4th Wing

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Katsuki opened his eyes. A bright, angelic light touched his eyelids forcing him to blink. It's been whole 4 hours after Katsuki got injured. He quietly groaned: the only thing he remembers is an angry Deku's face and later, a powerful push to the nearest sink. Katsuki hissed as his aching back twitched again; causing him to breathe even faster. All this...what actually happened? It could have been many reasons, but Katsuki wasn't a type who deeply thinks if it's not combating. The explosive boy fluffed his ash blond hair to a normal look and dragging the legs, he slowly got up from the bed. Just now Katsuki realised where he was: his room was untidy as ever, notes everywhere on the floor together hiding a GameBoy with couple mini-games. He looked around, surprised by the silence - no old hag screaming some random shit, no grass cutting sound. It felt like everything was in a deep void and that scared Katsuki. He was used to the loud noises; so this was something very new and hella petrifying.

Katsuki turned the radio on to break this disturbing silence. Finally, some good music on, he thought as the new album of Gorillaz was pumping out of the radio. He was a huge fan of Gorillaz and when he was younger, he used to listen with Izuku every Gorillaz hit. It was their perfect jam. The "Saturnz Barz" was flowing with a perfect rhythm in the Katsuki's room, waking up some of the neighbors (YER SHUT UP YOUR DAMN MUSIC). He chuckled as the people were pissed off with a such early beat and quickly jumped some clothes on. It was quite difficult to do that because of cracking hell back, but it didn't slowed down Katsuki: he was used to an extreme pain...maybe less than Deku of course. Deku... Those haunting images of that event stopped Katsuki for a second. He still couldn't believe what just happened, neither he didn't wanted to believe that Izuku would do such thing. He's a crybaby, useless shitrag. He wouldn't hurt anyone except for his own defense - Katsuki growled as he remembered Izuku once trying to defend himself when he was just a quirkless wimp. Its all changed now, but it was getting worse after Katsuki's kidnap and their both fight. He knew something was off with Deku, but what it could be he didn't figured it out.

The beats were changed with a relaxing, chill song from the radio. "Busted and blue" reminded him those good childhood memories - two little midgets with no quirks, having fun like real best friends. Katsuki with a nostalgia signed from his lungs. It's been so long since they enjoyed something fun together, it's been so fucking long since they even talked properly without yelling and crying. It was his own fault for fucking kind shit he has done to me, he thought as a slight growl came out his mouth. He couldn't forgive Deku, in no way or another and that made him even madder.

He quickly dressed up his school uniform and got ready to go, trying to quietly climb the stairs to the kitchen. Despite this unusual silence, he didn't want to risk by being spotted by his mother or dad; so he tip-toed to the outside doors and left. A cool breeze pinched his tanned cheeks, turning them bright red and leaving a cold kiss on his nose. He took out a dark green scarf to wrap around the neck and paced towards huge glass building where many of the students were going to. As he reached the gates, some boy ran after him: his bag was overly open; stuff on the floor with all the papers and pens. He looked very uneasy and scared, with his bright blue fluffy hair flying in the wind. The boy didn't have time to care about his appearance or items on the floor and dashed towards Katsuki, who was standing there, quietly glancing at a little boy.

"Are Y-you Katsuki B-Bakugou?" He whimpered as Katsuki's angry glare was stabbing his petrified heart. The ash blond guy turned away as it was a waste of time and scoffed out to get out his way.
"But it's an important message for you, sir! It's from All Might!!" He shouted after Katsuki who was ready to go inside the building, but a mention of All Might forced him to stop his legs. What the fuck this guy wants from him?! Katsuki angrily stepped closer the little boy was trembling out of the fear and cold and deeply growled at him while holding boy's collar.
"What that shitrag wants from me?" While examining boy's face who was about to cry.
"Well All Might w-want to have a chat in a staff room" he scoffed out as the tears starting to flow down. He wanted to be let go by this mean guy, but that strong grip didn't let him go. Finally, Katsuki breathed the air out and pushed the boy away who was already crying out of fear.

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