Tough Love

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Sitting there with both boys, your mind was on the stage, and what Gen and Jared were telling the audience. In a way, you hated the fact that it had come to this, that Gen was coming to your rescue. But maybe, finally, this would get taken care of, and you would finally be able to be happy with Jared. To see what a relationship with him would be like without the disapproval of the fans hanging over your head.

"Y/N, I've got these little munchkins. Why don't you head out there, see what's going on?" Rob said, pulling you from your spot on the couch, before plopping down where you had just been sitting.

"Are you sure? Because I don't mind sitting here with them." You offered, a little nervous about going out there.

"I'm sure. Go." He ordered, and with your hands in your pockets, you made your way behind the stage, standing inconspicuously off to the side. Gen was standing in the front of the stage, a microphone in her hand. Even though she wasn't the tallest woman, in fact she seemed petite, especially with Jared standing there, she commanded the stage.

Jared had his mic in his hands, watching her nervously as she stared out at the crowd, a frown on her face even though the audience was cheering wildly. Tapping her foot, she waited for the audience to quiet down. It took almost a full minute before they were quiet enough for her to talk.

"I've been thinking about coming to a couple of conventions in the future." She started, making the cheering start all over once again. "I thought it would be fun to be with the fans, signing autographs, and doing photo ops. After all, I had heard how great it was from Jared, repeatedly. But now I'm not so sure."

The gentle sounds of the audience stopped immediately, and the room became so quiet you could have heard someone's phone vibrating. Giving a moment for her words to sink in, she continued. "You see, there was a woman here this weekend, one that I'm sure is going to be one of my close friends. And you guys, and I know it's not everyone, but this needs to be said. You guys have done nothing but belittle her and bring her down at every turn. And it's not even here. But online as well. She is a sweet girl, who deserves none of this!"

You could hear the hushed whispering of the crowd picking up, and you saw a couple of people recording. "Y/N deserves none of your harsh words, or name calling. Jared and I, our relationship is over, and had been way before he started dating Y/N. He is free to date whoever he wants, even if she is younger than him. And about that. Age does not matter. If they are happy together, who are you to say anything?"

"Gen, I..." Jared tried to interrupt, but Gen was on a role.

"If you are rude enough, or stupid enough to say these things to her face, or anyone here, then you have no place in the Supernatural family. This family is supposed to be about love, and support, and you have given none of those things to Y/N. I'm ashamed of you, and it breaks my heart to know about all the pain you have put her through. I've seen them together. They are good together, and happy. And that's all that should matter. Not your petty opinions. Please be happy for them, or keep your opinions to yourself. I'm sorry to those of you who have been kind, that this does not pertain to. But this needed to be heard, and I think it needed to come from me."

Handing the mic to Rich who stood opened mouthed behind her, Gen stepped off the stage. The audience remained quiet for a moment, before a round of applause sounded throughout the room. There were a couple of people not clapping, but you could tell her words had a powerful impact. Especially since the videos would no doubt end up on the internet, spreading to those fans who sent hate mail online.

Heading back into the green room, you saw Gen standing in front of her boys, taking a sip from a water bottle. Without a word, you went up to her, wrapping your arms around her, giving her a huge hug. Without a moment's hesitation, you felt her wrap her arms around you, returning the hug.

"Thank you for that. You didn't need to do it, but I will be forever grateful that you did." You told her, just as you heard the audience cheering off Jared.

"It needed to be said. They weren't listening to you, and they weren't listening to Jared. I figured if they heard it from me, the ex-wife, that maybe it would start to sink in." She explained.

"I hope it does. I just want this to be over with." You sighed.

"There's always going to be those certain fans who aren't happy unless they are causing other people pain. But we will just try to ignore them." She answered.

"Why are you so amazing, and cool with this? Not to be rude, but aren't ex-wives supposed to be bitchy and horrible?" You asked her, making her throw her head back and laugh.

"Yeah, I guess they are. But Jared and I are still friends. And I wish him all the best. You seem like the best, and I hope it works out for you. You're cool, and I wouldn't mind becoming friends with you." She said, just as Jared burst into the green room, wiping the sweat from his face with a towel.

"I would like that, a lot." You told her as Jared came forward, wrapping an arm around both of you.

"How about I take both of these pretty women, along with those two handsome boys out to dinner?" He suggested.

"Are you sure? This was just a surprise and I don't want to intrude." Gen started to say, but you nodded.

"No please. After everything you've done for us, I would love to have you join us for dinner. So I can get to know you a little better." You insisted, watching as a smile lit up her face.

"Dinner sounds great." She agreed, as both boys started cheering. Leaning down, Jared grabbed Shep, placing him on his shoulders, as Tom reached for his Mom's hand. Jared looked back at you, holding his hand out, and you took it. Sure, it might seem weird, having dinner with his ex, but you had a feeling it would work. That this could be the start of a unique but fulfilling relationship.


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