Heading Home

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The next morning you woke in the hotel just as dawn's light started shining through the curtains. Shuffling in bed, you tried to get closer to the comfort of Jared's body, not quite ready to pull away from your warm bed just yet. Reaching over, you found it cold, and you realized that Jared had been gone from bed for quite some time.

Yawning, you sat up, rubbing your eyes as you glanced around the room, searching for the tall, lanky figure that you yearned for. It was at the couch, in the corner you spotted him, as he whispered to his phone. Standing up, you made your way over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"As long as it's not more than that." Jared said, speaking a little louder now that you were awake. "I don't care who you are, joking about something as serious as that is not funny. I wish I knew who they were so I could give them a piece of my mind."

He grew quiet, as he listened to whoever was talking on the other end. At the same time, he reached around, grabbing you and pulling you over the couch, where you landed on his lap in a squeal. Holding you tight to him, he began nuzzling your neck as the person on the phone continued to talk. "Good. A person like that doesn't need a social media account. Thank you, Cliff, for your help, and Y/N and I will be down in about an hour."

"What did Cliff want?" You asked him, giggling when he started tickling your sides.

"That threat last night was just that. A threat and nothing more. The person made an apology, and deleted it's account." He assured you. His hands roamed up, past the skin peeking out from your tank top, up your sides, resting right below your breasts. "You have nothing to worry about."

Just then his phone rang again, and he groaned. "It's Jensen. Baby I've got to answer this." He apologized, his hands leaving your skin, as he picked up the phone. Pressing a quick kiss to the side of his jaw, you stood up, pulling off your shirt and tossing it behind you. Hearing a groan, you laughed before making your way into the bathroom.

Almost exactly an hour later, both you and Jared were dressed, all your stuff packed and ready to be taken down to the lobby. Before opening the door, Jared pulled you to him, his hand covering your lower back. "I know it might have been the best start to your conventions, but I hope you enjoyed yourself."

"I was with you, how could I not?" You answered, tilting your head up when his lips came to meet yours. A quick kiss, almost over before it even began. "I can't wait to be home with you though."

"Home sounds amazing." He agreed, grasping your hand. Walking side by side, the two of you joined up with Jensen, who looked like he was still half asleep. Cliff was waiting by the elevator, and as soon as he saw you, he stepped forward, patting you on the shoulder.

"Everything has been taken care of." He assured you. "There is nothing to worry about."

"Where's Gen and the kids?" You asked Jared during the elevator ride.

Tucked close to his side, you had your hand still in his. "Their plane was early this morning. Probably almost all the way to Texas by now."

"That's too bad. I was hoping to say goodbye to them." You answered, just as your small group stepped outside, and made your way to the waiting car. It was crazy, how fast this weekend had gone, and how much had happened during it. Hopefully, it had done its job, and the fans wouldn't be as harsh about your relationship anymore.

Your relationship with Jared had been challenging and unique from the start, and you were more than ready to just go back home and hope that your rocky start wasn't an omen of bad things to come. Relationships had never come easy to you, and you knew you had less experience in that department than Jared. After all, he was older than you, and had a marriage under his belt.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered as you sat in the middle of him and Jensen in the car as it lumbered towards the airport, morning traffic making the travel slow. "I can almost see the wheels turning in that brain of yours."

"Just about us." You answered, feeling him stiffen up slightly beside you. "How our relationship has been off-kilter ever since it first started. Do you think that's a bad thing?"

"No." He answered immediately. "I think that all the things that we have been through will do nothing but make it stronger. I think that's where Gen and I went wrong. Our relationship came to us easy, with really no problems getting in the way. Smooth sailing isn't always the best course. Do I want our relationship to be easy? Sure. But I also want it to be worth something."

"You are amazing, you know that, right?" You asked him, amazed at how he could turn anything into something positive, something you needed to hear. You were about ready to kiss him when you heard Jensen clear his throat beside you.

"You guys forget that I'm here?" He grumbled, but you could see it was just an act. He seemed happy that the two of you were together from day one, and had been one of your biggest supporters.

"Nah, I just figured you wouldn't mind." Jared answered back, smacking him on his shoulder.

"I don't." Jensen agreed. "And to put my two cents in. Relationships grow stronger through tough times. When Danneel and I first started dating, we had more than one obstacle, but I think we're all the better because of it. Sure, there's the age difference between you, and the fans that can seem to get past it. But I'm closer to you guys than anyone, and I can see that this relationship has done wonders for the both of you. And I think that this weekend did nothing but bring the two of you closer together."

"Thanks Jensen." You turned and pressed your lips to the stubble on his cheek. Jensen was like an older brother to you, and had always been there since your first day on set.

"Hey now!" Jared pretended to be upset. "Don't you go stealing my girl!" 

**I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. Just trying to push past a little bit of a writer's block.**

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