Chapter 11: My first kiss

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Ashima's POV

I was surprised to see the other one because he was the same man who almost ran his car over me this afternoon and now he was staring at me which made me uncomfortable, but I stayed quite.

"This is Mack, you must have seen him he came to India with me" Edward introduced and I waited for him to introduce the other man but he never did and Mack frowned at him.

"Hello Mack, nice to meet you" I said politely.

"Nice meeting you too Ashima and this is my friend Gary Jones" Mack introduced.

"Hello Ashima sorry for this afternoon" Gary said but before I could say something Edward asked me "You know him already" with little anger which confused me.

"No, actually this afternoon when I was crossing the road he almost ran his car over me nothing else" I replied and he instantly calmed down.

"You should not drive, if you don't know how to" Edward snapped at Gary to which Gary just glared at him.

And I was confused with how they were behaving with eachother, something is definitely wrong between these two.

Soon I was involved in talking with Mack and Gary, they both are really funny and all the time Edward was just looking angry I don't know what's wrong with him.

"Ashima come with me, we need to talk" Edward said and before I could react he took hold of my hand leading us out of the club ignoring my protest as I tried to get my hand out of his grip.

"You need to stay away from that Gary" He yelled as now we were out of the club.

"And why is that" I asked confused as he was acting really weird tonight.

"Because you are mine" he said before sealing his lips with mine.

What the hell, saying I was shocked would be an understatement but soon I was so lost in the moment that I started kissing him back, placing my hands around his neck but soon realization hit me of what I was doing, when his hands started to roam on my back, touching me in a way that made a shiver run down my spine.

No I have to stop this before it's too late, thinking so I pushed him away lightly but he again moved closer to me.

"Edward stay away, be in your limits" I said in a low voice not wanting to create a scene.

"I can't" was all he said looking in my eyes not knowing what to say anymore I decided to leave but he held my hand.

"Leave my hand, it's really late I need to go" I said controlling my anger I'm usually a calm person but I can't stay calm after his actions.

He was quite for few seconds like thinking something really deeply before saying "I'll drop you" but I'm not going to go with him after all this drama.

"No need for that" I replied before getting my hand out of his grip and not waiting of his reply I walked away from him.

Taking a cab I reached my apartment. The kiss was still playing in my head like a movie, as much as I'm mad on Edward for kissing me without my permission, I can't deny the fact that the kiss was amazing.

Ashima he took away your first kiss without your consent but instead of being mad at him you are praising his kissing skills, my subconscious reminded me to be mad.

Yeah first kiss, as I was never allowed to have a boyfriend. My mom warned me when I was a teenager that not to have a boyfriend because my dad won't like it, he thought that it would be a stain on his reputation.

I yawned suddenly feeling sleepy and decided to go to bed.


Edward's POV

After Ashima left I followed her to her place in my car just to make sure she reaches home safely I didn't wanted her to end up in the same situation like previous night as it was quite late and dark. After making sure she reached safely I returned home.

I know I rushed things with her but what can I do I was really angry. But she has to understand Gary is not a good man.

Come on Edward, she was just talking to him. There was no need to over react in that.

I sighed.

But I know Gary, the way he was staring at her made me lose all the control.

Suddenly I recalled our kiss and all my anger vanished in a thin air. I smiled remembering it, her sweet scent, her soft lips I can still feel how warm they were. Only I know how I controlled my self from going any further and the way she was kissing me back I can tell that she has no experience in it which made me kind of happy.

But just as I started touching her she pushed me away, which made me angry as hell and I hated it how dare she no one does that, no one denies me.

But that's the thing which is attracting me more towards her and making me want her more. From the day I have met her she was always so quiet and calm but today her eyes held anger but it didn't make her look scary instead it made her look cute.

I smiled and then frowned I think now days I have been smiling too much and it's not good.

And after few minutes with her thoughts still in my head I went to sleep.

In the morning the idea of wishing her luck for her first day at work came to my mind but my ego instantly made me drop the idea.

"Girls run after me not the other way around" I said to myself with a smug on my face.


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