Chapter 2: The Plane Ride

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•Caleb's Pov•
"Hey Guys!" I smiled and waved to our vlog camera "So we have just arrived at the airport and are getting ready to check our bags in and after that we will go through security. Say hi to the camera guys!" I stood infront of my family so we could all be seen on the camera "HIIIIIIII!!" they all shouted very loud. I turned the camera off and we moved up fast in the line for bag check in.
•Annie's Pov•
Once we got through security daddy brought us some drinks to take on the plane. I got out my phone and went on Instagram, taking a selfie of us all, I made the caption "Look out LA here we come!😎💕😘😘" and I waited for the likes and comments to roll in, I read over a couple of the comments when I saw that Hayden Summerall commented "Maybe I'll see you and your family while you're in LA😉❤️" I smiled at how cute he was.
•Hayden's Pov• [he's still at his house]
I was on Instagram when I got a notification that (@presshandstands) Annie LeBlanc had posted a photo of her and her family at the airport. I immediately liked and commented on it, I hope I'm not giving the surprise away. The truth is she isn't aware but my dad and I are going to be hanging out with them for a whole week, Mr Billy and Ms Katie are keeping it a surprise from Annie. Tomorrow we're going to be meeting up at this great pizza place, I can't wait until I meet Annie, she's so pretty.
•Mr Billy's Pov•
Our flight had been called and we all boarded on the plane in a hurry and put our luggage into the overhead luggage holder before other people could take all the room for the one in our row. We all sat down and buckled up waiting for everyone else to board. 30 minutes had passed and the plane went onto the runway, going faster and faster until we went flying up high into the sky. The girls were squeezing each other's  hands tightly while Caleb comforted them. I smiled at my beloved angels, theres not a thing in the world that I love more than them, I mean besides my wife.. I vlogged the kids for a little while until they all fell asleep.
[The Plane is about to land]
•Hayley's Pov•
Mommy, Daddy, Caleb and I all have a huge surprise for Annie once we arrive in LA, but she can't see it or shall I say someone until tomorrow. I know she'll just love the surprise but we can't tell her otherwise, the surprise will be ruined. The plane began coming down and we hit the ground "Hurray we're finally here!" I beamed happily. Once we get out of the airport we're just going to go to the hotel and order room service for dinner and go straight to bed. We got all of the luggage out of the overhead holder and went straight through customs and we found the car renting place and got the keys to the car that we're hiring for the week. Caleb, Annie and I all ran outside to find the car, we found it and all went running for it "I won!" Caleb said laughing, next was Annie and then me. "I call behind dad" he smiled and jumped behind the drivers side. "Where do you wanna sit, Hay?" Annie said with a gentle smile "I'll just take the middle" and hopped into the car and buckled up. She smiled and sat beside me while mommy and daddy put the luggage in the boot. They hopped in and we drove off to the hotel, I fell asleep on the way because it was about 10:00pm at night.
•Ms Katie's Pov•
Hayley was the first to fall asleep, she's such a cutie. Not far behind was Annie and Caleb fell asleep not long before we got to the hotel. "They may be even to tired to eat" I said laughing and looked at Billy, he nodded laughing and kept his eyes on the road. "I'm just gonna vlog them for a minute" I smiled "Knock yourself out, honey" he chuckled and I got out the camera and pressed record, just after five minutes we made it to the hotel. We parked the car and took the luggage out of the boot, we decided to leave the girls asleep, because we wouldn't be able to carry all of them and take the luggage. I took Hayley while Billy took Annie. I gently nudged Caleb "Sweetie, we're at the hotel. We're about to get the room keys, come on" I smiled and he did too and we locked the car. He grabbed two of the suitcases while I took two and Billy took one. We took the elevator and got into the room quickly, placing the girls in a double bed. The rest of us ordered room service, it didn't take long to get here either. We ate it quickly and got into bed, we have a big day or should I say week ahead of us.

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