Give It To Me

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Namjoon had left the studio six minutes ago to grab lunch for everyone, the silence in the office was suffocating. Despite the music from the practice room thumping through the walls, Jungkook seemed happy to be left alone to his own devices.
Yoongi was smirking at Hoseok, "was the piercing honestly an impulse buy?"
Hoseok glared at him, "yes."
Yoongi grinned, "then how come you got it two days after you hear me fuck him into my mattress?"
Hoseok looked almost disgusted, "I didn't get it for that." He rolled his eyes, "I don't care who you fuck."
Yoongi stopped writing for a moment, "you honestly think I'm dumb enough to believe that Jung Hoseok got a tongue piercing because he thought it would look nice?" He scoffed, "Bitch please. I know you too well. You have been off with me ever since I fucked Jimin, which confuses me. Seeing as how you fucked him first anyway."
Hoseok winced slightly, "we didn't have sex."
Yoongi looked up wide eyed, "I thought you did. The noises-"
"Jimin is just loud in general." Hoseok was done with the conversation waving away any sort of response.
Yoongi watched him, "so the piercing is over compensation? You can't fuck but you can suck?"
Hoseok threw his pen at Yoongi, "what I do in my private life has nothing to do with you!" He was furious.
"Except it is to do with me because we share a floor. Throwing shit at me isn't going to make your sex life better." Yoongi daringly chuckled.
Hoseok was almost turning red, "my sex life is fine without your twisted advice you piece of shit!" He was on his feet now.
Yoongi stood in front of him, "really? Name the last person you had sex with." He was squaring up.
Hoseok was caught off guard, his hesitation was a huge lump in his throat. No verbal response came as he shoved Yoongi into the filing cabinet behind him, trying to pin him there.
Yoongi refused to show any sign of him being in pain, he simply laughed. "Not one name Hoseok!? I guess it's worse than I thought huh?" Hoseok slapped him, "slightly unnecessary reaction..." He blinked a little, "you are actually hot when you are angry."
Hoseok blinked at him, confused. Compliments were rare out of Yoongi's mouth so he didn't know what to do, he felt like time just stopped. What the hell was Yoongi doing? What was he saying?
Yoongi's hand gripped the side of his neck and pulled him forwards, Hoseok widened his eyes as their lips connected. He pushed Yoongi back, "are you fucking crazy!?"
Yoongi smirked, "not as crazy as the dumb virgin with a warehouse full of missed opportunities."
Hoseok got angry again, "fuck you."
Yoongi winked, "if you insist."
Hoseok was pulled back into the kiss, it was rough and he felt nails on his skin. He was still so angry but at the same time it felt so good, he pulled at Yoongi's hair. Trying to balance out his anger and lust, Yoongi grunted into the kiss as their lips both parted to allow their tongues to meet. Hoseok's fingers trailed from Yoongi's hair to his neck, his nails dug in slightly.
Yoongi's hands grabbed at Hoseok's hips, pulling him closer. Letting their clothed erections rut against each other, the friction making a moan rise in Hoseok's throat. Yoongi's hips worked against the others, grinding harshly. Creating a friction that was almost crippling, Hoseok released Yoongi's lips to let out a small moan and bury his head in the crook of Yoongi's neck.
"I bet you'd love it if I fucked you right here," Yoongi's voice was low and gravelly, his accent thicker. Hoseok replied with his teeth, latching on to the skin on Yoongi's neck. Letting out a low hum and grinding his hips harder, Yoongi smirked. "I'd bend you over the desk, fuck you so hard Jungkook would be able to hear you scream for my dick." Hoseok bit a little harder, "I wonder what turns the little virgin on, maybe you're vanilla? A blank slate?" He kept talking low, enjoying the effect it was having on his friend.
Hoseok released the skin between his teeth, "I like cum, I'm not vanilla." His voice was breathy.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "in what way? Tasting?"
Hoseok shrugged, finding it difficult to respond from the friction. "Just cum in general, it's hot."
Yoongi nodded, "you wanna cum on my face?"
Hoseok's eyes widened, "are you serious?"
"No Hoseok I'm a clown today and this is my main performance, of course I'm serious. You're really hot right now and nothing turns me on more than seeing a hot guy get off because of me."
Hoseok pulled away slightly, pushing on Yoongi's shoulders. Watching him go to his knees and open the fly on his jeans, Hoseok pulled his waistband down low and freed his erection. Yoongi's mouth was around it in an instant, Hoseok leant against the filing cabinet to steady himself. Yoongi's tongue was already pushing him to the edge of reason, how he was doing this was a mystery but Hoseok didn't want to question it. He ruffled Yoongi's hair, "Hyung I-"
Yoongi pulled off but continued to work his member with his hands, he was looking up. Making direct eye contact, his mouth open. "Give it to me."
Hoseok saw his tongue flick out and he licked the underneath of the tip, he doubled over and watched as thin lines of semen painted their way all over Yoongi's face.
The door opened and Namjoon stared wide eyed before quickly leaving, shutting the door behind him.
Hoseok turned bright red, "oh god."
"I mean if you think so then I won't disagree, I try my best." Yoongi did his best to smirk through a pearly white mask. Hoseok rolled his eyes and tucked himself back into his shorts, Yoongi stood and grabbed a large fistful of tissues from the desk.
"Hyung there is some in your hair..." Hoseok looked worried, Yoongi simply shrugged and handed him a tissue to help. Hoseok rubbed at the spot with the tissue before getting the bits on his face, Yoongi fastened did up the fly on his jeans.
"That can wait until tonight." He sighed as he pulled the zip up.
Hoseok looked at him, "what do you mean?"
"I'm gonna fuck you tonight so conserve your energy." He said it so nonchalantly as he left the office that Hoseok was almost certain for a second that he had misheard him.
"Wait!" Hoseok chucked the tissue in the bin, following him out of the office. "Did you just say you were gonna-" Hoseok stopped mid sentence as Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook looked at him.
Suga turned to him, "yes I did."
Namjoon pointed at their lunch he had put on the desk, "Not that you'd be hungry Yoongi Hyung, but I got your wrap."
Yoongi smirked and sat on the desk, digging into his lunch, "thanks."
Hoseok was still bright red, silently eating his sandwich.
"Do you guys want to see what we got!?" Taehyung held up shopping bags.
Jimin shook his head, "no we don't need to show them TaeTae."
Taehyung flashed him an evil grin, "he has new work clothes."
Everyone looked up apart from Jungkook who was sat in the chair behind the desk, spinning his fidget spinner contentedly. Namjoon looked interested, "but you always show us your new work outfits."
Jungkook looked up, "where do you even work?"
Taehyung smiled, "the gay bar in the centre of Gangnam."
Jungkook was suddenly interested in Jimin's new purchases, "show us what you bought."
"Chim Chim go put the first outfit on!" Taehyung giggled with excitement, "I helped pick these."
Jimin wanted to protest but everyone was staring at him as they ate, he reluctantly grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom.
Namjoon swallowed a mouth full of pasta, "so how long have you and Jungkook been together?"
It was Jungkook's turn to blush bright scarlet, his eyes slightly wide as he looked at Taehyung for help.
"We aren't in a relationship, that's not really my thing." Taehyung shrugged.
Jungkook tried to smile through the pain in his chest, looking back down at his fidget spinner.
Namjoon looked slightly surprised, "oh sorry I shouldn't have assumed."
Taehyung shook his head, "it's fine, most people think we are a couple anyway. We are both happy just being best friends."
Jungkook wanted the floor to swallow him up so he didn't have to hear anymore of the conversation, thankfully the bathroom door opening ended the conversation.
Jimin's cheeks were crimson as he timidly stepped out in a grey ripped tank top and blood red latex pants, they hugged the muscles on his legs. Yoongi choked on his wrap, Namjoon eyed the choker with a smirk.
"That's a little thick for a choker?" He leaned to get a closer look at the buckle part.
Taehyung wandered over, "it's not a choker, he is just wearing it wrong." Twisting the leather around he revealed the front had a silver ring hanging from it, "it's a collar. I thought it would look good on him." Taehyung beamed with pride at his fashion choices.
The front door opened and Taemin walked in, he stared at Jimin. "You really want to steal all of my tips don't you?" He looked Jimin up and down, admiring the way his pert behind stood out in the red latex. His thighs were thick and everyone could see his muscle lines through the material, Yoongi licked his lips as he stared. Hoseok bit his lip, reliving that night they spent together.
Jungkook even stared, "fuck Jimin."
Taehyung giggled, "I'm sure Jimin wouldn't mind if you did!" He nudged Jimin's side with his elbow, "can I watch?"
Jimin looked at him alarmed, "TaeTae you are absolutely insane."
Taehyung frowned, "correction. My personality is a colourful spectrum."
"He thinks with his dick because his brain went on vacation years ago." Jungkook grumbled.
Yoongi let out a small chuckle at that, "I would comment but I don't want to risk being called a hypocrite."
Hoseok flashed him a look, Namjoon snorted. Jimin looked up confused, "Wait what do you mean?"
Namjoon finished his pasta quickly and put the empty pot to the side, "well-"
"Don't you dare!" Hoseok gave him a look too.
"Namjoon walked in on us in the office as Hoseok came on my face." Yoongi shrugged.
Everyone apart from Namjoon stared at Yoongi in disbelief, "what the fuck is wrong with you Hyung!?" Hoseok growled.
"Everything. Next question." Yoongi's attention went back to the last bit of his wrap.
"You can't shut your fucking mouth for five minutes!" Hoseok shouted and stormed out of the building, Taehyung jogged after him.
Yoongi gave another shrug, "I'm totally gonna fuck him tonight. Don't you think he's hot when he's angry?"
Namjoon buried his face in his hand, "are you getting to him just because you want a hate fuck?" He sounded tired.
Yoongi shrugged, "I wouldn't sleep with him if I wasn't attracted to him."
Jungkook looked at Jimin, "so do you all just fuck each other then?"
Jimin shook his head, Yoongi nodded. Namjoon sighed getting his phone out to message Seokjin and keep him updated, "you can fuck each other if you want. I'm staying out of it."
Yoongi scoffed, "You're missing out on my tongue technology then."
Namjoon looked up in disgust but it turned to interest when Jimin turned as red as his trousers, his gaze on the ground as he tried to block the inappropriate memories from his train of thought. "Tongue technology?"
Yoongi smirked, "ask Jimin or Hoseok about it."
Jungkook was suddenly into the conversation, "Jimin what's he talking about?"
His blush deepened and spread to his neck and shoulders, "Hyung has the tongue of the devil." Yoongi just sat back looking satisfied with what Jimin was saying, "I should probably change into my dance clothes." He scurried back into the bathroom without another word. Leaving Jungkook to stare at Yoongi, curious about his 'tongue technology', Namjoon went into the office in an attempt to forget what just happened.

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