When Lehi Strikes

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Hey guys sorry i didn't update for a long time its just been hard be here it will be anyway hope you guys aren't too didspointed that, that whole part beofre everything changes was a dreams but anyways hope you still like it and will continue to read it please!



Mi Sun all of a sudden jut started floating and glowing it was amazing because you could tell her power I had to stop her before she ripped Lehi into little tiny pieces of Lehi.

"Calm down sunny please!" I asked her but It looked like I could not get to her true self right now it seemed like she's already I fighting mood and is not her normal self.

She was about to make a move and I had to think of something quickly or there would be no more Lehi on this earth and I'd have no girlfriend! so just then I thought of this ever since we were little Mi sun liked when I held her hand even though we never went out as a couple she always liked when I held her hand or when I held her like brother and sister is basically the best way I can describe how we act towards each other.

"Mi sun!" I said she looked down at me and luckily she wasn't floating that far off the ground so I could grab her hand and she came slowly floating down into my arms and she held her grip tight against mine. though she did not look happy something happened even though it seemed as if nothing happened it did whether it really was Lehi or not someone hurt Mi sun.

"Sunny you don't look okay are you alright did something happen while you were up there? who did it?" I asked her so many questions and all she did was smile and say.." i'm going to tell you but I already know that your not going to believe me when I say I swear that it was Lehi now I already know you won't so I'm not even going to try to convince you" she said I put my head down because I didn't know whether or not to believe her or to believe that my girlfriend really didn't do anything wrong.

"I'm sorry sunny I just can't do that I'm so sorry but I love you~!" I said I tried to make it her just by saying that because she knows I don't tell her that often. then I realized I said that I Front of everyone but I didn't care.

"First of all lulu put me down now ( put Mi sun down) second were really close like really close lulu and because of that you should know that when your trying to make something up to me you have to give up something important I wanna say something but I already know you'll refuse (she thinking about asking him to breakup with Lehi because she thinks she's dangerous) but today you will have to devote all your time to me and I don't care who it is and let me just make this clear to everyone in this lunch room he is mine and I had him first before any of you guys so for today he's all mine and just mine you can see him tomorrow!" she defiantly made that clear maybe a little too clear.

"Okay okay sunny I think they get it!" I said

"Omo! you two really are like brother and sister" xuimin said

"Yea we know" we said in sync yes me and mi sun already we act like brother and sister its been aware to us since the beginning (May have spelled this wrong).

"So Luhan?" she asked me i couldn't refuse her offer she just said that in front if the whole lunch room, plus i think i owe it to her after all we didn't tell her that we had moved back all summer so i've just been hanging out with lehi all summer. Besides if thats the case then i really do owe this to her. Actually a whole 2-3 months.

"Sure I mean you just found out i was here and i owe it to you especially since you mean a lot to me" i said as i smiled down at her but instead of receiving just a smile back i received a smile and a hug, But also a glare from lehi probably because i was hugging mi sun but why should she care i already told her that i'm really close to mi sun so why can't she just accept that. I mean i know shes my girlfriend and all and i love her but she just has to understand that i really care for mi sun i even think i'd die for her.

***LEHI'S POV***

"Yay! after school can we go to the park?" mi sun asked luhan honestly i don't trust her around luhan he's the main thing that needs to go away for me to lower mi sun power and take over if he's not out of the way plus i can't take over his body unless he really loves me as a girlfriend or friend because once i take his body i can control him and make him leave mi sun then get out of his body and not no what happened and when he goes to mi sun she will be mad at him and won't want to be friends with him which makes her weaker.

***MI SUN'S POV***

it was after lunch and i was walking down the hallway and suddenly i turn the corner and see Luhan and Lehi Kissing and i Cried and ran to the bathroom but they didn't see me...

***LEHI'S POV***

Just like planned I knew mi sun walks this way so i planned to walk with luhan and kiss him in the hallway and she would notice when she turned the corner haha Just As Planned....!!!


Hey guys sorry its a little short but i hope you like it anyways sorry it took so long though also DID YOU SEE THE EXO COMEBACK TEASER PICTURES AND LUHANS ESPECIALLY I'M SOBBING! LIKE THE EXO FANGIRL FEELS ARE COMING BACK AND IM NOT READY FOR THE COMEBACK BUT CAN'T WAIT TILL 4-15-14!!!! Love you guys sorry got off topic byeee!

Luhaniee23 :)

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