No More Dreams

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Jimin opened the double doors and waved at Seokjin and Hoseok, they both raised their eyebrows at the series of hickeys littered across his neck and chest. It made his cheeks burn, but at the same time he thought they were kinda hot. Yoongi sat next to them on the table with his arms crossed looking smug, "everyone this is my oldest best friend Taeyung and his friend Jungkook."
Everyone greeted them warmly, Jungkook watched Hoseok dance for a few seconds before he started to seem restless. "Uh how much is it to dance here?"
Jimin smiled, "I can get you a guest membership for your visit if you like?"
Taeyung suddenly flashed him an evil grin, "Jimin, you know you love m-"
"Yes I will get you one too." Jimin sighed.
Taeyung beamed as he began laughing with delight and clapping, Jimin walked towards Hoseok and they both went to the reception.
"So who is gonna tell me about Jimin's tramp stamps?" Taeyung giggled. Jungkook slapped his arm, "trust me Kookie I have said worse to his face. He has also said worse to me."
"I don't know where the hickeys came from but I hope Jimin was careful." Seokjin shot a concerned look towards the reception.
Yoongi snorted as Namjoon turned red, "I'm sure he was."
Seokjin saw the behaviour and pinched Namjoon's ear, "What did you do Kim Namjoon!?" He almost shouted, "that poor innocent boy!"
Namjoon's neck receded into his body, "it was Yoongi!" He called out.
Seokjin snapped to the mint green hair to the left of Namjoon, "Yoongi, office now."
He rolled his eyes, "Why?"
"Because it's easier to get away with homicide if there are no witnesses, now move your ass!" Seokjin turned red in the face and Yoongi moved fast, he wasn't dumb enough to cross Seokjin.
Namjoon scrolled through his phone while Jungkook was wide eyed, "welcome to the family kids."

Hoseok seemed off today, he looked tired and Jimin tried to ask him about it. But he was just reassured with the same old 'I'm fine' lie, the heated argument in the office adding to the tension.
They returned to the dance room after Jimin paid for them, giving them a thumbs up.
Taeyung pointed at Jimin's neck, "someone has been getting some sugar!"
Jimin turned bright red and Namjoon choked on his lollipop, "if only you knew about our stage name ideas."
Hoseok gave them a sour look and went back to dancing, Jimin sat down next to Taeyung. "So come on Chim Chim, tell us the story of the tramp stamps. Well are you dating him? Have you gotten over Chanyeol?"
Jimin looked like a deer in the headlights, "I'm not dating anyone. I am not even close to being ready for that, but I am over him. I'm also glad he has moved on too, he hasn't tried to find me." Jimin bit his lip nervously.
Taeyung giggled, "so for now you are hoeing."
Jimin smacked his arm the same time as Jungkook did, "Says the guy who got kicked out of Daegu private school for seducing three teachers in the same month!"
Taeyung smirked, "Hey I aced the extra curricular activities, not to mention all of my physical exams!"
Yoongi walked back in with his eyebrows raised at Taeyung, Seokjin was no different. "Wait is this hoe accusing Jimin of being a Hoe?" Everyone except Taeyung nodded, Yoongi smirked. "At least Jimin doesn't sleep under the aids memorial blanket every night kid."
Jungkook, Jimin and Taeyung looked up at Yoongi in shock. Namjoon cackled, "Gentlemen I present the return of savage Yoongi Hyung." Yoongi just winked at Jimin and sat next to Namjoon, "A class roast Hyung!" Namjoon fist bumped Yoongi.
Seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at his watch, "listen I have to go if I want to beat the rush hour traffic. When I get back from my parents I want everyone in one piece unharmed. If I hear you lot have decided to be assholes while I'm gone then I will cancel my trip and run back here so fast you won't know what hit you!" Seokjin smiled as he spoke but it seemed forced.
Namjoon got up to hug him, "drive safe princess." He placed a kiss on his cheek.
Yoongi and Hoseok waved, Seokjin hugged Jimin. "You may have to keep an eye on Namjoon, I want him to eat well." He whispered before standing up and leaving the studio.
Hoseok stopped dancing, "anyone going to take this opportunity to order a sharing platter of food that we can actually share for once?"
Namjoon had his phone to his ear, "doing it now."
Yoongi smirked, "this time it won't get hijacked."
Jimin smiled and stood up to dance with Hoseok, Taeyung looked at Namjoon and Yoongi. "Are you two going to dance with us too?"
Yoongi looked offended as he slumped against the wall, "we don't dance. We rap."
Namjoon nodded, "Seokjin Hyung sings." He then began ordering food for everyone.
Jungkook smiled, "I sing too!"
Taeyung grinned, "does Jimin sing with you guys?"
Yoongi looked up suddenly, "Jimin can sing?"
"Yeah, he was in choir with me and Jungkook in our final years of school." Taeyung smiled looking over at his friend, "he got a few solos too."
Yoongi's mouth was open, Namjoon watched Jimin curiously. "Interesting."

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