Morning Fun

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"Do we really have to get up?" You muttered, completely wrapped up in Jared's arms. The sheet was pushed down towards your waist, your chest pressed tight to his. His long legs were tangled with yours, and you could feel his hand gently running along your hair.

"I wish we didn't. But we do have a panel together today. Then we'll head back up to Vancouver. Maybe I'll even get to hang out with my boys again." He told you, his voice sounding wistful at seeing them. You hated the fact that he didn't get to see them as much as he wanted. He was such an amazing father.

"That sounds amazing. I love your two boys." You told him, sighing before you sat up, brushing your tangled hair from your face. "Away from the stress of dealing with the fans, and what they could say."

"Well, hopefully what I told them yesterday will remind them that they were being rude." He answered, reaching out and playfully swatting your butt.

"I just want to be with you, happy and free to go as we please. Is that too much to ask?" You asked him, not really expecting an answer. You just needed to vent, to someone who understood exactly what you were going through.

Sliding out of bed, he pulled you against him, one naked body against another. There was nothing sexual about it. This embrace was all about comforting, about being there for the other person. "Y/N, of course it's not too much to ask. You've had to deal with so much more of this than I have, and that's not okay. But I will be beside you, the entire time. You will never have to face the hate and rude comments by yourself."

"You are amazing." You told him, standing on your tip toes to press a kiss to his lips. "Now, why don't you come join me in the shower?"


It was a full forty-five minutes later you heard a pounding on your door, a frustrated Jensen yelling through the wood. "Damn it guys! You're going to be late!"

"He's such a Dad figure." You told Jared, who almost chocked on his toothpaste.

"He does have that persona. But don't tell him that to his face." Jared said, before the two of you made your way to the door. Jensen was standing outside, his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

Shaking his head, he led the way. As soon as you stepped in front of the elevator it opened, and a smiling Cliff handed both you and Jared a cup of coffee.

"Cliff, I love you." You told him as you breathed in the heavenly scent.

"Hey!" Jared said, pretending to be upset. "Are you cheating on me?"

"Yep. Cliff is the love of my life. Sorry Jared."

"At least you're in a good mood." Jensen said from his spot beside Jared. "Sometimes when Jared sleeps in he's grumpy."

"Did you sleep in?" You teased Jensen, who raised an eyebrow your way. "Don't worry. We didn't sleep in. We were just a little preoccupied."

"Too much information, especially this early in the morning." Jensen exclaimed as your little group made your way through the back hallways, away from the prying eyes of fans. Stepping into the green room, you saw a yawning Rob, and a hung-over Richard.

"Hey guys!" You exclaimed loudly, watching as Rich winced, before downing a couple of pills and some orange juice.

"Not so loud. Please." He whispered, before going over and crawling on to the couch. Feeling sorry for the poor man, you followed him over, sitting next to him and brushing the hair back from his face.

"Dang Y/N!" Jared exclaimed. "First Cliff, now Rich? Who you going to go for next? Rob?"

You could tell he was still teasing you. Glancing over at Rob, you winked at the poor man who looked utterly confused and more than a little nervous. You didn't blame him, not one bit. Even though Jared was nothing but a big teddy bear, he did look extremely intimidating.

"Rob is pretty cute." You played along, watching as Rob gulped nervously. Just then, Rich scooted over, laying his head in your lap. "Maybe you won't drink so much next time." You chided him, and he groaned.

Standing up, he carefully made his way towards the stage, ready to go on and get the crowd ready for you and Jared. Following behind, you watched as he quickly transformed from the hungover, shell of a man, to one bubbly and hilarious.

"How did he do that?" You asked Jared, who came up to stand next to you.

"It's a mystery to all of us." He said, shaking his head as Rich started dancing outrageously on stage. "Are you ready?"

"Is it bad if I say no?" You asked him, nervous and still unsettled about what the fans might ask.

"Y/N, the staff know, and are screening questions. Between that, and my talk yesterday, we should be okay. And I'll be up there with you the entire time." He assured you, giving you a quick peck on the lips.

Taking a deep breath, you pasted a smile on your face, before taking Jared's hand and rushing the stage. Rob was currently playing a song with his band as the two of you came on stage, getting drowned out by the cheers from the fans.

Waving to everyone, you walked to both sides of the stage before sitting down in one of the chairs they had provided. Jared walked over, giving Rich a huge hug, and you couldn't help but laugh at the wincing Rich. After picking Rob up in a huge hug, Jared finally came over to sit next to you. Unhappy with the way the chair was facing, he turned it, settling it backwards. Climbing up on it, he threw his long legs over the front, looking much like a human pretzel. Almost immediately he lost of one of shoes, to the delight of the crowd.

With a huge pout on his face, he stared down at his sock, making the crowd laugh even harder. Shaking your head, you got off your chair, picking it up. With a big show, you put it back on his foot, as Jared fluttered a hand in front of his face, looking ridiculous.

"My hero!" He exclaimed, his voice unnaturally high, and you could hear the crowd roaring behind you.

"How about we just go ahead and take questions." You stated, but his goofy antics had done their job. You were no longer nervous, and you were ready for the start of your panel. 

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