Just dont speak

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Don't speak
don't say it
I think
I won't take it
Loosing you
as back then
I don't think
that would be okay
I want you with me
I don't want to leave
I don't want you to go
So please don't speak
don't say it
If you do
I won't take it
Saying goodbye
I don't want to
Saying it's fine
when I'm breaking inside
I'm going to say this now
cause if I don't I'll explode

I love you like never before
Loosing you will break my heart
Even thought right now we're apart
I know you're be the one
who fix my heart

I don't know if you'll read this
but still I'm said it
Is not normal for me to be like this
cause I think my words just don't find a way
to say the thing I want to say
cause most of the time I scared of what you think
or most of the time I'm scared that you might leave
I think most of the time I'm scared of this
cause I have loose so many people in this life
that right now I don't want to loose any one
Not you
Not me
Not her
Not them
no one wants to loose someone they love
or to loose the friendship they cherish
I'm just tired of all of this
everything bad that people have
and things like
all this feelings
lead you to the bad one or most of the time they does
this things that I'm saying are stuff that I been hiding
cause I never know if you like to hear them
well now you get to read them
not what you expected I guess
but I just want you to know
that this might not be the end
but a beginning
that I hope will be wonderful
that I hope life change
and stop being against everybody
and for the person who's reading this
I want to say
that not everything in life is bad
not every person is wrong
not everybody will disappoint you
I know is hard
and it might be the end
but it's not
like I said before
it's a beginning
Change you life
Be who you are
be some one who inspire
never ever hesitate
to do something different
Just dare
cause the best things in life
happen when you let your fears go
and just do stuff that you never imagine in a million years you would do
an besides we die a little more every day
So are you willing to die
before living

Okay hope you like it
It's a bit long but I think is worth it to read it until the end

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