Chapter 3

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OH MY GOOOOOOOODDD!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. Fifty followers is amazing and I couldn't be happier right now.

Harry felt the joy the forest felt when they apparated in. A whisper sounded, claim us.
"It's unclaimed." he told Draco, A fox came from the trees. It sat down in front of Harry, and looked at him expectantly, Claim the forest, and all living things here, obey and aid you. The castle and village are part of the forest. The entire island will be yours should you claim the forest. Harry jumped slightly, the fox had spoken to him, telepathically, he wanted to claim the forest, but how exactly does he do that. Prick your finger, and let the blood fall. He did so. Draco had looked at him strangely. Once he had done as the fox instructed, the forest changed, the forest grew determined, a new magic rippling through, before fading. The fox now began to explain other things. Your mate and children will be protected by the forest. Anyone or anything that could be a threat to you and your family will not be able to reach you or exit the forest. Thus allowing you to deal with it as you see fit. Any areas of the forest you declare off limits, the forest will keep anyone else from reaching it. The trees and the creatures will be able to communicate with your mate and child now, your mate and children will be able to give the forest and creatures commands, but if the commands override yours, they will be ignored. You have the final word when it comes to the forest and creatures. Follow me, and I will bring you to your home within the forest. Harry looked to Draco, who now seemed be processing this.
"You can understand him right?" Harry asked, Draco nodded, the fox began to walk. Draco and Harry followed,
"Does he have a name?" My name is Kieran wolfblood, the fox replied, "cool." they walked in silence, until they reached what seemed to be a vine covered wall, Walk through the vines, you'll find everything to your liking. No worries, the meat provided comes from the store in the village. They will understand that there is a Forest Lord now living here. Harry sighed, Draco took his hand, and Harry felt the comforting warmth spreading through him, calming him. They pushed through the vines. Inside was a cave. It was carved and lit with candles and fireflies. Harry saw six phoenixes up on perches, each one a different color. They flew down. I am flame the red one said, there was also an orange, yellow, green, blue and purple phoenixes He is Sun, the yellow one, her Sprite, the blue is Tsunami, Green is Juniper, and lastly, The purple one's name is Melody. We are the keepers of the cave, we care for the young lords and the injured creatures. Harry smiled, the birds were beautiful. The thought caused the phoenixes to straighten. The room they were in seemed to be an entrance hall. With stairs lining the sides, each leading into a different room. On the first floor Harry found a kitchen, and dining room, next was a hall with bedrooms, next they found a living room with a window looking out over the castle. Harry, still holding Kovus, raised him up to show him the school.
"That's Hogwarts Ko, whenever we aren't here, we will be there. But do not fret, we will come visit. Kovus cooed at his dad, Harry smiled, all the rooms in the house, were more comfortable than one would think. With wood floors and painted walls, it seemed as though they were in a house, not a cave. You are young, you will be going to school. Do not worry, we will look after your son well. He will be protected at all times. Harry smiled,
"I don't want anyone to find this place, I don't want people to learn who I am. I want the castle and village protected at all times." Harry spoke, it was difficult to open his mouth, everytime he did, the words of his uncle sounded in his mind. Shut up!!! He had said, Harry walked down to the nursery where Kovus would be sleeping. He unwrapped the blanket and placed Kovus in the crib, he lightly rubbed Kovus's cheek with his index finger, smiling. Kovus was his everything. Draco walked in a moment later, he sat down next to Harry, Harry worried, he knew purebloods were known for hurting children not of their blood. Draco must've sensed this, and he comforted Harry,
"Kovus may not be my blood, but he is still my son, as long as he is yours. I will protect him, and love him, and make sure he is happy." He had his arm around Harry, and said boy leaned into the comforting touch. They sat, watching the sun set behind Hogwarts, before leaving the room. The master bedroom was made up of dark oak floors, light purple walls, with a master bed with forest green blankets, and gold sheets and pillow cases. The wardrobe was a lighter oak, and the bookshelves and desk were birch. Harry smiled, Draco pulled him towards the bed, which Harry immediately collapsed on, and tucked the injured boy in. Melody flew in. The lord is injured. Have him drink a few of my tears. Harry heard her say, the purple phoenix blinked allowing tears to fall. Draco hurried and had them fall into a vial, the bird had flown in with. Harry drank down the tears, they were sweet, like sugar water. He felt the cuts closing and bruises fading. He heard Draco thank the phoenix, and stand to leave. Harry wasn't going to lose the comfort of being with his mate. He grabbed his hand, and communicated with his eyes.
"Stay?" Draco correctly guessed. Harry nodded shyly, the blond smiled and layed down next to the dragon. He pulled the covers over himself, and Harry snuggled himself into the winged wolf's chest, and fell asleep as a pair of arms circled around him, holding him close.

The night proved peaceful for Harry, something he hadn't had in a long time. That morning he woke, feeling someone running a hand through his hair, the previous day flowed back to him. He smiled. He opened his eyes and saw Draco watching him, with a sparkle in his eyes, that Harry found he enjoyed seeing. He wished Ron and Hermione could see it. He froze.
"You ok?" Draco asked, Harry nodded, and after a moment of gathering his will power, spoke.
"I don't think anyone should know about this." Draco frowned and sat up, Harry following.
"Why not?"
"First how would Ron and Hermione react to this? How would the entire school react to this? They would ask how this happened,and what would we say? That I went through an early inheritance because my aunt and uncle's house isn't safe for me anymore? And then that would just place a target on you, and they would also ask why it isn't safe, I wouldn't be able to tell them because I can barely even register it actually happening, and then-" he was cut off with a pair of lips on his, he hadn't realized tears were streaming down his face until this moment. Draco wiped away the tears as they kissed, Draco pulled back, and pulled Harry into his chest.
"Hey it's ok, I understand. No one needs to know if you don't want them to." Harry felt the blonde rubbing circles into his back. They sat there for a few moments, before getting up and facing the day.

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