Chapter 23: Am I in love?

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Edward's POV

"Edward where did you disappear" I heard my granny's voice from the other side as soon as I received her call.

"Sorry I have just been too much busy in work granny, how are you doing" I asked, I'm still in the hospital sitting beside Ashima's bed on a chair and she's still unconscious the doctor said that it would take her a few hours to gain her consciousness.

"Why are you sounding so different dear is everything okay" she asked.

"Nothing just a friend of mine got into an accident so I'm just worried about her" I replied with my eyes on Ashima.

"Oh so it's a girl..." but I cut her off.

"Granny before you assume anything let me inform you that we are just friends nothing else" I said. Well I really wish we both were more then just friends but maybe it's just my bad luck that Ashima wants nothing more then friendship.

"But you have never been worried about a girl so much, so maybe it's something special" she replied.

"Yeah you are right she is special to me" I said absentmindedly.

"Do you love her" she asked and I was taken aback, first Mack says the same thing and now my granny what's wrong with these guys.

"What no of course not, okay I don't know about love but I definitely like her, I mean who wouldn't like her after all she's everything a man would desire, she's beautiful, intelligent, caring and most of all she has a beautiful heart" I replied with a sigh, God what's going on with me I'm talking like someone who's deeply and hopelessly in love. Am I really in love.

"Okay I have to go I'll call you later" I added as I saw Ashima opening her eyes.

"Okay take care of your special friend" I heard her voice before hanging up.


Ashima's POV

I slowly opened my eyes but quickly shut them close as my head is hurting badly. Wait am I in a bed but how and then I remembered being hit by a car, oh my god.

I opened my eyes again only to see Edward sitting on a chair beside the bed with a cute smile on his handsome face.

Wait did I just called his smile cute and him handsome, god what's wrong with me.

"Hey finally you are awake I was so worried, how are you feeling" he asked with so many emotions shining in his eyes but I don't know what they are. Is he concerned about me, does he cares for me.

"My head is paining, how long have I been unconscious" I asked.

"You got into an accident in the morning and now it's evening so few hours and about your headache I'll just call the doctor" he replied while going out and after few minutes he appeared back with a man wearing white coat whom I assume is the doctor.

"How are you feeling beautiful" the doctor asked but before I could reply Edward spoke.

"It would be better if you do your work rather then flirting" he snapped while glaring at the doctor. What's wrong with him.

"Hey but I was not..." the doctor replied but trailed off shaking his head.

"Well you are totally fine but you need rest for atleast two weeks and you can go home tomorrow" the doctor said then he turned to Edward "And you mister take care of your wife" he continued, oh wait what did he just say, wife is he mad.

"What, did I say something wrong" he asked as he saw me and Edward looking at him as if he has grown two heads, well not Edward just me because he's too busy in smiling.

"Yes I'm not his wife we are just friends" I snapped at him.

"Well then why were you getting jealous" he said looking at Edward "Oh anyways I'll leave now" he added and left before we both could say anything.

"Stupid doctor I was not jealous why would I be anyways" I heard Edward murmur to himself.

"Are you feeling good now" he asked again sitting on the chair "Oh wait I'll get you something to eat" he added and before I could stop him he was already out of the door. And after sometime he returned back.

"Here eat" he said handing me the plate of food, I looked down at the plate it's sandwich and orange juice.

"I can't eat this" I replied, although I'm feeling hungry but I can't forget that it's my fast today.

"Sorry I couldn't bring you something else as the doctor said that you should eat something light for now so eat" he explained.

"No I can't eat because it's my fast" I replied.

"Oh come on don't act stupid you lost so much blood you need to eat something" he said with a frown on his face.

"No I won't" I replied.

"Ashima eat this or else..." he trailed off.

"Or else what you'll do" I argued back.

"Or else I'll feed you this forcefully" he replied.

"You won't do that I'm not a child" I said.

"Then stop acting like one and eat" he replied, and we argued more about it but soon I gave up and ate the sandwich as I'm too tried to argue anymore.

"You can leave now" I said.

"And why do you think I should do that" he replied, oh he's going to argue on this too.

"Because you must be tired" I said as he helped me to lie down on the bed and pulled the duvet over me till my chin.

"I'm not going anywhere so go to sleep" he replied in a bored voice.

"Why are you so controlling" I asked as he again sat beside me.

"You need rest go to sleep" he replied.

"You didn't brought anything for yourself to eat you must be hungry right" I asked.

"I'll bring something for myself when I'm hungry but why are you so concerned about me" he replied while raising his eyebrows.

"I was just being nice because you brought me to the hospital that's it" I said quickly "And thank you for bringing me to the hospital on the right time" I added.

"Oh come on do you think I would have left you lying on the road" he replied with a shrug. And then there was silence.

"I'm not feeling sleepy" I said after a while as I tried to sleep but I couldn't. "Can we talk" I asked as I'm getting bored.

"About what" he asked shrugging his shoulders.

"About you, tell me something about you" I said and then we talked about him, his business, his family and all for hours until I was finally feeling sleepy.

"I never thought you would be so talkative when I first saw you" he said.

"I talked this way I mean I used to talk too much only to my mom she was really close to me" I replied while remember my mom.

"That means I'm really close to you too" he said teasingly.

"I didn't say that" I replied pulling the duvet over my head trying to hide my smile as I heard him chuckle.


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