Chapter 40: First date

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Ashima's POV

I entered in my apartment with a smile on my face, today I can say that I'm truly happy. I still can't believe that last night I confessed my love to Edward, his face was worth seeing when I said that I love him he looked as if he had got the most precious thing in the world.

Though it took me a lot of courage to tell him about my feelings because I was really nervous about his reaction but when I looked in his eyes all of my nervousness suddenly flew away somehow.

But I'm still feeling bad for not trusting him enough but anyways I'm glad that everything's fine between us now and I hope and believe that it will remain the same way and in the future no misunderstandings can break us apart.

Pushing all these thoughts aside I walked to my closet to select a perfect dress for tonight.

"I want to look good for you" I whispered to myself smiling dreamily like some teenager who fell in love for the first time, I giggled at my own thoughts.

Soon it was seven and Edward was perfectly on time and now here we are sitting having dinner in a good looking restaurant actually not just good but amazing looking.

"You look beautiful tonight" he said as he held my hand in his, this all seems so dreamy to me.

"You mean I don't look good all other days" I replied playfully with fake anger but I guess he didn't get it.

"No I didn't mean that I just...oh haha it was very funny" he said in a hurried voice first but then sarcastically as he got it that I was just teasing him, his face looked so cute with that frown that I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"You look more beautiful while laughing" he said in a husky voice and this time his compliment made me blush actually not only this time he manages to make me blush every now and then just by his words.

And our conversation went on like that but suddenly his expressions changed from relaxed to kind of angry one and I took a glance at the direction he was looking at only to see Vihaan bhai (brother) walking towards our table. I smiled getting up and hugged him tight surprised to see him here as he reached by us.

"Ashi where the hell have you been, I didn't see you again after you ran out of the airport I even called you but anyways tell me are you okay" he said the last part glaring at Edward and I frowned as I saw Edward returning the same glare to him.

What's wrong with both of them they have not even met before or have they?

Okay I get it that Vihaan is mad at Edward for hurting me before unknowingly thought but why is Edward angry with him.

I don't think he has got any reason to be.

"This is Edward my..." I was introducing him to Vihaan bhai but got interrupted.

"Boyfriend" Edward completed my sentence still glaring at him.

But I was going to say friend not boyfriend, because I didn't know if it would've been fine with Edward but now him saying that made me kind of happy.

I glanced at Edward only to see him looking towards me already and he looked a little mad, is he mad at me?

"And this is Vihaan my elder brother" I said coming out of my thoughts as his expressions changed again.


Bipolar much?


Edward's POV

Our evening was going fine with both of us getting to know eachother more better but that was only until I saw that guy whom I saw Ashima with walking towards us, I totally forgot about him and even though now I know that she loves only me but I still need to know what he means to her.

But suddenly I'm fearing of her answer, maybe I'm just too insecure. I glared at him as she hugged him when he reached our table as he was doing the same thing which is glaring at me.

"And this is Vihaan my elder brother" she introduced him to me after introducing me, but the word brother caught all my attention.



Oh god and here I was glaring at him thinking that something was going on between the two of them not now of course but on that night.

I'm such a big fool to come to conclusions without even knowing anything properly. I smiled tightly at both of them who just gave me weird looks.

"Ashi I should be going now we'll talk later and you I know you are not a bad guy but don't hurt my sister ever again" Vihaan said first to Ashima then warned me and I didn't reply just smiled seeing him leaving, I don't mind him saying that because I know unknowingly I have hurt her and I can totally understand after all every brother is protective over their sister. And I'm glad that her relation with her brother has improved atleast.

Few weeks have passed and I'm really enjoying every second that I spend with her, after our first date we went out together more often, we have grown more closer to eachother. I have got to know her more in the past few days.

And I was totally surprised to see her bubbly, mischievous and talkative nature I didn't knew she could be like that, from what I saw from the first day I met her I always thought she was a very serious type of person and when I asked her about this she just replied that "I'm a totally different person with my loved ones and with whom I love to spend time with, it's like I can be the real me around you, I can be myself. You bring out the best in me".

And her words still make me smile.

But in all these happy moments I have been worried about one thing and that is Gary because I'm definitely sure that it was him on the night of his birthday who spiked Ashima's drink. But after that day I have not seen him again.

Any other person would think that he's gone out of our lifes but not me I know him very well. I think he is up to something, he is obsessed with Ashima I have seen it in his eyes.

And that thing keeps me worrying because his obsession is not good it has led to some awful things in the past...

Well I don't want to go there now.

"Edward you are looking so cute in this picture" a sweet familiar voice which I love to hear interrupted my chain of thoughts.

I glanced at her as we were sitting in my study and she was busy scrolling through some of mine old photo albums.

"Come in" I said after hearing the knock on the door.

"Vihaan come have a seat" I said as he sat on the chair in front of me. Surprisingly we both have actually became good friends.

Today I didn't go to office so I called him at my place only so that we could discuss about the deal I signed with their company as now he'll be handling this deal, not his dad.

"Hey bhai (Brother), Edward I should be going now" Ashima said placing the photo albums on the table.

"Okay bye sweetheart" I replied winking as she glared at me before walking out blushing as I just smiled teasingly. She has told me not to call her sweetheart, babe, darling etc etc in front of her brother don't know why though I think she's just too shy or maybe it's just an Indian thing, but I still call her that just to tease her and to see those cute angry looks.

I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't notice that the photo album was now in Vihaan's hands and he had some really shocked expressions on his face.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"How do you know her" he asked pointing at one of the photos.


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Bye until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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