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Harry and Draco sat at the Gryffindor table, when suddenly Harry jumped to his feet. His eyes wide and teary. Draco realized why when a moment later Cornelius fudge walked in with a basket. Harry rushed over to him and slowly picked up a sleeping Kovus from the basket. He cried, 

"Kovus..." Draco smiled and rushed over, his son had been returned. That was all that mattered.


Harry sat next to Draco, Kovus now ten looked exactly like Harry, Cassiopeia his second child had blonde hair like Draco's but forest green eyes was eight. Scorpius was a replica of Draco when he was younger, down to the barely noticable dimples. He was seven and an animal fanatic. His youngest Serenity, had dark curls and silver eyes she was five. Harry couldn't have been happier. Once Albus Dumbledore had retired he had taken over as headmaster. And to think nine years ago he was a broken boy, and now he was a happy man. 

Life was good.

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