Chapter 3: Stupid Mistakes

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Chapter 3: Stupid Mistakes

Georgia’s POV

I started to panic. How could this have happened? I was supposed to protect her! I failed again! I felt my breathing get heavy and I understood that I was having a panic attack.

“Woah. Woah, what are you doing back there?” he said as he turned around. I couldn’t find the strength. I was struggling to stay conscious when I felt the car stop and the side door open.

“Georgia? Georgia! What happened? Holy shit he’s going to kill me!” The rapist was practically cradling me in his arms.

After mustering up all the strength I could I yelled, “PANIC!” And that was when I blacked out. 

* * *

Zayn’s POV

Oh no. Oh no. This is bad. This is really bad. They are going to kill me. Not even kill me. They are going to torture me until dying would seem like a more merciful resort. Then they’re going to torture me some more until I’m barely alive, then they are going to kill me. Then by using their wacko technology, they are gonna bring me back to life and do it all over again. They, who? They, as in the people I work for. They, as in the people who told me that I have to kidnap her. They, as in the people who killed Georgia’s parents. I work for the so called ‘government’.

I started working for the government when I was 17. Thing is I am nowhere near known to the public eye. There are many others like me, but we aren’t viewed or broadcasted to the people. It’s because we do all the dirty work for the government. If they are being opposed or protested against, and someone needs to be put down, we are the ones they call. I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a UnityMaker, because I’m not. A UnityMaker is out in the open. Everyone knows about them. They are created specifically for the government. Me, I am just here to get the blood that they don’t want on their hands, on mine. I, then get paid and leave until they need me again.

Sometimes the return calls are quicker, like in a week or two, and sometimes they take longer, going up to 6 months. In the middle of all this I get to be normal once in a while. I guess you could call me a serial killer. You could call me a guy stuck in the middle of a bad situation.

The people of the RDA look at the government as a threat to society. In a sense they are. But no one knows how far they can go. No one wants to know either. That’s why everyone follows the law. That’s why no one wants to get on their bad side. They are filled to the brim with secrets that no one except they, themselves know.

They need her. That’s all that I understand right now. She is an important person to the government. In all of my three years for working for the detested government, I have never seen them get so worked up over a person than when they talked about her. I mean what could she possibly be worth? She’s only 17! There has to be something more to her than meets the eye.

I don’t know how I forgot her sister. But what really gets to me is that, now that we are three days away from her house, she decides to tell me that she has a sister. And on top of that she just had a panic attack and fainted. Great. Just my luck. I gotta call the rest of the team. I can’t do this alone anymore. The other side is probably approaching her house quicker than ever. I can’t risk going in there alone with Georgia and risk losing her and her sister at the same time. If the lads are there too, at least I would have backup.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Harry’s number. After a few rings a deep, groggy voice came up on the phone.


“Er… Hi Harry. I… need you guys to uh come where I am right now, and help me.”

“Help you with what? Weren’t you supposed to get that girl? The one whose parents were killed by the UnityMakers?”

“Yeah. About that. Funny story. You’ll really like this one. So basically, uhm I kidnapped her. And funny thing is, we are like, what, three days away from her place now. So, and hey the drug was powerful she was knocked out for three days, good job on that one. Anyways, now when she woke up she was calm for a bit, and I was trying to make conversation,” I heard him sigh and chuckle. “So we talk for a bit and then she realizes that she has a sister and uhm I sorta, kinda forgot her.”


“Yeah. I thought you’d like it.”

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW. You messed up. You messed up so bad. Now they… I don’t even know what they are going to do to you! Holy shit man what were you thinking?”

“Gee thanks Harold. That is so inspiring. I think I might just go write a book on your beautiful and delightful face, and amazing people skills,” I said with a feminine voice.

“That is not my name. Should I come there with the boys?”

“No Harold, I just called you to say hello and to say whether or not you pissed your pants tonight, thanks for your time. Of course I want you to come you little dipshit.”

“Okay, I’m coming but it’ll probably take one or two days,” he said ignoring my sarcasm, “just start going back towards her house and we’ll meet up somewhere in between. Until then, make sure that you let none of this be found out by the Union. And make sure you don't lose the other one in the process.”

Before hanging up I said, “Right. See you then.” Starting up the car I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this wasn’t such a big deal. I had gotten it under control. That was until my phone rang again. Thinking it was Harry or one of the other lads, I picked it up without looking at it. Big mistake. It was the Union.

Double shit.


I GOT IT OUT DIDN'T I? Well maybe I took a little longer than usual. Should I do a double update? Hmm. Maybe? Idk? Let's just see if you guys read this one and like it.

One more thing. It's usually going to be in Georgia's POV unless I say otherwise like in this chapter. Cause uhm.. yeah.

Dedication to Narryontope for the great cover! It turned out really great!




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