Chapter 6

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On the carriages, Harry felt the forest pulse a comforting warmth through him, he saw Kieran the fox trot along to path, and do a little dance once ina while before he started trotting again to keep up. They arrived at the castle, and they went to sit at the table, Luna saying a quick goodbye to sit at hers.

"I wonder who will join Gryffindor." Ron wondered, "I can't wait for the food to appear I'm starving." Harry smiled, Ron was still Ron. The first years came in lead by Professor McGonagall. Harry watched as they were sorted, he felt eyes on him, he turned to look at the Slytherin table, but Draco was avoiding eye contact in order to not seem suspicious, Harry gazed over the hall, and his eyes landed on Cedric Diggory, a now seventh year, staring at him with a strange look in his eyes, that made Harry uncomfortable. Professor Dumbledore stood up,

"I would like to make a few announcements, First I would like to remind all the students that the forbidden forest is always forbidden. Second I would like to announce our new Potions teacher Professor Slughorn who will be taking over as Professor Snape now teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts." Harry couldn't believe it, he was letting Snape have the job? "I hope you wish them good luck. Tuck in." The food appeared, Harry suddenly wondered where the meat came from, a voice, female appeared in his mind, The meat does not come from the forest young one, it is safe to eat. So Harry began to eat, he grabbed some fruit and a sausage. Suddenly he froze, where did the voice come from? I am Helga Hufflepuff, you will have the voices of all of the founders when you need them. You are our heir. And soon the school will know. Harry nodded, and began to eat. He wondered what she meant? He simply shrugged it off and listened to the conversations around him.

"So Harry, how was your summer?" Seamus asked, Harry frowned and looked at his plate, he heard Ron whisper something in his ear, "Oh, sorry Harry." he apologized, Harry smiled slightly at him,

"Anyway, we need to go talk to Professor Dumbledore after the feast." Hermione told the group, Harry looked at her in confusion, "To tell him about Harry." Harry's eyes widened, he shook his head vigorously,

"Harry, it's either that, or getting detentions and losing house points. It's not fair when it isn't your fault." Ron explained, Harry frowned and looked down at his plate, He is right. A new voice, also female said, Rowena Ravenclaw, Harry guessed, You guessed correctly, I will be there to help you with your magic and school work. Everyone should know you're my heir. She sounded smug, Harry sighed, fine and nodded, Hermione smiled reassuringly, but Harry wasn't looking, He was sulking and imagining his headmaster's face. He won't always be your headmaster, in fact as our heir, you own the castle. I shall explain everything later. Rowena continued, Harry waited for the feast to end, before he, Ron and Hermione stood and walked to Professor Dumbledore's office. They waited by the gargoyle for the headmaster, and when he arrived he smiled welcomingly. Harry simply looked at his feet. He was doing that a lot lately,

"Well, to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?" He asked, Harry could hear the twinkle in his eyes,

"We need to talk to you, about Harry." Hermione told him, Harry glanced up to see Professor Dumbledore nod and give the password to the gargoyle. They walked into the office, and sat down in front of Professor Dumbledore's desk.

"Now what is it you wish to speak about Harry?" He asked,

"That's just it professor, he doesn't." Harry saw confusion cloud his face then almost immediately become concern.

"What do you mean?" he wondered,

"Harry, he's gone mute, we don't know why or how, he communicated to us he is physically able, but he just doesn't, or emotionally can't." Ron continued,

"We just figured someone should know so that he and the rest of Gryffindor can't be unfairly punished," Hermione finished, Harry could feel a new smug existence in his mind.

"I see, do you know what the cause of this is?"

"We don't, Harry wouldn't even try to tell us, in any way." Hermione informed, "We're worried though, it's hard to hide, impossible even."

"I will inform the staff, and as well tell them to keep this to themselves, we don't want to make a big deal out of this." Harry felt a small smile tug at his lips,

"Thank you sir." Ron said,

"Now off to bed, it's getting late and classes start tomorrow." the trio stood up, and thanked the headmaster, Harry through a nod and smile, and they left off to bed. When they arrived at the common room they were bombarded with questions, by their dorm mates.

"Really. It's nothing, not important." Ron told them, Harry noticed Dean and Seamus holding hands. They all went to bed. 

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