Blood Sweat And Tears

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The door shut quietly behind Jimin as he removed his shoes, fingers covered his eyes and pulled him backwards. The warm presence behind him was steely and dominant, lips brushed against his skin. Travelling up the side of his neck before stopping at his lobe, "Jiminie what is your favourite colour?" Yoongi's voice was so quiet but somehow still stern and demanding, it was enough to cause Jimin's lower half to stir. The question confused him, he didn't understand what that had to do with this.
"Blue." His breath was shaky, his vision was still black. He could smell Yoongi's shampoo, feel his hot breath in his ear.
"Good, if this gets too much, if you feel uncomfortable, or if you want to stop. Then just say blue and I will stop. Do you understand." Yoongi managed to keep his voice level but this time it sounded a little kinder.
"Um okay." Jimin was taken back, he was sure that Yoongi had just given him a safe word. He became incredibly nervous, he had never done anything like this before. A rush of excitement hit him as he imagined what Yoongi would do to him, tie him up maybe?

Jimin was lead carefully into a room and Yoongi removed his hands from his face to close the door behind them, Jimin opened his eyes as he heard the click and Yoongi smirked as he picked up a soft piece of black cloth. "Ah Jiminie, those eyes don't open until I say they can." He stepped forwards, placing the cloth over Jimin's eyes. Tying it at the back of his head, Yoongi took a moment to brush his thumb over Jimin's plump lips which made them part slightly. "Jimin I'm going to do things to you that will twist your mind and flip your world upside down." He pushed the tip of his thumb past Jimin's lips, his tongue instantly giving it attention as his lips automatically sealed around it. "Good boy." He spoke in a lighter tone but his face was as stern as it always was, his eyes were two black pools of desire as they watched the small Busan boy suckle at his thumb. He slowly pulled it out with a pop, the light twinkling in his eyes as he leaned closer to Jimin. "Do you trust me Jiminie?" The red head nodded slowly, causing a smirk to appear on Yoongi's face. He leaned in so his lips were millimetres away from Jimin's, he stayed there. Just hovering over a silently promised kiss, Jimin knew he was that close, he could feel his breath on his lips. It was hard to keep control of himself, he gently leaned forwards. Softly pressing his lips against Yoongi's, who indulged for a moment. Sliding his tongue across Jimin's bottom lip, earning a quiet gasp from the blindfolded boy. This gave him the chance to taste Jimin, not just his plump lips. The heat of Jimin's mouth was amplified by his breathlessness, it was causing Yoongi's jeans to become a little too tight. He pulled away slightly, biting on Jimin's lower lip. The response was a small moan, Yoongi had to palm himself a little to ease his discomfort. He slowly unclipped Jimin's belt and threw it on the other side of the bed on the floor, smirking at the slight thrust forward from his hips. Yoongi teased at the hem of Jimin's shirt, sliding the tips of his fingers underneath the edge. The tips brushing Jimin's oversensitive lower hips, he lifted the fabric over his head and discarded the top behind him. Yoongi bent low, Jimin heard sounds but wasn't sure what was happening. His internal monologue of questions were answered by a hot wet sensation travelling up the centre of his midriff, Yoongi traced a circle around Jimin's belly button which earned him a shiver. He then continued upwards at a leisurely pace, savouring every inch of Jimin. Taking in the smell of his peppermint body wash and bringing a hand up to flick each nipple, pinching them slightly before running his tongue over one. Jimin's legs were shaking, surely this was a form of torture? His breathing was loud and heavy, his hands found their way into Yoongi's mint green hair.
"Hyung!" Jimin moaned as the other nipple was given the same amount of attention. He arched his back as Yoongi's tongue finished it's ascent to his neck, he bit down. Jimin called out, Yoongi almost cracked a grin as he sucked and bit along each side of Jimin's neck. Not feeling guilty about Jimin needing some turtle necks, licking along Jimin's jawline. Yoongi couldn't imagine a part of Jimin's body he didn't want to worship, his fingers gripped his chin and opened his mouth slightly. His tongue slid inside, twisting around Jimin's as their lips connected. Jimin's hands where all over Yoongi's body, pulling at the hem of his jeans. The older man broke the kiss to slowly drop to his knees, noting the sweet whine that lingered in Jimin's throat. He slid Jimin's jeans down to his ankles, helping him step out of them and removing his socks as he did so. Yoongi's lips pressed against the side of Jimin's right knee, making Jimin jump slightly. Sucking on the skin a little before moving up a few centimetres and repeating the action, slowing as he reached Jimin's crotch. Admiring the rigid tent in his briefs, Yoongi pressed an open mouth to the bulge. Dampening the fabric as he mouthed the clothed erection, Jimin moaned loudly his head tilted back letting Yoongi see all the wonderful marks on his neck. Jimin's hands went to Yoongi's hair again in a bid to keep his balance as the older man teased his erection, before slipping the briefs down over his thighs and to the floor. The cold air on his length that was wet with saliva made him gasp, "you make such great sounds Jimin, so responsive." Yoongi smirked as he slid his tongue from the base to the tip of Jimin's member, earning another loud moan. Flicking his tongue out in rapid succession back to the base he heard a choked sound from Jimin.
"Oh my god Hyung." He was doubled over, his legs shaking as Yoongi showed off his impressive skill. The older man held him still at the hips as the tip of Jimin's length slid into wet heat, Yoongi slid his tongue along the slit and around the head. Jimin felt so close already, his legs trembled as his knees threatened to give out. Yoongi noticed it and stopped, guiding Jimin to the bed so he could lay down. "How?" Jimin breathed, "how do you do that."
Yoongi smirked leaning down to whisper in his ear, "tongue technology." He made his point by licking along the shell of Jimin's ear. Jimin groaned quietly, "fuck."
"If you insist." Yoongi suppressed a grin. He made quick work of removing his shirt, boxer briefs and jeans, Jimin reacting to every noise. Biting his lip at the sound of fabric falling to the floor, keening as he heard Yoongi walk around the bed to the other side. Yoongi crouched to open the small wicker chest that was next to his drawers, opening and pulling out some fluffy white handcuffs. Putting the chain in between his teeth he gently guided Jimin's arms above him toward the top of the bed frame, helping his fingers find the bars. "Hold onto this for a moment." Yoongi ordered, Jimin was quick to obey as he found his grip around the cold white bars. Yoongi then slipped the cuffs through the bars and in one quick movement, clicked them onto Jimin's wrists. Making Jimin jump.
"Hyung?" He sounded nervous.
"If you want me to remove the handcuffs, Jimin, then I will. I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with." Yoongi's voice was monotone but his words were sincere. This relaxed Jimin and he shook his head, pulling sightly at the cuffs to get used to the feeling. Yoongi returned to his chest to retrieve a bottle of lube, "Jimin?" He tilted his head as he coated his fingers in the sweet smelling liquid.
"Hyung?" Jimin tilted his head towards the sound of his voice.
"Just tonight, can you be only mine?" His voice was low.
Jimin's length twitched, "yes."
Yoongi's eyes darkened, "who do you belong to?"
"You." Jimin was breathless just from hearing himself say it.
Yoongi's own member stirred, "good." He leaned over, lifting Jimin's leg with his dry hand. Jimin felt so exposed, he breathed loudly as both of his legs were pushed up to his chest. Yoongi traced the circle of muscles around Jimin's entrance, causing a breathy moan to fill the room. Yoongi slowly pushed a finger in, keeping an eye on Jimin's reactions. He made slow circular movements and curled his finger, Jimin's head moved backwards. His neck strained as a loud satisfied hum travelled through his throat, this made Yoongi smirk. He began littering kisses all over Jimin's thighs in front of him, making sure he put extra care into stretching him. Yoongi couldn't be careless with Jimin being so tight, that would be inconsiderate of him. "These thighs are mine," he whispered against the skin he was kissing, Jimin let out a small whine. He added a second finger and Jimin fought back another moan, he could feel every tiny sensation. The hypersensitivity was either an effect of the blindfold, or of Yoongi. "Jimin, do you like it when I run my tongue all over your body?" Yoongi gave the blindfolded boy a dark smile, only a nod and a loud gulp followed. "Do you want me to fuck you slowly?" He tilted his head with the question as he scissored his fingers.
"Hyung!" Jimin was becoming so heated over the dirty talk.
"Or would you prefer it if I punished you with my cock?" Yoongi smirked as Jimin let out a loud whine. "I want to hear you moaning my name Jiminie." He pressed a kiss to Jimin's rear cheek, sliding a third finger in. "Do you want me to show you more of my tongue technology?" Yoongi looked cocky as he leaned down, his breath flowing over Jimin's erection. Jimin nodded frantically, desperate for more. He got a good rhythm with his fingers before flicking his tongue along the length of Jimin's shaft and slipping the head into his mouth, popping it out and repeating what he did in reverse. Jimin's moans went up three octaves, becoming high enough to make Yoongi moan as he sucked on the base. Pushing a fourth finger in, Yoongi let his tongue trail all the way up to the slit that was dripping white beads of semen, "Jimin you taste so good." He straightened his back as he admired the sight of Jimin panting beneath him.
"Hyung?" Jimin said quietly.
Yoongi tilted his head, "yes Jimin?"
"The cuffs are making my shoulder hurt." Jimin didn't want to bring it up in case he ruined the mood, but the pain was becoming an issue.
Yoongi nodded, "okay I'll take them off." He removed his fingers from Jimin, standing up to get the keys. He leaned over and unlocked them, Jimin's arms went straight to his sides. "Thank you for letting me know Jimin." Yoongi leaned in close and pressed a soft kiss to Jimin's lips. He returned to the other end of the bed to put a condom on and began coating his length, making sure it was lubricated enough. He knelt close to Jimin, pressing his member against his entrance as gently as he could. Leaning over to place a kiss on Jimin's flushed chest, "are you ready?" Jimin nodded. He slid in slowly and let out a groan as Jimin's tight heat enveloped him, Jimin gasped. Yoongi stayed there in that moment, dipping to kiss as much of Jimin's chest as he could. "You can remove the blindfold Jimin." He whispered the words.
Jimin suddenly felt self conscious, he knew the light was on. He didn't know if he had the confidence to take the fabric off, "do I have to?"
Yoongi tilted his head, "no. But I would like you to watch me fuck you."
Jimin turned crimson, Yoongi was so blunt with his words. He gave in and removed the blindfold, blinking several times as his eyes got used to the light. His legs wrapped around Yoongi's waist, Jimin's eyes focused and he nearly moaned when he saw Yoongi looming over him. Deep inside him, giving him a hard stare. He honestly couldn't process fully how lustful Yoongi made him feel, the older man began to move his hips slowly. Pulling out almost all the way before sliding back in at the same pace, Jimin covered his face with his arm as he moaned. Yoongi noticed, figuring out pretty quickly that Jimin was a lights off kind of guy. He moved Jimin's arm and seized his lips, slightly increasing the pace of his thrusts. Jimin moaned into the kiss a little and Yoongi opened his eyes to see the expression on Jimin's face, it was bliss. He pulled away and pinned Jimin's wrists to either side of him, making the Busan boy open his eyes. "I want to see your face Jimin." He punctuated his sentence with a sharp thrust as he angled his hips to the right, Jimin arched his back and yelled. Yoongi watched Jimin's eyes roll back as he continued hitting that same spot, hoping to wake the entire building up with Jimin's moans. Yoongi could tell that Jimin was close, he was hoping he could hold on a little longer but his dick made other plans. His body shuddered as he moaned through his orgasm, "fuck Jimin." He breathed. His hand went to Jimin's neglected erection, massaging it in time with Yoongi's thrusts. Jimin bit his lip as a high pitched whine sprang from his throat, "Jimin say my name."
Jimin closed his eyes, bracing himself as he hit his orgasm, "Yoongi Hyung!" It was so loud that Yoongi was sure everyone was awake now, he pulled out. Tying the condom in a knot and throwing it in the small waste basket, he grabbed a wet wipe from the packet in his chest and cleaned up Jimin as the boy struggled to get his breathing under control. After cleaning up he went to his kitchen and poured two glasses of milk, placing a straw in one and returning to the bedroom. He put one on the table beside the bed, sitting next to Jimin's exhausted form he helped him sit up.
"Drink this. Your throat will be dry from all that moaning." Yoongi smirked. Jimin blushed but didn't protest as he sipped the cold liquid from the straw, it felt good. "I will get the shower warmed up and we can clean up properly." Jimin nodded as he drank his milk, Yoongi downed his milk quickly. Giving a small satisfied gasp as he finished the cold drink, wiping his lips with his arm. He wandered off to the bathroom, Jimin slowly stood. His legs felt like jelly, he finally noticed that Yoongi's bed was on the opposite side of the room to Hoseok's. This made him curious and he opened the bedroom door to get get a proper look at the living room, it was dark. Almost everything was black or grey, notepads cluttered the coffee table. CDs filled a huge shelf that was in front of the window, the curtains were black too. It was a huge contrast from Hoseok's place, if he was the sunshine of the group then Yoongi must be the storm.

Jimin woke to the sound of his phone, he sat up in Yoongi's bed. Looking around quickly before seeing that Yoongi had put his phone on charge for him overnight, he smiled as he unplugged his phone. Work was calling him, "hello?" He answered.
"Hey Jimin, we are renovating the bar for the next few days so you can have a short paid holiday if you like?" Taemin sounded excited about the renovations.
Jimin smiled, "are you sure you won't need me in for anything?"
"If I need you at all I can ring you, but to be honest. I am only going in today because I'm nosy and want to see the new plans. Builders are everywhere."
Jimin laughed lightly, "okay thank you for letting me know Hyung."

After their conversation he saw that he had a message from his friend Taehyung.

PJ: Haha good for you TaeTae
KT: I'm in Seoul
PJ: Wait. What?
KT: Me in Seoul. Me come to see you.
KT: You understand?
PJ: Oh my god! Where are you?
KT: A subway in Gangnam
KT: With my friend
PJ: I was about to ask how the hell you made it all this way alone.
PJ: I'm on the outskirts of Gangnam here I'll send you the address of the studio I'm heading to.

He sent the address and went to the bathroom, Yoongi woke when he heard the bedroom door click. Sitting up he groaned at the prospect of not sleeping, forcing himself to stand. He wandered to the kitchen naked, checking the dryer and pulling Jimin's clothes out. Folding them and placing them on the bed, "Jimin you can use my toothbrush after you have had breakfast." He called out as he passed the bathroom door, he then pulled a bowl out and made cereal for Jimin.
Jimin came out of the bathroom, blushing at the fact that they were both nude. "Thank you Hyung."
The bowl was pushed near Jimin, "Your clothes have been cleaned, they are on the bed." Yoongi took a bite from an apple before deciding he didn't have an appetite and tossed it in the trash.
Jimin looked shocked at the level of hospitality, he ate his cereal when knocking disturbed the silence. Yoongi rolled his eyes and traipsed to the front door, checking the peephole.

He opened the door and Namjoon turned away, "Hyung please cover yourself."
Yoongi shrugged, "fine." He wandered back inside, "Jimin, Cover yourself. Namjoon is here." Jimin nodded and sped for the bedroom just before Namjoon wandered in, Yoongi grabbed boxers from the dryer and slid them on. "So why are you bothering me?"
"I want you to come down to the studio, I have this concept I think you will like. It's called cypher." Namjoon smiled.
Yoongi nodded, "alright I'm down." He pulled some random items of clothing on as Jimin came out of the bedroom blushing bright red.
"Hello Hyung." Jimin did his best to hide his neck with the tank top but failed.
Namjoon smirked, "hello Jimin. Are you getting ready for work?"
Jimin shook his head, "I have a few days off and my friend is visiting so i was thinking of bringing them to the studio."
He nodded, "sounds like a plan."

Soon enough Jimin was waiting outside Hoseok's studio, minutes passed before he heard. "CHIM CHIM!" looking up he saw orange haired Kim Taehyung charging down the street towards him, his friend behind him.
Jimin smiled, "TaeTae! I missed you!" He was pulled into one of Taehyung's famous bear hugs. Jimin pulled away to give the other boy acknowledgement, "I think I went to school with you?"
The boy nodded, his bouncy hair had pink highlights. "I'm from Busan, I was two years below you."
Taehyung grinned, "this is Jeon Jungkook. I call him Kookie!" He hugged Jungkook.
Jimin smiled, "Taehyung your watch is a bit flashy!?"
Taehyung immediately held it closer to Jimin's face, "it's Gucci! I saved up for it when I first got my job."
Jungkook rolled his eyes, "we saved up for it."
Taehyung nodded, "he helped!"
Jimin's heart felt so warm, seeing his oldest friend after so long was the best gift. He shed blood, sweat and tears to get this far. Seeing Taehyung felt like the reward he deserved.

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