Just Ranting (No art)

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You can just skip this stupidity if you want.


I'm slightly sick of how my first few chapters get 200-300 views, but the rest get between 10-30. I want to restart with a new book, but a part of me needs to finish to 200. I've had this book since... May of 2014 actually... huh. Anyways, this is almost a showcase of improvement since the end of 6th grade, but it just frustrates me that people won't look at my later chapters.

On another note, I also sort of wish I had internet friends. I'm honestly a really awkward person in general and I don't really share much because my life has been decently boring until this year. I don't know how to be friends with someone on the internet even though I'm pretty good at doing it in real life. I'm rambling now, aren't I? Is it even aren't? I guess I just feel really detached from wattpad and I dislike it quite a bit. My best art friend and I have been friends since 5th grade, yet she left me back in 6th. I sat at a lunch table with kids I didn't really like for much of 5th and 6th grade until I got the guts to sit with the kids that are now my best friends. I guess I just like the thought of being unique and irreplaceable. But I'm not. Like if I was suddenly gone, my friends would be sad, but there would be many people who could easily fill that space in their lives. I pretty much have the personality of a shelf (which is to say I don't have one).

Is my art style even unique? For instance, if you were to look at my art would you be able to say, "Yup, that's Pego."(That nickname's stupid now that I think of it. I think I prefer Pegz. I was playing a game on a multiplayer server once, and a teammate shortened my name to that.)

This has become a diary entry now. Wow.

If your wondering why the writing is so choppy and doesn't transition well, I took a common assessment today where we had like 2 and a half hours to type an argument essay. I got to use the words mitigate and nonpartisan which was pretty cool. (Yes, I am an awkward person that enjoys using new words.

This is honestly embarrassingly long. I just want someone to know me, I guess. Since I don't get tagged too often and I dislike talking about myself, I hope you learned something new about this artist.


On another note, I think I want to do one of those meet the artist things. They seem pretty cool.


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