City Of Forgotton Voices- A Jace Waylnd Romance-9

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                                                                JACE'S P.O.V
I was pacing back and forth in Izzy's room, waiting to figure out what to do, "Just because she's out there doesn't mean she's in danger," Alec said.
"I know, I just want to be ready," I said, stopping to look at James, "Do you feel any signs?"
"No, for all I know she's fine."
"That's not helping."
"Jace, your overreacting," Simon said.
"I'm not overreacting," I said, "I'm just worried about her."
"We know that but your being too paranoid," Izzy spoke.
"Something's wrong," James said, his hand shaking as he held them out in front of him.
"Wrong by, she's hurt?" Alec asked.
"Yeah, I think, it's possible."
"We need to go, where is she?" I demanded to know from Clary.
"Pandemonium, she wanted to drink and said she was going there, she may not be but that's where she said she was going."
"Then we look that way first, you got it?" I asked everyone, getting rushed nods from each of them.

                                                                      MY P.O.V
When I finally opened my eyes,

I was groggy, moving my head only to moan when it fell foreword. My whole body was full of pain and there was a sting in my stomach. I wanted to speak but couldn't, due to the cloth that was pressed tightly into my mouth. The room was dark, leaving me sightless. I was bound by leather straps on my chest and arms, most likely to a chair. Scared. I was scared, scared of the unknown situation I found myself stuck in.
My eyes clenched shut when a large light flipped on, causing my head to thump, "That's the curse from drinking, headaches," Mr. Howard spoke, his feet moving on the concrete floor, "Now open your eyes."
I looked up, opening my eyes, to see him standing directly in front of me, a little closer than I liked. He leaned down, "It's fun to see you shadowhunters so helpless," he whispered to himself, removing the gag from my mouth.
"What're we doing here? Why did you bring me here?" I coughed, blood coming up.
"Sorry about that, a little side-effect of that damn drug," he said, "But anyways, we are here so I can give the master what he wants."
"What master?"
"I know your curious but, you'll find out soon enough," he walked away from me, hoping on an old wooden desk.
I looked around, taking in my surroundings. We were in a old dirty room, molded furniture all over the place, concaving on themselves, black soot covering the walls, "Where are we?"
"Just a holding place, I know it's not that fancy, I apologize but its someplace no one will ever look. Sadly, we are only in Brooklyn, I ran into a little problem and had to keep you here," he informed, getting close to me again.
"Doesn't sound too surprising," I muttered, ending up with his fist in my face, crying out from the pressure.
"You are a pathetic shadowhunter, I don't see what he sees in you."
"Whose he?"
"I was told not to speak of it, he will tell you when your with him."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Oh, sadly you have no choice."
"I'll force you to kill me."
"Don't you want to be reunited with your family."
"They're all dead."
"Is that what you really believe?"
"I don't have any other options to believe anymore."
"Those warnings," I looked up at him in confusing, "Oh yes, I know about those."
"Doesn't mean it was from them."
He approached me, taking something out of his pocket, "This was taking two days ago."
He showed me the picture, causing me to get sick to my stomach, "Oh my god." The picture showed my parents tied to a chair, back to back, all beaten and bloody, almost unrecognizable.
He took the picture away, "Each hit they got is because of you, because you kept looking."
"Why are you doing this to us, what do we have that you want?"
"Me, I want nothing, it's the master that wants you."
"Your pathetic, the both of you."
He touched the side of my face, "Maybe, but when the group arrives, we'll see whose really the pathetic one."

"No, I told you I'm not doing it, Alec,' Magnus said after we arrived, informing him of our situation.
"Why not?" Clary asked.
"It takes to risky."
"She's our friend, do it for her," Alec said.
"I'm sorry," Magnus replied.
"Please," I said in a begging tone.
Everyone looked at me in shock, "And he does know the word," Magnus said, breaking the small bit of tension in the room.
"Please help us," I felt the tears brimming in my eyes, "I love her more than anything and I don't want to loose her, please help us find her."
Magnus' eyes softened, "It won't be easy."
"Thank you," I whispered, relief filling me.

It took hours to find at least a hint with the tracking spell. When it finally gave us something to work with I studied the address.
"That address is familiar."
"Isn't that...that's Howards' apartment?" asked Isabelle.
"Why would she be there?" Simon asked.
"Maybe he took her in,' James suggested.
"No, it's something else," Isabelle said.
"How can you be so sure?"
"I didn't want to say anything, didn't want to alarm anyone, especially Jace," she stated, "But I've noticed that he always stared at her, not in the mentor way, not in a romantic way...its just hard to explain."
I clenched my fist, "I'm going."
"If your going then we all are," Clary said.
"What if she isn't in danger?" Simon said.
"I know she is, I can feel it remember?"

"His apartment is really not what it used to be," Alec commented as we stared up at the abandoned complex.
"Well, it was burned down a couple years ago, remember?" Clary said.
"can you hear anything?" I asked Simon.
"Not yet, either they are quiet or we're too far away," he replied.
"Then our first bet is that we have to get inside."

It was easy to get inside, a little amateur lock picking and we were in the old rusty lobby. "You know, this place is a little gross," Isabelle said.
"It's not our fault he chose to bring her here," Alec said, already pulling out one of his blades.
"I can hear a faint heartbeat."
"Only one?" I asked, getting impatient.
"Yeah, it seems like its her but...I can't tell?"
"Are you sure?"
Simon gave me a look, "Of course I'm sure."

                                                                   ALY'S P.O.V
He stopped talking as I spit some blood out of my mouth, "Done with the beating already?"
"They're here?"
"TO take me away, great," I muttered, spitting out some more blood, onto the floor.
"Not him, Shadowhunters."
A slight chance of hope formed in my chest. They did know where I was, they did care.
He looked at me, "This isn't over."
"Looks like it is," I said with a pained smirk.
As soon as the door was kicked open, Howard disappeared. The first face I saw was Jace as he got on his knees and started untying me.
I flew into his arms and started crying on his shoulder, "Ssh, your okay now," he whispered,holding me tightly, the feel of our bodies together, filled me with relief.
"We need to get you back to the institute."
"They are alive," I whispered to him, "My parents are alive."
"We'll find them, we just need to get you healed first."
"No, get him, I'll be okay."
"He's already gone, your more important," Jace said, lifting me up.
"Don't let him get away Jace," I moaned, my eyelids dropping as I laid my head onto his chest. TBC

City Of Forgotton Voices- A Jace Wayland Romance(REWRITEING ON AmortenaBlack)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now