Let Me Know

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Jimin woke up midday with a smile on his face, stretching as he sat up. Checking his phone, he had several messages from Yoongi.

MY: Hey, I added you on FB btw
MY: If you don't accept I'm not gonna release this song I wrote about you.
MY: Just kidding I will
MY: I just won't tell you which one it is...

Jimin actually giggled and went to Facebook to accept his friend request, brushing his teeth before hopping in the shower and getting changed shortly after. donning a black jumper and letting his clean washed hair dry, it began to look fluffy. Jimin rubbed scar lotion onto his cheeks, a new ritual of his now that he could afford it. The sooner they were gone the better he could feel, his acne scars made him self-conscious. He took a selfie in his kitchen and uploaded it as a profile picture, for now, it will do. He added several old friends and his little brother on Facebook before posting a status announcing he had a phone, shortly after there was a knock at his door. 

After checking the peephole he opened the door but kept the room behind him hidden, "Seokjin Hyung!"
"Jimin!" Seokjin beamed, thrusting a sandwich into Jimin's arms. "eat." He ordered.
"Thank you Hyung, let me just get my things and we can leave." Jimin gave his elder a sincere smile. Jimin grabbed his keys and wallet, slipped on his shoes and left.

Seokjin was quite talkative, it was quite relaxing to Jimin. "I added you on Facebook, I was surprised to see you get a phone so soon."
Jimin blushed, "it was actually a gift from a customer at work, they wouldn't let me refuse. That's actually been happening a lot lately, I don't really know what to do about it because I don't want to disrespect anyone."
Seokjin laughed, "enjoy it while you can, you know I spent three years talking about this rice cooker i wanted and in the end, Namjoon only bought it because our one broke and it was on sale."
Jimin tried to stifle his laughter, "oh my god."
"So did you decide on a hair colour?" He smiled.
Jimin nodded, "I think red would be cool." He grinned with excitement, "I've never dyed my hair before."
Seokjin nodded with agreement, "red would look nice." They cut through a small park, "did Hoseok look after you?"
Jimin nodded, fighting the rising temperature in his cheeks, "he has a very nice home."
Jin smiled, "his home is very clean. I helped him decorate!" He looked proud of himself, patting his cheek. They made small talk until they arrived at the Hairdresser's, letting them know what they wanted and settling into the chairs. Jimin checked his Facebook to find his friend Taeyung was still as friendly as ever, they attended high school together in Busan despite him being from Daegu. He missed his friend dearly and responded to his comment. The one from Yoongi looked almost menacing but he risked it and messaged him.

PJ: Hey (^.^)
MY: Are you going to send me pictures of your hair today before you go to work?
PJ: If you want to see them then yes!
PJ: I will probably put them on FB too though
MY: I was hoping for some pictures like the ones you sent last night... -_-
PJ: Ohhhhhh! Well I'm going round KS's apartment after this and he is dropping me off at work.
PJ: I don't think it would be appropriate... (\*.*/)
MY: Like he would care...
MY: He would be enjoying the show.
PJ: Sorry hyung.
PJ: Message you after work!
---ParkJimin is offline---

Two hours later he was at Seokjin and Namjoon's Apartment, lining his eyes and adding a small amount of dark red eyeshadow to his eyelids. Seokjin smiled as he watched him get ready, "you know the more handsome you become the more you will make Taemin worried." He let a slight chuckle pulse through his chest.
"Why would he get worried?" Jimin turned away from the mirror and gave him a quizzical look.
Seokjin gave him an accusing squint, "Jimin you must be aware of how handsome you are. It's glaringly obvious, your body is toned and small. Taemin looks like a six standing next to you." Seokjin laughed and then stopped, "I'm excluded from this by the way. I'm very handsome!" He smiled smugly and gently patted his own cheek.
Jimin giggled and nodded his agreement, "Hyung you are both very handsome. I don't think I will affect his tips, I just want to do a good job and look my best."
Seokjin smiled at the compliment, "Jimin you are a very sweet boy." He stood to make another coffee before they left to drop Jimin off at work. "You need to come around again and try my shrimps soon!" He said with excitement.
Jimin nodded, "I will take you up on that Hyung." He said as he finished getting ready, "I wonder if people will like my hair?"
Seokjin scoffed, "of course they won't like it, they will love it!" He laughed, "red suits you Jimin. But promise me you will dye your hair pink one day!"
Jimin nodded, "that was actually one of the colours I was considering."
That information cause Seokjin to make an amused sound as he took several gulps of his coffee, Jimin pulled joggers over his short dungarees and grabbed the rest of his belongings. Checking his phone as they were leaving he noticed he had a message from Yoongi but it was a picture message, he didn't want to open it as he got into the car. Considering what they had just been talking about, he locked his phone and ignored it.
"Hyung, can we meet up next week?" He asked as they began to drive towards the centre of Gangnam.
Seokjin shook his head, "I'm sorry Jimin but I'm visiting family next week. Namjoon will spend time with you, just don't let him cook anything. Don't even let him make a coffee."
Jimin smiled at that, "is he really that bad?"
Seokjin pinched his nose as they stopped at a red light, "that man can mince a chicken with a carving knife and I honestly have no idea how." He accelerated as the light turned green, "however. He is my best friend, so I put up with all of the minced chickens and broken plates. The spilled soup and the smashed glasses. Because that's just who he is, Hoseok calls him the god of destruction. I tend to just call him a fool." Seokjin smiled warmly, "but he is my fool."
Jimin smiled too, "I didn't realise you were a couple."
Seokjin looked alarmed, "gosh no!" He coughed, "there have been uh times but that's..." He trailed off, forgetting his point, "we aren't a couple."
Jimin felt bad for saying that now, "my mistake Hyung, I'm sorry."
Seokjin shook his head, "it's okay little Jimin, Yoongi tends to call us an old married couple anyway. But that's just because he is a disobedient child." He laughed.
Jimin smiled, realising that their group was a family of sorts. He then noticed how badly he wanted to fit in with that group, hoping there was room for another.

Late into the night Jimin was enjoying himself, his coworkers loved his hair and based on his tips the customers did too. He had a moment of privacy in the staff room so he checked the message from Yoongi, he stared at it. Grateful that he didn't open it in Seokjin's car. The picture was from a high angle and Yoongi was shirtless, his usual cocky smirk painted on his face as his spare hand gripped a lump in his boxers. Jimin closed the app, overcome with a maroon tint. Putting his phone away in his pocket as he cleaned up as went back to the bar to clear his head, smiling awkwardly at Taemin as he approached. Spending the next couple of hours thinking about how to respond to such a picture, he wondered how he could say what he truly wanted to see from Yoongi too. He was too shy to just ask.

The end of the shift came sooner than expected and Jimin was gushing over his tips, he sat at home counting and dividing it into certain amounts for bills and food. His phone buzzed, it was Yoongi again.

MY: I don't want to assume things so I will just ask
MY: Is my forward nature making you uncomfortable
PJ: No no its not that!
PJ: Honestly I'm not in the right place for a relationship.
MY: I know
MY: You are in Seongnam
MY: It's never been a good place to start a relationship

Jimin stopped texting for a moment to laugh at his sassy hyung, if he doesn't want a relationship then it couldn't hurt to indulge. Feeling confident he removed his clothes as he walked into his bathroom, propping the phone on the edge of the sink. Rubbing himself to look a little better, stopping when he was satisfied with his lower region. He flashed a smirk and pressed send, pulling his boxers back on and chewing his lip nervously. But soon there was a reply.

MY: I live in the apartment above Hoseok
MY: You can come round when you are next free
MY: and once again...
PJ: You live above him?
PJ: Take that as a solid yes
PJ: Talk tomorrow when you are less broken (^~^)
---ParkJimin is offline---

Nearly a week passed of him contemplating Hoseok and Yoongi, Jimin had explained he wasn't ready for a relationship. He didn't even have a cooker yet! He was hoping to settle down properly, though the attention he was recieving was a huge boost to his confidence. Not enough to prevent his shy nature, but enough for him to dress more like the others at work. Yoongi would surprise him with the occasional picture and Hoseok would send him sweet messages, though they had both noticed he had distanced himself. He even backed out of going to the studio today, his only day off and he was spending his Monday thinking about things that shouldn't be so trivial. Rationalising everything in a mature way, they both knew how he felt. Surely feeling guilty for giving in to pleasure is unnecessary? Jimin bit his lip, scrolling through his messages with Yoongi. He stopped when he saw the message from a week ago, swallowing audibly he stood up from his mat. Putting his converse on and grabbing his keys as he left.

The walk was long and went by slowly, he passed people heading home after a long day at work, stopping into a small shop to get a drink. Stopping outside the studio for a moment after the two hours of walking, he heard excited shouts from Hoseok. Tempted to walk in for a little bit, but that wasn't what he came here for. He inhaled sharply and continued walking, he rounded the corner and turned down the alleyway. Walking slowly up the metal stairs, passing by Hoseok's door. Climbing the second set of stairs to stop outside a dark brown door, he nervously pulled his phone out.

PJ: Hello Hyung! (^.^)
MY: Hello Jiminie
PJ: Jiminie? 
MY: Problem?
PJ: No no, i've just never had a nickname before (o.o)
MY: How was your day?
PJ: Oh okay thanks, feeling dumb for missing out on dancing again but i will be going next week for sure!
MY: I didn't go today either
MY: Seemed kinda boring if i couldn't get your leg on my shoulder again
MY: Don't play innocent Park Jimin
MY: I have pictures that prove you are no angel
PJ: (+0.0+)
MY: Anyway, what are you doing?
PJ: I'm standing...
MY: ... Where? -_-
PJ: Outside your door.

Jimin knocked twice and the door opened quickly, Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes. Taking in the sight of the boy on his doorstep with cheeks brighter than his hair. "Come in." His eyes became dark with lust as he closed the door behind Jimin.

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