"Awe see you two still haven't fucked!"

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A/n: So I feel really bad because I haven't been updating, but I've been under quite a lot of stress sooo anyways! I'm going to try updating more often and if I don't I sincerely apologize and I shall offer potatoes.
"I'll get the armband." Gamora stood from the table running off. "Leg" Peter yelled. "Cicero and I will just wait here!" I yelled sarcastically. "So man whatcha been up to?" I looked over at Cicero, "You don't even want to fucking know...anyways we'll talk later ya know after we get out of this floating metal box." I laughed standing up. "Now let's go kick some ass" I ran over to where Groot and Rocket were fighting off robots.

   Can some one say epic action scene? A robot came flying into me and I did something I probably shouldn't of. I use my telekinesis to stop it and rip it apart. "Uh Red..? I have multiple questions and concerns" Cicero looked over. "Later." I yelled. Well guess there's really no point hiding my powers now. I started ripping and pulling robots from the air. Everyone must of retrieved the stuff because Groot was making his way up to the tower.

   I started climbing up Groots legs dodging bullets. I finally made it into the tower along with everyone else. Gamora was arguing with Drax while Peter was frantically arguing with Rocket. Cicero and I just stood there not saying anything. I looked over at Cicero laughing. "Ya know normally I would join them but I'm guess I'm kinky now and just want to watch" Cicero fell back laughing, "Damn hun you grew up!"

"Guess So" We weren't really paying attention to the things around us, until we were practically thrown around like rag dolls. "Uh since I was cracking horrible jokes...kinda missed what was going on..anyone want to tel me why we're flying around?" Peter sighed and looked back at me. "Red if you payed attention you'd realize that we are in the process of getting the hell out of here" I growled over at Peter. "Watch it pretty boy I'll kick your ass!"

Cicero laughed, "Damn you guys really did grow up." We ended up going up in holding where all of are items were. I quickly threw on my clothes and looked over to see Peter frantically searching for something. "Hey Peter the hookers aren't in the bottom of that basket let's go!" I yelled starting to walk off with the rest of the group, Peter grabbed my hand and handed me his bag. "Go I'll meet you there." I didn't have time to retort because Peter had already pushed me off.

   We finally made it over to the Milano and I plopped down into the captain's seat. I started to pull out of the bay waiting just outside of the prison. We sat there for a good ten minutes until one of them started complaining. "How's Quill going to get to us?!" Rocket yelled sitting beside me. I groaned, "Have faith will ya!" "If we don't go now we'll be blown to bits!"

   "I'm not leaving without Quill!" Rocket went to take control of the ship and I flicked my wrist holding Rocket in place. "Woah what the hell! I thought you were human!" "Eh somewhat doesn't matter though, we're waiting." Then faintly from the back I could hear Drax yell, "Behold!" I jumped up and ran back for Peter. "This one shows spirit. He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan." I pushed passed everyone and jumped into Peter's arms. "Woah calm down Red, I thought you were still pissed at me"

   "I am, but I was scared I was going to lose you." Peter sighed and just laid his head on top of mine. "Awe touching moment! But what'd you go back for?" Rocket asked. Peter lifted up his Walkman. Drax looked over, "You imbecile!" I let go of Peter and walked back to the captain seat. "Woah woah woah baby, that's my seat" Peter laughed picking me up and setting me in the co pilot's seat. 'Mmmmh' I grumbled. "So Peter how come Red over here has pow-" I cut Rocket off with a glare.

    See everyone in the universe could know about my powers and I wouldn't care, just not Peter. Peter would freak out and I just wouldn't be able to handle that. Cicero looked over questioningly. I gave her a look saying, 'later'. "Alright so Gamora I'm going to need your buyers coordinates." "Were heading in the right direction for now." I laughed. "What if we turn slightly to the right would we still get there Kermit? I wanna play the guessing game!"

  "Shut it Red, anyways if we're going to work together you might want to try trusting me a bit." I just sat in the seat messing with my hands while they continued talking making their way down to the dinning room. Cicero made her way over to me. "So Red you got some 'splaining to do." I looked over and sighed. "Well after Peter's mom died we were kid napped and raised by a Yondu." As soon as Cicero heard the name Yondu her face became furious. "Yondu?! Yondu is the one that kid napped me! My parents were mutants and I was kinda valuable, so they sold me on the black market and Yondu somehow got a hold of me...and let's just say he didn't treat me very nicely."

"Yondu was so nice to me...anyways he told me I was a mutant and my father was something like Peter's, but I'm still looking for my parents. Anyways Peter and I kind of grew up together." I blushed when I thought of some of Peter and I's memories. "Awe see you two still haven't fucked yet" I looked over at Cicero wide eyed. "What? What's that supposed to me?!" She laughed and ran her hand trough her hair.

"The sexual tension between you two is insane!" I blushed even more and looked down. I could hear Cicero giggle behind me then suddenly my hips were grabbed by Peter. He leaned his head down close to my ear. "So whatcha and Cicero talking about?"

"Totally not the sexual tension between you two." Cicero laughed before running out. Great.

A/n: So I don't know if I should continue this story or not? Don't really know how well people like it 0-0. Anyways I may or may not write smut. This is why I'm a horrible author! Sorry ;-; anyways enjoy loves! (Also if you really want the potatoes they cost 2 cents each.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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