The Enemy

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Hey guys im soooo soooo soooo soooo sooooo sooooo sooooo soooo sooooo sooooo soooo sorry that i din't update on time really i am! :(. but please enjoy this and to make it up to you i'll try my best to update again sometime again this week but it will be difficult but i'll try! FIGHTING!!!!




School was over finally after all that happened to day i felt like i could pass out but i couldn't i felt bad but i needed t protect my friend that i finally got back so i can't just let him go out with someone who i believe is dangerous because of the whole evil wolf packs thing! I just couldn't do it so i may or may have not stalked them!

We got out of school and luhan was waiting for Hasup to come from class. Finally she came out after what seemed like 4 billion years but was really only like 5 minutes, But hasup said that they were going to go to the bubble tea shop so I hurried and called my friend Park jiae so it wouldn't look like im stalking. Oh! btw park jiae doesn't go to SIHS but a different school.

"Jiae! come meet me at the bubble tea shop quickly i have news and someone to stalk!" i said

"Huh? stalk!" she said

"You can ask all the questions you want when you come arresso?" I said

"Fine!" she said then i quickly changed from some clothes i had in my bag and dashed to the bubble tea shop i must protect Lulu Oppa!

I ran as fast as i could but still trying be okay looking finally i had made it to the shop and jiae was already there and then we sat and chatted and waited for them to come.

"Well spill it!" she said

"Well my childhood friend from like birth is actually a werewolf with a symbol on his wrist and i also happen to have the same symbol and i am also a werewolf but i think i might be falling for him also his girlfriend is a little fishy because of the evil wolf packs she's a little fishy her eyes and the way she acts just isn't right to me for some reason" I said

"huh werewolf? jinja jinja??? falling for him that quick, his girlfriend evil???" she said

"Shhhhh!!!" I said to her there not that far away from getting in here now when there about to walk in go straight to the counter and order something so it doesn't look like were complete stalkers" I said and just then they walked in and we hurried up to the counter not like running but like walking but a little fast.

"Hello and what would you like for today?" the person at the counter asked us uh two milk teas!" I said cheerfully

then all of a sudden i could fell luhans presence and im pretty sure if i can feel his presence then he can feel mine too.

"Coming up Right away just wait one second" and when me and jiae turned around there was luhan and hasup just waiting in line.

"Ah!" i said trying to act suprised

"Whoa Mimi calm down its just me" he said to me as he patted my back

"You scared me lulu oppa" i said as i playfully punched him

"Hey so why are you here?" he asked me

"Oh me? i'm here with my friend jiae i asked her to hangout with me after school today since we don't go to the same school, jiae, luhan, luhan, jiae, hasup, jiae, jiae, hasup" i said with a smile

"Yes hello" hasup said

"Nice to meet you" luhan said

"here you go your drinks" the person at the counter said

"oh thanks" me and jiae

"Oh by the way you two are very pretty" the guy at the counter said at first i was a little taken back but i just got over it.

"Oh thanks" me and jiae said

"Oh hey mimi find a table that all of us can sit at" luhan said

Then i got this feeling like a bunch of people coming around like surrounding us then i suddenly saw hasup giving some sort of signal it looks like.

then the glass broke shattered i quickly covered jiae so she would be safe it turns out i was right werewolfs.

"See luhan maybe you should listen to me?" I said to him

"Sorry! you get hasup and i'll get exo to head over here and help me i'm sending them a message!" he said quickly

"Wait how do i power up?" i said

"Oh i forgot hurry over here quick grab my hands" he said

Then the battle began......



hey guys so heres the update sorry i took way to long to update trying my best but with all the tests in school and all its hard to keep up but i'll give it my all promise i hope you liked it love you guys byeee.

Luhaniee23 :)

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