Chapter 13: The Silver Rain

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As we all know, our next and last destination was Pantheon. Our destiny lies in there, if something we were looking for was not there then there was no point of us staying in Italy any longer. When we went to Pantheon, the place was crowded by people. We tried to blend in with people around us so we wouldn't get any attention.

Pantheon is one of ancient's Rome best preserved structure, The Pantheon features of striking interior and an amazing dome which is yet another great feat of Roman engineering. It was constructed nearly 2000 years ago on the remains of an even older temple; temple to all gods of ancient Rome, which was destroyed by the fire.

The place was beautiful for a museum and historical monument. From the front the building has about 10 massive pillars like in the Hercules, while from the inside, the building has this massive dome with perforated in the center and we surrounded by beautiful sculptures. It was one of a unique building I've ever seen.

When we came inside the building, we started to search for the entrance. But in a few moments, the blue stone started to shine even though it was faint. I started to think more logically, if I had been the ruler of SilverKingdom, where I would choose for the entrance. I realized the sculptures were armed, they hold different weapons. "Why don't we try the sculptures first?" I said as I lead them to every sculpture. If we were so closed to the gate then the light would be shined but if not, the light went off. Eventually the blue stone lead us to one of the sculpture near the front door; the blue stone shined so brightly like a blue sun. The sculpture holds something like a bow or thunder bolt. We know in an instant the sculpture was the gate. But there was still one problem and that is how to get there. When I held the sculpture's weapon, the world started to spin over and then the light suddenly went off and I couldn't see anything.

I opened my eyes. And the first thing I realized; I was on the dry ground, my face was on the dirt and I heard a busy street. I looked at Alicia and the others; they were lying on the ground too. I tried to stand up and so everyone, but then I was surprised seeing we were in an unknown place. The place was like an old London where everything looked classic and yet stunning, the buildings weren't big but beautiful and the people wore dresses and suit like old French clothes as they were staring at us. Our clothes didn't blend in with the people so we got many attentions. We realized we were in Silver Rain kingdom, Allen said Silver Rain had their own uniqueness than any other kingdoms, that's why both Allen and Charles recognized the place. Long away from where we stood; there was a big black and dark castle. It was something like other castles I've seen in the movies and yet a bit different, the castle was more unique than the most of the castles I've seen. Now, we knew where we should go to find Carvell; it's the Silver Rain castle.

In our way to the castle, I had seen many unpleasant things happening. From the top criminals into the suffering of their people, I realized everything was like the shopkeeper said about the kingdom was in chaos. It was sad seeing people suffer and it sometimes reminded me of World War II in 1945.

When we finally got to the castle in time, we just stood there in amazement. Despite the people and the city were not in a good condition, the castle was fabulous and looked amazing, and it was a lot bigger than we thought; it was much more bigger than Buckingham palace. I thought there would be guards right at the front gate but instead there was no guard at all and it looked unprotected. Despite that, we couldn't open the gate. No matter what we tried, we just couldn't open the gate. We need another plan to come inside the castle but the sky was getting darker every second, right now we need a place to stay in. We traveled around the city to find a motel or a hotel, but there wasn't any place for us to stay.

On the dark street and under the stars, there was an old man greeting us. "Are you searching for a place to stay in?" the old man asked. We just nodded and then with that kind old man, we were allowed to stay in his house for awhile. He led us to his house not far from the Silver Rain castle; his house was small and very old fashioned. We came into the house, an old woman greeting us warmly with a bright smile on her face; she was the old man's wife.

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