Chapter 35: Leaving

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Ashima's POV

After packing all the necessary stuff I took a last glance at my apartment with a heavy heart before I made my way out.

As I was standing at the side of the road waiting for a cab a car stopped just in front me making me take a step back.

"Hey Mack what are you doing here" I asked with a polite smile as the car's window's glass rolled down revealing Mack sitting inside.

"Hey I was just passing by when I saw you, are you going somewhere" he asked looking at my packed bags.

"Yes I'm going back to India" I replied.

"Why" he asked confused.

"Uh...The weather here doesn't suits me" I lied not finding any other better reason, although I wished to shout that because I want to run away from your friend.

"Oh come on don't lie tell me the real reason" he asked and I stayed quiet.

"Okay don't tell are waiting for a cab I guess, get in I'll drop you at the airport" he offered "And in this way I'll get to talk to a nice friend like you maybe for the last time" he added.

"Okay" I replied getting in.

"So did you meet Edward" he asked out of nowhere while driving.

"No, why would I meet him" I replied trying to sound casual, I somehow knew he would talk to me about something related with Edward.

"Because you are leaving...oh wait I think now I know why you are leaving, something happened between you guys right" he said chuckling while shaking his head and I just choose to remain silent.

"You know Ashima, Edward might appear as an arrogant or rude person from outside but when you get to know the real him you won't be able to stop yourself from loving him" he said and my eyes got moist at the thought that I already made the mistake of loving him.

"Okay now time to say bye" I said with my eyes still moist as we reached the airport and I remembered the day I came here and that night when I met Edward again, the night he helped me.

"I'm coming inside you know to help you carry your bags and see you off" he replied.

"No thanks but my brother is here to help" I said pointing at Vihaan bhai (brother) whom I spotted just now standing leaning against his car with his attention on his phone.

"Okay fine then bye" he replied before I got out of his car.

"So now tell me the real reason of your sudden idea of leaving" Vihaan bhai (brother) asked.

"There's no reason I just don't like it here anymore" I replied while sipping my coffee as we sat in the waiting area because my flight got delayed by an hour.

"Anyways we didn't got to talk much before...tell me how's your life going" I asked changing the topic.

"Life's going good atleast for now" he replied.

"You know you should move find a nice girl for yourself and..." I said but was interrupted by him.

"Maybe I have already found the right girl" he said with happiness shining in his eyes.

"You are in love" I asked surprised but happy for him, he didn't reply but there was a smile on his face which answered my question and I chuckled a little.

I looked down at my phone as it started ringing after sometime when I was just about to leave the waiting area as the flight announcement was made, it's Mack...I frowned because we just met few minutes back then what he might want to talk about, I thought to myself confused but answered the call anyways.

"Mack I might miss my flight so I'll talk to you later" I said and was about to hang up as the second announcement was made but his next words stopped me.

"Ashima wait it's about Edward" he replied and his sad voice made me worry suddenly.

"Ashi you'll miss your flight" Vihaan bhai (brother) said and I made an action by my fingers saying two minutes.

"What about Edward" I asked trying to sound bored and not bothered.

"I just got a call from some hospital saying that Edward is in a really serious condition and they don't know if they can save him or not" he replied and my breath hitched at his last words.

"" I finally managed to ask as tears already formed in my eyes making my vision blury as all the negative thoughts filled my brain.

"I don't know what happened maybe it was some accident or something I just felt the need to inform you and if you want to come to the hospital and see him then I'm waiting for you outside the airport" he replied.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" I said quickly and hanged up wiping my tears away which were streaming down my eyes.

"Ashi what's are going back to India or not" Vihaan bhai asked looking concerned.

"I...I can't..." I trailed off and rushed out of the airport as I heard Vihaan bhai calling me from behind asking me to wait but I didn't stop because there was only one wish in my mind and heart and that was to see Edward as soon as possible.


Hey guys,

Do tell me how you felt about this chapter.

If you liked it then feel free to vote and leave your valuable comments.

And also I wanted to ask if you guys would be interested in reading Vihaan's story, I have started writing it already so do tell me.


Bye until next time :)

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