Chapter 32: Rescued

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•Annie's Pov•
my shorts were pretty low on my hips as hayden pulled them down slowly.
i sighed this is a great way to be known as 'the slut'
"YO, HAYDEN!" i heard a boy shout across the room.
it was that ashton guy from homeroom
"i heard you were hitting on my girl last week!" he shouted
"if you're a man, come and fight me"
i thought they were friends?
"sorry, babe" he whispered, fixing my shorts.
i sighed of relief.
"Ashton, I have no clue what you're talking about" hayden walked up to him.
"mackenzie, third period, last thursday"
hayden then whispered something but i didn't hear.
who's this mackenzie? what happened between her and hayden last week?
i need to find out, the boys then started to shove each other roughly.
Hayden started to beat the shit out of Ashton.
"Hayden, stop!" I screamed running in front of Ashton, but Hayden punched me in the face, he then realised what he did.
"Holy shit, Anns I'm so sorry" he bent down to me and tried to kiss my lips but i turned my head.
"save it hayden, we are done!" i screamed as ruby escorted me out of the cafeteria
"oh julianna, i am so so so sorry. this is all my fault" she hugged me tightly, crying softly.
"what do you mean, ruby?" i asked confused.
"you see, you looked uncomfortable around hayden and i just wanted to help. i know the boys have always hidden things from each other. so i talked to ashton and told him about hayden and mackenzie and told him to start the fight. i knew hayden would defend himself, but i thought ashton would've won. it's all my fault that hayden hit you"
i shook my head
"no it isn't your fault, hayden could've stopped in time. he knew what he was doing but decided to do it anyway. he can face the consequences, i broke up with him and he will have to gain my trust if he wants to win me back"
i paused for a moment "thanks for rescuing me"
sophia and nadia came running out the doors
"hey jules, you okay? i can get joey if you want" sophia looked at me
i nodded "please"
she left and ran inside but joey came out after she went in for him
"ruby, nadia mind if i talk to joey?"
they both nodded and went back inside of the cafeteria.
"hey anns– i mean julianna. sorry. let me take you to the nurse" he placed his hand gently on my face, it hurt like hell
"i'm fine" i stubbornly said
"no you're not. now come with me"
i shook my head "i'm not going"
he sighed and picked me up like a baby. i'm not gonna like, i liked it a lot.
"hmph" i pouted, pretending i was still annoyed.
i wrapped my legs around joey's waist, he held his hands under my butt, to support me.
we arrived at the nurses office
"oh sweetie, what happened?" she asked worried.
"you see nurse she–" i stopped joey
"i tripped and hit a desk" i lied
"oh my, you must be more careful" she stopped the bleeding and handed me an ice pack
"shall i call your parents?"
"no, no no" that's horrible they can't find out.
"let her call" joey said softly, as he moved strands of hair out of my face.
"fine" i frowned and let the nurse call my mother.
"your mom said you can go home early if you like but you'll have to walk"
i nodded "it's alright, i'll stay here"
joey looked at me "i think you should go home and rest"
but me being stubborn refused to go home.
"what if i come with you?"
that changed my mind.
"okay" we walked to the office and signed out.
i called hayley
*ring ring*
she finally answered.
"hey hayley, hows your day going?"
"i've made so many friends and have nice teachers. i like it here. what about you?"
"well i've made a few friends and have an enemy, i'll tell you more about it later. i hurt myself so mom said i have to go home so you'll have to catch the bus by yourself or with one of your friends. is that alright? otherwise i'll come get you"
"it's okay, my new best friend actually lives near us"
"alright, i'll see you later then. bye hayley, i love you"
"bye anns, i love you more"
i hung up.
"was that your sister?"
i nodded
"come on" he smiled putting his arm around my shoulder as we headed outside.
we walked up to his car and he opened the door for me
"thank you" i felt like smiling but i'm not smiling until hayley and i agree when it's time. he put his seatbelt on and turned on the engine as i typed my address into google maps on his phone.
"thank you for doing this"
"anytime, anns. sorry, i mean julianna" he said biting his lip
"don't worry about it"
we pulled up at my house, joey admired it
"pretty fancy house you got here" he said laughing softly.
"yeah" i nodded as i unlocked the door and headed inside.
"i'm gonna change"
"just call me if you need help or whatever"
i nodded and started walking up the stairs
"make yourself at home" i put on an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants, even though it was to hot for it, i wanted to hide my bruises from hayden.
i walked back downstairs as joey came around the corner and we sat on the couch
"i was just looking around the house"
i nodded "that's fine"
"i didn't know you had an older brother, what's his name?"
i started tearing up as joey's expression changed
"shhh don't cry" he pulled me into his lap and cradled me in his arms
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you"
i shook my head "it's alright, that's my older brother caleb's room he passed last October. he passed away from an undetected heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which causes young people to suffer from cardiac arrest. we never noticed any symptoms and it's all my fault he didn't make it. i could've helped him but i left him alone. you see my name is julianna but when we were younger caleb started to call me annie and it just stuck and became my name, but i don't want to be reminded about it so i go by julianna now. hayden's just a self absorbed jerk who didn't care about my feelings and did whatever he pleased, which is why i yelled at him in gym class" i poured my eyes out
"i'm so sorry" he said softly as he rubbed my back
"jules, take the sweats off. it's boiling outside"
i shook my head "i-i can't"
"hayden hit you, didn't he?"
i nodded
"you have to take them off, for me" he whispered softly
i nodded and raised my arms in the air, as joey gently lifted my sweatshirt off my head.
i pointed to my sweatpants "can you take them off, my arms hurt"
he looked at me "you sure?"
i nodded as he gently pulled my sweats off.
"let's watch a movie"
i nodded and put on netflix and put on the movie 'flipped'
joey laid down and i laid on top of him and fell asleep.

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