Chapter 13: Girlfriend

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Edward's POV

"No I won't be able to come, I'm really busy" I said over the phone to my cousin Madison. It's her wedding but I'm really busy and also I don't want to go because of Madison's mom, my mom's sister Lisa. She always tries to set me up with some girl and that irritates me, although she's really loving and caring.

"I don't care if you are busy, I want you in my wedding that's it" she replied angrily.

"But..." I tried to speak but she cut me off.

"Come on Ed you can't do this, you can't miss your little sister's wedding, please" she pleaded and now how can I say no to her.

"Okay drama queen I'll be there" I replied chuckling a little.

"Good and listen my flight will land tomorrow morning so be there okay" she ordered.

"What flight" I replied confused.

"Don't tell me you forgot that I'm coming in Seattle for some work tomorrow" she said in a sad voice.

"Oh yeah I remember" I replied remembering that she told me about this.

"Okay now I have a flight to catch so bye I'll see you tomorrow at the airport" she said.

"Bye" before hanging up and kept my phone aside ready to Sleep as it's quite late and I'm tired but suddenly a thought entered my head that maybe I'll get to meet Ashima tomorrow at the airport which made me smile.


I was standing in the airport waiting for Madison, and what I thought last night came true when I saw Ashima walking towards the exit "Ashima" I called out and she looked at me and walked towards me.

"Hey going home" I asked as now she was standing in front of me.

"Yeah, what are you doing here" she replied looking exhausted.

"I came here to receive my cousin sister" I said "You know what wait with me, you should meet her" I added after a pause and held her hand and walked towards the terminal.

"No I..." she protested but I cut her off.

"Oh come on she will be here soon, look here she is" I said as I saw Madison walking towards me gleaming with excitement and Ashima looked at her.

"Oh god I missed you so much Ed" Madison said in a happy voice throwing her arms around me as I wrapped my one hand around her while with the other one I still held Ashima's hand.

"Well I wish I could say the same" I teased pulling away from the hug and she glared at me and was about to say something when her eyes fell on Ashima and then at our hands, then she looked back at me with a knowing look. God knows what's going on in her head now.

I was about to introduce Ashima but Madison cut me off screaming "Oh my god I'm so Happy for you Ed, finally you have a girlfriend" taking Ashima in a tight hug. While I stood there surprised, but then an idea popped in mind, I will take her to Madison's wedding in this way Lisa aunty will stop her match making and I'll get to spend some time with Ashima, I smirked.

Ashima looked at me shocked and I gave her a pleading look and mouthed that "Don't tell the truth please" and thankfully she agreed to that but not before glaring at me.

"God you are so beautiful, I guess you are not American" Madison said in her usual cheerful voice pulling back from the hug.

Yeah that's true, she's a real beauty I thought to myself while gazing at Ashima.

"Thank you, so do you and yeah I'm Indian" Ashima replied smiling.

"Oh there are so many things I want to know about you by the way how did you met my brother and..." I cut Madison off and said "Madi you can discuss that later now we must get going" to which they both agreed and we walked out.

"Oh so you are an air hostess, that's so cool" Madison said as we were sitting in the car and she was in the back seat while Ashima was in the front seat, I somehow convinced her that I'll drop her home and now we are on our way to her place.

"Madi don't you get tired at all after such a long flight and now you are talking so much" I said as she kept talking and hardly gave any chance to Ashima or me to speak.

"Why you have some problem mister" she replied with a pout.

And I just chuckled at her she's really funny sometimes.

"I really pity your future husband" I teased.

"Ed" she shouted while Ashima looked amused.

Our whole ride went like that only and soon we reached Ashima's place.

"We'll meet again okay and you have to come for my wedding, I won't take a no" Madi said strictly as I opened the door for Ashima.

"Okay I'll try" Ashima replied.

After saying our good byes I drove towards my place.

"Oh god I talked so much to her but I forgot to ask her name" Madi said with shock as we reached my place.

"Well her name is Ashima" I replied while settling on the sofa shaking my head at Madi. 

"You have got really sweet and beautiful girlfriend, I'm happy for you" Madi said happily.

I sighed, how much I wish this all was true but don't worry soon it will be. And for that first step is that I'll have to convince Ashima to come for the wedding with me, I thought to myself.


Ashima's POV

Today I came to know a new side of Edward, the mischievous side. All the way to my home Madison and Edward kept fighting like every other brother and sister. I wish I had that kind of relation with my brothers I quickly shook off the thought as I have got other important things to worry about.

Madison assumed that I'm Edward's girlfriend and that was so awkward, well I don't wish to see them again not because I don't like Madison in fact she's really nice and loving girl I like her, but because I'll have to act as Edward's girlfriend in front of her.

I sighed, I was going to tell her the truth but this Edward stopped me and I thought that he may have some strong reason to do that, so I agreed and decided to play along.

Chill Ashi you don't have to meet Madison again so there's no need to worry about this girlfriend thing.

But I'll have to talk to Edward as I want to know why he didn't tell Madison the truth, that I'm not his girlfriend.


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