My hero

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You're a stupid nobody stop trying change what you can't

I'm someone and I'm something
I'm strong and brave I'm changing this world even if I die trying

Don't be dumb you can't do it
You're a nobody don't forget it
You can't do anything
You need us
don't think for yourself
depend on us

I won't follow you
I can do things myself
I have my own ideals and hopes
I can do this
I won't give up

You're a joke
You can't do anything
You little piece of shit
Stop being yourself
and be like us

Like I told you before
I won't give up
I'll fight until the end
I'll make this world a better place

Our little warrior fought every battle possible
he was determined to change for the better
but people kept pushing him back
killing him everyday
but when the sun rises
he there to fight
one time
our little hero encounter
one of the most powerful demons
his doubts
his mistakes
his pain
his sorrow
he couldn't bit him
no matter how he attacked
he couldn't win
He had two choices
To change the person inside of him
or to keep fighting
He fought
and fought
and fought
until he couldn't anymore
when he was about to lose all hope
He's demon talked

You can't defeat me
if in your heart you're doubting everything
believe in yourself and in what you are
forget the people around you
they're here to fuck your life
this path you're taking is hard and painful
but believe me is the right one

After hearing those words
our hero knew what to do
he didn't had to kill the demon
he just had to accept it
cause after all
that is a part of him

After some time
Our hero never came back
some say he died
some say he's gone
but to be honest
I'm sure he's in this place
where your demons can be Angels
that will help you with life
even thought they're bad
they'll help you now
in the reality in life

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