Chapter 27

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Harry and Draco sat with their group at the Gryffindor table. A group of Slytherins decided to remind Draco of what he 'lost' as they put it.

"Well... if it isn't the traitor. I thought Slytherins were supposed to stick together." one of them taunted,

"I think we should teach him a lesson. What about you Craig?"

"I agree Harold." they pulled out their wands, and pointed at Draco. Are they seriously going to try to attack him?

"Furnunculus." One of them said, Draco watched as nothing happened,

"Thanks Harry." Draco thanked his mate, who smiled in return, so Draco stood and willed himself to turn wolf, before pouncing onto the boys. He growled as they shivered in fear. Suddenly a crash sounded and black mist began pouring from the ceiling. As deatheaters invaded the hall.

Sorry it's so freaking short... I just also really wanted to say THANK YOU!!! I just got back from Canada so I am currently getting back into the rhythm of being home after a full month. But thank you all so much for supporting me through my coming out crisis. I really appreciate all the kind words you guys gave me, and I literally almost cried of joy and gratitude knowing that there is an online community where I don't have to be afraid to be my gay self. I really just want to say thank you. I won't be unpublishing the chapters or editing the gay bits out... I'm just gonna let them find out and then come clean... probably cry or faint or something but... at least they will know...  right? But seriously thank you guys and especially my amazing friend on both wattpad and in real life who relates to me @waichi13 who supported me in and out of wattpad. Thank you all and I love you all and seriously almost 250 followers! Amazing and thank you all. Love you guys and I just wanted to say thank you. 

Also next chapter will be out as soon as possible.

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