Chapter 10

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Harry was sitting at the gryffindor table, all the students were trying to get him to tell them how and where he had learned it, while Ron and a disappointed that she wasn't going to learn anything Hermione, tried to keep the room at bay. By now the entire school had learned of it and were forming rumors. Some think Harry was trained over the summer others believe it was luck and others believe someone else had done the spell. The noise in the common room was almost unbearable.

"Can't you just leave him alone?" Ron exclaimed exasperated, the students ignored him,

"Everyone leave him alone." Hermione ordered,

"I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE OR DO YOU ALL WANT DETENTION?!!!" Ron yelled, he had snapped. Harry meanwhile had been forced to the floor, and fear had been growing inside of him. Not even reassurances from his mate and ancestors could calm him. The room quotes instantly.

"If he wants to be left alone why doesn't he tell us that himself?" A seventh year Slytherin snapped, Hermione and Ron looked at each other then at Harry, eyes asking permission, Harry shook his head, not yet. He didn't want them to know for sure yet. They sighed,

"Just leave him alone." Hermione breathed,

"Answer my question, or Potter can." She turned and looked at Harry with a look that demanded an answer, Harry looked down, he sensed Draco in the background wanting to help him, but unable too. He felt Draco's concern, he felt Ron and Hermione's concern. The slytherin huffed,

"Fine. Don't tell us." and the group began to disperse. Harry sighed, Hermione slowly and gently placed her hand on his shoulder as he frowned. Why did he always have to different? Why does it matter that he's the only one in the year to be able to do non-verbal spells? It shouldn't. He heard Helga say, Yeah, why does it matter? Godric agreed, Because he's the chosen one, he's the Boy-Who-Lived, so he is always noticed. Rowena explained,

"Harry?" He heard someone say, he snapped his head up to see his friends looking at him with worry. He forced a smile, and gestured for them to keep talking,

"As I was saying, quidditch starts up again soon, you ready Harry? You're already on the team." Ginny informed him, said boy nodded, an excited gleam returning to his eyes, the first game was next week. Harry was excited.

The next day, Harry waited down by the woods. Soon enough he saw a mop of blond hair make it's way down to where he was standing. Draco smiled as he saw Harry, and Harry smiled back. They walked through the woods, Draco's arm around Harry's waist, giving him a comforting warmth.

"I want to go check on Star, you heard about the unicorns right?" Harry asked,

"Yeah I did. Why do you wanna check on them?"

"Something spooked them, put them in a panic. I need to find out what or who." Harry explained, Kieran the fox then appeared, I will lead you to them. He offered, and Harry and Draco followed him. Ten minutes later they stood in a clearing, the unicorns grazing around it. Harry saw Star.

"Star." he called, Star looked up and trotted over to the young Forest Lord. What is it Lord? He asked, "I need to know what happened to rile you guys up like that. You guys seemed really panicked." Harry explained, frowning, one of the foals had called, saying a boy, with brown hair and brown eyes, a year older than you, had come into the forest, and had begun hacking at our food source, the Moon Blossom bush, it is the only source of food we have, and without it we will perish. The wood is strong, so the boy hadn't been able to damage it completely. Star informed him, Harry thought for a moment, he smiled,

"Why don't I have someone guard it, until the culprit is found. Once he is apprehended you will be able to do as you wish to him. This is my forest, and he is messing with your food source." Harry told him, That is an excellent idea Lord, Thank you! "Call me Harry." and the forest sent out a wave of magic. Soon enough a herd of Centaurs had arrived, Firenze at the front.

"The forest told us you need something guarded?" he asked, and Harry nodded,

"The moon Blossom bush."

"Of course. Right away, Lord Harry." and with that the centaurs were off to protect the Unicorns' food source.

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