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"Y/N." He sighed, and your heart froze at the tone behind his words. It was like your worst nightmare coming true, and you had no idea why anything was happening. "I think we need to talk."

Those were not words anyone wanted to hear. Never a good thing for a relationship, and you felt your legs turn to jello underneath you. Bracing yourself against the counter, you stared up at him, your face pale. "What's wrong Jared? You've been acting distant all day."

Sighing, he sat down on the couch, running his hand through his hair. Pointing to the spot next to him, you declined, sitting across from him. If he was breaking up with you, then you didn't want to be sitting next to him. "Y/N, I know we've gone through some tough times already." He started.

"Yeah, and you've been supportive and kind through it all." You answered, your heart still in your throat.

"But maybe it's telling us that we shouldn't be together..." He mumbled, his words thick with emotions.

"No, it's not." You pleaded, broken hearted that this was happening. "It makes us stronger. Please don't give up on us."

"I think it's for the best. You can stay in my house as long as you need. I know it might be awkward, but I am not going to kick you out. We can go back to being friends." He insisted, as he stood up and started pacing the small room.

With tears pouring down your cheeks, you watched him, wondering what had made him come to this decision. It wasn't anything you had expected. Everything had been fine when you had flown home from the convention. Even better than you could have expected, and you had been looking forward to furthering your relationship.

"I'm not sure I can do that." You whispered, knowing how hard it would be for you to stay there. To be in the same house with him and not be able to wrap your arms around him. To feel those lips against yours. It would be hard enough to work together, but you would not give your job up just because he decided to toy with your heart.

"I know it will be hard, but Y/N, this is for the best." He told you, turning to face you, and that's when you noticed how red his eyes were, how hard he was trying to control his emotions.

"Jared, please. This isn't you. Tell me what's wrong and we'll work through it together." You tried again, but he waved it off. Whatever had set him on this path had him convinced it was the right one, and it hurt, more than you ever thought it would.

"Y/N, just go!" He yelled at you, and you slid back in your seat, this new version of Jared scaring you. "Please Y/N, just believe me when I say it's over, and you can't change my mind."

Standing up, feeling weak and heart broken, you glanced towards him one more time. "Jared, I don't know what go into you, but if this is the way you're going to act, then I'm glad you're ending things. Because I've been through enough already trying to stay with you, and you've just tossed that back at me like it was nothing. So, if you let me walk out that door, then that's it. There's no coming back from it, and I hope your happy. I hope it makes you happy that you have taken my heart, my hopes and shredded them completely."

Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, your hand on the doorknob. Wishing that he would stop you and apologize for his moment of madness. But words didn't come, and you threw open the door, not surprised to be pelted in the face by cold, hard raindrops. The rain matched your heartache.

"Y/N, wait!" Jared yelled, just as you stepped out into the freezing rain.

"What Jared?" You asked tiredly. "Are you trying to stomp my heart further into the ground? Because it's already ten feet under, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to bring it back."

Standing behind you, he grabbed your shoulder, turning you to face him. "Y/N, I never meant for this to happen. I really did care for you, and I think we could have been happy together."

"Then why are you pushing me away?" You asked angrily, so confused at the mixed signals he was sending.

"Because it needed to be done. It was the only way." He answered mysteriously. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, but I have no other course of action. Just don't hate me too much."

"You've just stomped on my heart, shredded it, and buried it." You grumbled. "And now you're asking me not to hate you? You don't get to do that Jared, not right now."

Pulling your shoulder from his grasp, you stormed out into the rain, walking past a shocked Jensen to your trailer. Slamming the door shut behind you, you collapsed onto your bed, not even caring that you were getting the covers wet. Tears fell steadily onto your pillow as you cursed yourself. You knew it had been a wrong move, getting involved with a coworker. But Jared had been so kind, so persistent, that you hadn't been able to say no. You had quickly felt yourself fall for him, and you wondered if you would ever get over him.

A loud knock sounded on your door, but you ignored it. You weren't scheduled to film today, so you knew it wasn't anyone from the office. "Y/N?" Jensen yelled out, and you cursed the fact that you hadn't locked your door.

"Go away." You muttered, but you heard his footsteps head towards your bedroom, and soon he was kneeling down next to the bed, glancing worriedly at you.

"Y/N, I just came from Jared's trailer. I'm so sorry." He said softly, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from your face.

"Jensen, you're his best friend. Why would he do that? Why would he toy with my heart, only to rip it into pieces?" You asked him, wiping your hand across your nose.

"Y/N, I'm not allowed to tell you why." He answered, looking angry. "Jared made me promise, and like you said, he's my best friend."

"Can you give me a hint? It hurts so bad, knowing that he tossed me away like yesterday's trash, and I..."

"It wasn't completely his idea." Jensen interrupted you. "But don't say I sent you. If I did, Jared would kill me."

Standing up, he started to leave the trailer, before turning to face you once again. "Oh, and if you need a place to stay, the spare key is in the flowerpot." 

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