Fun Boys

129 11 4

The group wandered in through the entrance of the club via the fast lane, their names were always on the list due to being friends with the staff. Having friends really paid off, Yoongi elbowed Hoseok. "So are you just gonna sit in one place and drink like you normally do?"
"No." Hoseok looked offended, "I'm actually going to try and score tonight, I mean look at me."
Yoongi couldn't deny that hoseok actually looked good tonight. His brown hair was parted, he wore a slim fitting black top and tight leather pants. "Well if you ever had a decent chance at grabbing someone, tonight would be the night."
Hoseok grinned as they sat down at their usual table, waving at Jimin who walked over with a smile. He wore black short dungarees that exposed half of his thighs, only a small tank top underneath it covered his chest. His cute name tag clipped to the denim strap on the left side, his hair was styled up with wax. Making him look far from innocent, despite his sweet smile.

"Jimin Hyung you look hot!" Jungkook said, impressed with how well Jimin cleans up.
Yoongi nodded, "You know you're welcome to stay at my place tonight."
Jimin blushed, "Guys stop! What drinks are you having?"
Namjoon smiled, showing off his dimples. "two beers, Whiskey and an Amarula Sunset."
"Namjoon, Seokjin Hyung isn't here." Yoongi interrupted.
Namjoon looked around and a slight look of sadness was visible on his face, "cancel the Amarula Sunset."
Taehyung stepped in, "I'll have a Prosecco and Jungkook will have a Cider."
Jimin nodded and left with a smile, Yoongi gave Namjoon a comforting pat on the back. "He'll be back tomorrow bro, don't worry about it."
Taehyung noticed how much he missed Seokjin, He would probably be the same with Kookie if they spent more than a few hours apart. 
Hoseok stood up, "I'm going to get lucky!" He grinned and danced away.
"He never gets lucky, He's lying." Namjoon laughed.
Yoongi leant in, "So Taehyung and Jungkook were both in the choir with Jimin?"
Namjoon nodded, "They won't sing for me though."
Taehyung shrugged, "My voice is nothing special."
"His voice is amazing, he is just being annoyingly modest." Jungkook rolled his eyes as Jimin returned with the car machine.
Yoongi watched Namjoon pay for the first round, "Jimin!?"
Jimin looked up as the receipt was printing, "Yeah?"
"TaeTae's voice, is it good?" Yoongi had to raise his own voice a little to be heard.
Jimin nodded, "His voice is amazing, it always has been. Jungkook sings well too!" He smiled and gave Namjoon the receipt, walking away to get their drinks.
Namjoon looked at Yoongi who nodded, "Okay how would you guys like to join our group?"
Yoongi nodded, "having four vocalists will balance out the rapping."
Taehyung spoke up, "Jungkook can rap."
Yoongi blinked, "Wait so the kid can sing, dance and rap!?"
Namjoon laughed, "He isn't just any maknae, he is a golden maknae."
Jungkook seemed pleased with the title, "Golden by name, Golden by nature."
Taehyung smiled at him but looked down at his hands when their sights met, Jimin drew his attention away when he gently set down a tray of drinks. "Where's Hoseok?"
"Attempting and failing to get laid." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
Jimin laughed and picked the empty tray off the table before returning to his job, Taehyung noticed Jungkook checking Jimin out and it made him frustrated.

Hoseok bumped into a guy on the corner of the dance floor and spilt his drink on the floor, "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" Hoseok was immediately apologetic, "I can buy you another one!"
The man was tall, around six foot and smiled warmly. "I'd rather buy you a drink." 
Hoseok became bashful instantly at this smooth operator, feeling the man's hand sit on his lower back. "Oh, Uh okay then. How can you look so happy after having your drink nearly dropped on your nice suit?" Hoseok said with a confused smile.
"No matter what happens to me, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot." The man smiled to prove his point.
Hoseok instantly liked him, he was a ball of positivity and charm. "Can I give you my number?"
"I was hoping you would." The man grinned and handed his phone over.
Hoseok tapped his number into the phone, "My name is Hoseok. I'm 23."
"I'm 24, and you can call me your prince charming." He gave Hoseok a kiss on the cheek which took him by surprise, "What drink are you having?"
"Uh just a beer thank you." Hoseok handed back his flashy phone and stared at the beautiful man, dumbfounded by how perfect he seemed.
"Onew," The man called over to the bartender who was wiping a table nearby, "One for me and a beer, on my tab." Onew nodded and went to get their drinks.
"Do you come here a lot then?" Hoseok asked, curious.
He nodded, "I usually keep to myself. I like to watch from afar and if any one or thing tickles my fancy then I will quietly sweep them off their feet." 
That made Hoseok blush even more, "Are you sweeping me off my feet?" He smiled as Onew returned with their drinks.
"I'm sure you know the answer to that question, but the night is young. If you need me to show you more then I can certainly fit you into my evening plans," He had a smug smile that made Hoseok melt.
"I'm just going to go and tell my friends I suddenly don't care about them." Hoseok smiled.
The man nodded and drank his whiskey as he watched Hoseok disappear into the crowd.

Jungkook rolled his eyes for the third time as Taehyung avoided eye contact, he slid under the table and came out the other side. Quickly picking up his cider and downing it, "I'm off for a dance. Alone." He emphasised the last word, looking at Taehyung as he put the empty glass down and walked away. He danced his way through the crowd, looking for someone fun. Anyone fun, until a particular behind caught his attention in a corner of the room. He slipped away from the dancing and crept up behind the red head who was wiping an empty table, "Hyung."
Jimin turned in surprise, "Kookie!" He smiled, "Where are the others?"
"They bored me." Jungkook forced a smile, then stepped closer. Running a hand along the inside of Jimin's leg.
"Jungkook I'm working." Jimin didn't stop him, but he tried to make his point heard.
"Fine," He sighed, leaning in to kiss Jimin briefly. "We can finish this some other time."

Taehyung left for the dancefloor too heading in the direction that Jungkook went, Hoseok showed up and slid his untouched beer on the table over to Namjoon. "You can have that Namjoon, I won't be staying long."
Namjoon looked suspicious, "there's no way you managed to score that fast?"
Hoseok nodded as he tried to finish the pint his Prince Charming got for him, at that point the man himself wandered over all smiles. "You must be Hoseok's friends? You look like fun boys!" He was gorgeous and Yoongi was impressed at his friend's ability to catch a guy like that. The expensive suit and the well kept red hair screamed high class, Namjoon nodded and shook his hand. "Do you want to go to my apartment or yours?"
"Yours, I don't want to disturb Yoongi Hyung." Hoseok laughed and pointed at his friend.
The man raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow, "you live together."
"No, I live in the apartment above him." Yoongi frowned, something about the guy was off. He didn't trust people that looked immaculate, no one is truly flawless. So in Yoongi's mind, if you looked flawless then you were trying very hard to hide something. "You won't disturb me anyway Hoseok, Jimin is coming round mine tonight." The man adjusted his tie subtly.
"Does Jimin know that?" Namjoon laughed.
Yoongi smirked, "He always knows that. Anyway, I'm gonna go and find him to give him a heads up."
Namjoon waved them off as Yoongi merely observed them leaving, he got out of his seat to find Jimin. 
Jimin was at the bar, "Jiminie." Yoongi called over to him.
He was met with Jimin's sweet smile, "another drink Hyung?"
Yoongi shook his head, "Walk to my place after work okay."
Jimin blushed but nodded, getting knowing looks and smirks from Taemin.

Taehyung found Jungkook dancing, he got closer with a smile. "Kookie?"
Jungkook gave him a disapproving look, "Oh so now you talk to me?"
He didn't know what to say, his train of thought was interrupted by Jungkook crashing their lips together. Taehyung loved it when he did this, poured all of his anger and frustration into lust. Jungkook pulled their bodies close together, his hand slipped between them. Creating a sweet friction against both of their growing erections, "Kookie I ca-" Taehyung was cut off by a hand going to his throat causing his eyes to roll back in his head.
"I bet you want me to fuck you right here don't you, dirty slut." Jungkook hissed in his ear, "You'd love it if they all saw you with my dick in your ass, you'd probably cum in your pants at the idea of them seeing you getting fucked on the bar."
Taehyung just whined, Jungkook was an animal when he was pissed. He didn't hold back, he made sure to exploit every kink he knew about. Teahyung was unravelling at his words, going so far as unbuttoning the front of his trousers. He wanted it bad, right where he stood. Jungkook was grateful at the size of the crowd, it was thick enough for them to probably get away with it. He pushed three fingers into Taehyung's mouth, they were greedily sucked and lubricated. Jungkook turned Taehyung around so that it looked like they were lazily grinding, slipping his dripping hand past the loose waistband and pushing two fingers into him mercilessly.
Taehyung let out a yelp as he leaned his head back on Jungkook's shoulder, "Kookie,"
Jungkook stretched him quickly, adding the third finger. "What?"
"This is so hot." Taehyung looked like he was on cloud 9 with extra morphine. 
Jungkook knew what public fucking did to him, it was like his heroin. He undid his jeans and lowered them slightly, allowing him to release his erection and slip a condom on from his back pocket. He slicked himself up with saliva and lowered Taehyung's trousers at the back, trying to be subtle as he angled himself to penetrate him. Taehyung paired the feeling of being fucked with the sight of all the people around him and he was already so close, he moaned quietly. They were thankfully drowned out by the music and concealed by the darkness of the club, Jungkook made his thrusts smart. They moved to the drumming of the music, giving the illusion of dancing. Taehyung had almost become a vegetable, he was practically drooling. Jungkook had to wrap an arm around his waist because he felt his legs begin to give out, he thrust a little harder and felt himself get closer to his climax. Taehyung moaning in his ear was making him hotter, seeing him so completely undone like this was something Jungkook loved. That's when he heard that tell-tail sound, a particular sounding moan that signalled Taehyung's orgasm. Jungkook didn't hold back after that, he was close enough to not care. He was fast and thankfully didn't draw any attention to them as he climaxed and his legs wobbled, sighing as he pulled out of Taehyung and pulling his underwear up. He slid the condom off and tied it twice before slipping it in his back pocket, he tucked his length away and zipped up his jeans. Holding Taeyung up as they returned to their table.

Namjoon raised his eyebrows as Jungkook helped Taehyung sit down, "Did you fuck in the toilets?"
"No, I don't know where the toilets are. I fucked him on the dance floor." Jungkook shrugged, "Where's the nearest bin?" He pulled the used condom from his pocket.
Namjoon pointed at the bin near the staff doors, completely shocked. Jungkook walked in the direction he pointed, "no way did they actually fuck on the dance floor." Was all Namjoon could say.

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