To My Dear Readers

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Hellloooooo!!!! If any of you are still reading this fanfic, I congratulate you because I haven't updated in a very long time. But how about I get you caught up with my life, and my current events within it. I am in high-school now, I am a sophomore, going to be a junior in like two days. So reading over my middle school writing was terrifying, all the run on sentences. I am in a relationship, and I still enjoy writing but I haven't been able to do it much. SOOOOOOO this summer I plan on writing for this story, and trying to finish it. I'll just fit it in with gym and boyfriend time, and hey, maybe I can get him to help too! But anyways, I'm super sorry for not updating for like 34867437 years, but I'll definitely be working on this during the summer!!!!

Thank you for your patience, 


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