Chapter 36: I'm so stupid

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Ashima's POV

I ran towards Mack's car as soon as I got out of the airport "Let's go hurry..." I said getting in the back seat but stopped in my tracks when I noticed someone was already sitting in the car beside me and that someone was non other then...Edward.

Before I could even know what I was doing I took him in a bone crushing hug as tears were still flowing down my eyes.

"Oh my god I'm so glad you are fine" I whispered and kept repeating the same words and stayed in the same position for few minutes hugging him tightly as if he'll disappear if I let him go, I can't thank god enough for keeping him safe, I felt his arms wrapped around me tightly and it was then when I came back to the real world and realized the situation, I pulled back from the hug and looked at him properly...he looked perfectly fine.

I'm confused now, Mack said that Edward was in the hospital but here he is sitting perfectly fine in front of me with a smirk on his handsome face oh shut up Ashi it's not the time to praise his looks.

"Mack you lied to me" I asked angrily moving away from Edward.

"Sorry Ashima but I had to do this for my friend" he replied with an apologetic look and I glared at him angrily before trying to open the car's door to get out, note my words trying because the door was locked, I tried to unlock it but failed.

"Unlock this damn door" I yelled as I felt Edward griping on my wrist to stop me which only made me angrier.

"Leave my hand" I said without looking at him, but he didn't listen to me.

"Mack can you take us to my place" he said firmly.

"No" I shouted again, I don't know what has gotten into me because usually I don't yell so much...I'm a calm person.

"Mack stop the car right now" I said as I felt the car moving.

"Mack stop the car I'll miss my flight" I said again but he just ignored my words.

"You have already missed your flight Ashima" Edward said grinning and I just wished to wipe that grin off his face.

"Why are you doing this" I asked giving up, suddenly feeling that I can't argue or fight anymore.

"Why were you leaving" he asked instead of answering my question.

"It's my life I can do whatever I want" I yelled "Who are you to stop me" I added.

"Okay I won't stop you from going but before that I just need to talk to you alone and then if you'll still wish to leave then who am I to stop you" he replied with a shrug before breaking our eye contact and looking out of the window and we stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.

I got out of the car but not before glaring angrily at Mack who gave me a sorry look as we reached at Edward's place where I never wanted to come back.

"Talk quickly whatever you wanted to say" I said as he lead me to his room and looking at the room just made me remember that morning when I woke up on his bed which only made me angry, sad, hurt, broken and what not.

"What was all this, why were you leaving, did something happen" he asked softly.

"Don't act like you don't know what you did" I replied turning my back towards him to hide my tears.

"What did I do now" he asked sounding irritated.

"You broke my trust" I yelled.

"Ashima just come to the point" he replied angrily now and that made me angry too.

"You took advantage of me slept with me that night" I said without looking at him to hide my tears from him, I don't want him to see the weak side of me.

"Which night what the hell are you talking" he replied turning me around and pulling me closer to him by my arms.

"That night when we met at the club on Gary's birthday...and leave my hand don't touch me" I yelled while saying the last words and tried to get my hand out of his grip but failed as he only tightened his grip further.

"No nothing happened between us that night, there's some misunderstanding just trust me" he replied and released me from his grip.

"Then what was I doing on your bed wearing nothing but only your shirt" I asked wishing that it's all just a misunderstanding.

"God how can you be so stupid" he replied and I frowned.

"Nothing happened between us, I just asked my maid to change your clothes because your clothes were all wet because of the rain and I didn't wanted you to fall ill that's all" he explained everything and I can tell he's not lying I can just see it in his eyes, God he's right how can I be so stupid, I have to apologize to him but before that there's one more question in my head.

"Then why did you disappear suddenly and where were you all these days" I asked.


Hey guys,

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And I have updated the first chapter of Vihaan's story which I titled as "Loving the Indian boy" you can find it on my profile so please check it out if interested.


Bye until next time :)

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