"Stop Fucking them In My Damn Ear!"

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~Red's P.O.V~
"Right there Quill~ Uh oh yeah baby!" Moans seeped throughout the Milano as I just tried to play my game boy. Yondu snagged one from Terra for me because I was so bored. Anyways Peter always brought in shitty whores in to get out his 'sexually frustration' but I wasn't allowed to bring guys home. I was sitting in the captain's seat playing some good ole Tetris when Peter brought a girl home and it's been hours.

   He probably chugged a whole damn thing of viagra for how long he's been going. I even turned up the damn music and they were fucking over I'm not in Love. Like how?! I just decided to mess with them and I imagined the bed toppling over onto the ground. All of a sudden I could hear, "Ow fuck get off me." And a frantic Peter, "I'm so so sorry!" The girl stormed out of that room faster than my parents out of my life. ;-; Anyways!

Peter came out only wearing his jeans which were hanging dangerously low on his hips. God I love him so much but we all know he's to busy screwing everything he sees. "I can't believe this! My bed just randomly flipped off the frame and I basically crushed this girl!" Peter ranted pacing around the deck. "Heh maybe it's god's way of telling you to stop fucking people in my damn ear." I grumbled and he looked over at me with an accusing look.

"You did this didn't you? I don't want to know how but you must of put a spring under the mattress or something!" He pointed at me glaring. "Well it's not fair you can bring anyone you want in to fuck and I can even get laid unless I'm with them and even then you some how find a way to cockblock me!" I shouted at Peter when we got a transmission coming through. I turned back to the controls and answered. "Hey there's my favorite! We got a mission and we want to meet you at this Location. Go to a planet called Morag and meet me there. We have to pick up an orb that's worth tons of units. So meet us there okay? No ifs ands or buts!" Yondu ordered at me then looking back at Peter. "You two finally together?" I blushed looking down and Peter grumbled something incoherently.

"No..and well be there as soon as ya like! What time Yonduie!" Yondu sighed at the nickname, "two days be there" "Got it see ya Yondu!" I cut off the transmission and looked back at Peter. "Is there a problem Lord Star?" I asked sarcastically. "Don't call me that and yes we need to leave now for the planet." I looked at him with confusion written over my face. "Why..?"

"Well if we get it before Yondu we can sell it to a guy I know on Xandar." I nodded knowing we'd get more money that way so I agreed. Peter walked towards where I was sitting and picked me up taking my spot then placing me on his lap. "Hope you don't mind sitting here." Peter grumbled into my ear nuzzling into my neck typing coordinates for Morag. "Peter why what?" Oh I must of forgot to mention. I fell in love with Peter and him let's just say there is a lot of sexual tension. Like this moment for instance. It was like 3 am in the morning so I was in my pjs and I was tired.

Peter chuckled, "I know you're tired Red, I mean how could you sleep with all that racket earlier?" I yawned almost like agreeing with his statement. I cuddled into his warm chest and fell asleep.

I woke up when the ships AI said arrived at destination. I groaned stretching realizing Peter was asleep holding me while we were wrapped up in a comforter. I moved around waking Peter,"Baby can't we just sleep a little longer" Peter moaned out. I stared at him with wide eyes and started to form an evil plan. I leaned down to his ear and whispered, "Yeah baby you can sleep after you take care of me~"

Peter's arms instinctively wrapped around my waist and he snapped his eyes open. "Oh really now? I mean I can alway ban-" I cut him off by getting up and walking away shouting we were at Morag.

I got into my usual attire leaving my hair down. (Look at characters chapter) I washed up putting on some makeup and walking out to see Peter pulling on his shirt and jacket.
"Ready Red?" I nodded and walked out of the ship with Peter.

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