Stained Rose

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I give you this rose
that is red as the blood
passing through my veins
since the day I was born
it wasn't like this
when I first found it
it was white like the snow
like the clouds in the sky
but with some help
it's now something wreck

Take this rose
from this damsel in distress
that's trying to surpass
the pain of the past
be the prince that'll try his best
to save her from the nightmares ahead
be the one to help her see
that life is not just a really bad dream
save her from all the demons
that hunts her nights
save her from the prison called life
save her from the feeling she hides inside
save her from the sorrow she had her whole life

She's giving you that rose
that stained with the colour red
is not normal
for a rose to be like this
sure is it colour
but is the blood that fell from her hand
cause she cut her veins
for you to see her pain
she's not looking for attention
and she has no shame
she just wants somebody
to hear her in the nights
the screams that are silent
the pain
the sorrow
she want you to have it
for you to see
how her heart is
as stained as the rose
and just like a black hole
with a bunch of stitches
that play with it
until she falls in a deep slumber
that'll finish the day
she tells her mind
the last goodbye

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