"One more light"

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So many people have inspire my life
so many people have left a deep hole inside
life is not easy I know that
but I didn't expect a battle all the time
Now I want you to hear my voice
I want you to hear this battle cry
this world is a shitty place
it control every step of the way
it blind us from the truth
it's like darkness all over you
like an unreachable umber
the worst part of that it doesn't stop
nothing ends
cause in every second
everything gets harder
the judgement
the lies
nothing ends
until it's time
and every moment that pass
the light gets more far
One more light is gone
One more life despairs
but who cares right
live goes on
and on
stars vanish all the time
so it's no big deal
is nothing to worry about
but what about the things you don't know about
like the suffering of others
you don't care about that either
if they end up death
or alive
it doesn't matter
unless is your child
or someone close
that you care about
One more light dies
One more live short
who cares about others
who cares about you
I do
I do care
and you should do too

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