly fade into silence...

My job became too much stress that I had to leave when I became a lot older.
Violet since became the boss with her wife, Michelle. She was only 5 years younger than me but she still had the mental age and physical body of an early 30 year old. Sapphire was still a nurse at the hospital and my other friends were still the same except for me... And my son, Scott Afton, grew up...
He had an amazing wife and a son and daughter. He worked in his own business...
He had his own life...
I called him up recently when I was home alone. After the third beep he answered.
"Hey dad." He said, I could hear sneezing in the background and small whimpers.
"I'd like to see you at some point. If you don't mind." I smiled at nothing, just the sound of my son's voice. It was good to hear again.
"Oh... Dad, of course. I'd love to see you again. But I need to find some time. I have a big crisis going on at work and both Mike and Jenna have the flu... I'm so sorry dad." He apologised, I could hear the stress in his voice. I knew it very well.
"Oh... Well it's ok! Don't worry about it." My smile didn't fade on the outside but it did on the inside.
"But it's been good talking to you again, Dad. Goodbye." He hung up.
That moment I knew what it was like on Scott's side... You just smiled to make it seem ok... I was never there for him... Just like my dad was never there for me either.
He grew up to be just like me. We could have been so close once again and I blew it.
They grow up so fast you don't realise how much you miss. And the unfortunate thing is you can never change your past.
I had an amazing son and I blew the life.
I blew the chance.
And now he's going to have the same life as me...

(It's probably not the best but it's late and I can't be bothered)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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