"Well damn."

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      ~Red's P.O.V~
I walked behind Peter as he lip synced to Come and Get Your Love. I laughed as he snatched the rat up and used it as a mic. We kept walking around the abandoned planet until we came face to face with a gap which we had to cross to get to the orb. Peter and I clicked on our rocket boots and flew over. Not once speaking a word, mainly because Peter would rather listen to music and work.

    I looked at Peter giving him a signal telling him I'll get stand guard. Peter grabbed the orb only to have us yelled at, "Drop it now!" I turned around quickly to see a group of Kree men with a lot of guns. "Hey, cool man. No problem. No problem at all." Now you're probably wondering why not use your powers dumbass. Well I wish it was that simple but if Peter would ever find out it wouldn't be pretty.

  "How do you know about this?!" The lead Kees screamed. Peter shrugged, "I don't even know what this is. I'm just a junker man. I was checking stuff out with my partner over there" Peter replied with pointing at me.

   "You don't look like a junker. You're wearing Ravenger garb." I grumbled, this bitch. "What's with 20 questions man? It's just and outfit."
I replied taking my mask off. They soon stared getting even closer to us poking us with their guns. "Ninja turtle you better stop poking me!" Peter growled out. "What is your names?" I laughed, fuck no I'm not saying my name. "Peter Quill and the girl over there is Re-" I cut Peter off by nudging him in the gut signaling to wrap this up. They started to nudge us more violently trying to get us to move.

   "Dude chill out." I grumbled out barely loud enough for them to hear. "Move!" I looked at Peter with wide eyes. Oh god he better do something or I might actually have to use my powers. "Why?" Peter asked looking over at the 'ninja turtle'. "Ronan may have questions for you." Oh fuck no, Ronan the Accuser. That dude is baaaddd. "You know what there is another name you might know me by." I swear to god if he says Star Lord. "Star lord" Oh well don't I want to die of cringe. "Who?" Oh this is just too good.

  Peter's face when he said who was just golden. "Star Lord? Legendary outlaw?" I looked at Peter, "Petey boy we all know I'm more well known. Hi I'm Red the bull." (A/n RED-BULL HA HA HA! I'm so sorry.) The just stared at us like we were crazy. "Guys?" I asked swinging my hand in front of their faces. "Move." They ordered pushing on our backs with their guns.
"Hey is that a gun or you just happy to see me?" I asked sarcastically. Peter just glared at me and yelled,"Forget this."

Peter slammed what seemed to be an orb into the ground that sent them all flying backwards, and that's when we made a run for it. I clicked on my mask and started running frantically for the ship. God knows I only wanted to sleep and this sure as hell wasn't my cup of tea.

We finally made it to the ship and Peter slammed down into the seats pushing and slamming controls when a girl walked in. "Peter?" I looked over at Peter giving him a look like, 'I thought she left?!'

"What happened?" Wait wait wait was the chick wearing his shirt. Oh damn he must of convinced her to stay. Well doesn't this suck. "Hey..." Peter rubbed the back of his neck, probably not remembering this girl's name. "I..." The girl glared at him, "Bereet. Bereet!" She yelled at him still not noticing I was sitting there. "I'm going to be totally honest I completely forgot you were here." I laughed quite loudly almost falling out of the co-pilots seat. "Well who is she?" I stopped laughing and stood up. "Oh honey no. See the thing is my life doesn't concern you and if he can't even remember your name," I said pointing at Peter while glaring at the girl. "I don't think his life involves you either."

I sat down back in my seat when we got a call. I looked at Peter with pleading eyes begging him not to answer. I knew it was Yondu and I knew Yondu would be pissed. "Peter you have a call" Bereet said walking towards it to answer it. "No wait don't!" Peter yelled trying to stop her from answering. Then the dumb ass girl answered.

"Quill? Lawrence?"
"Hey man!" I laughed rubbing the back of my head. "Lawrence why aren't you here on Morag with the orb? Was this Peter's doing?" I looked at the ground. Peter quickly piped in, "Well we were in the neighborhood and I thought I'd save you the time and why were you there a day early anyways?" Oh yeah it was early wasn't it, hmmm that it weird. "Doesn't matter. Well where are you two now?" Yondu asked looking at both of us.

"Well I feel really bad about this, but I'm not going to tell you" I looked over at Peter with wide eyes. Yondu is gonna kill us. "I slaved putting this deal together!"
"Slaved?" I asked. "Making a few calls is 'slaved' I mean really?!" Peter yelled throwing his hands up. Here we go Yondu's all so famous lectures. "And now you guys are going to rip me off! We don't do this to each other! We're ravengers we got a code!" Peter then grumbled, "Yeah steal from everybody." I chuckled and then went back to being 'serious' "When I picked you two up.." Picked us up! He kidnapped us! We were just crying out in a field. "...these boys wanted to eat you kids!" I laughed and looked at Yondu, "You're such a liar you know that? They ain't never asked to eat us. Hell they were going on about how cute my bunny skirt was!" Yondu looked down a grumbled before he started to lecture us again I slammed the end call button and looked over at Peter.

   "See this is why you shouldn't bring girls home they ruin shit!" Peter chuckled and replied with, "But you're a girl!"
"But I'm a girl my ass we all know I'm more of a man than you!" I joked. "Well damn." Peter laughed.

   The girl in the back started waving at us, "Hey what about me? Hello?" Damn this girl is so annoying. I looked behind me with a death glare in my eyes, "We'll drop you off on Xandar after all we have things to do there." I nudged Peter hinting at selling the orb. He only gave me a look. Oh this is going to be a long day. I stood up from the co pilots seat and made my way to my room pushing the purple looking girl out of my way.

  I knew we were going to be Xandar soon and I was wanted on that planet, sooo I needed to change into one of my alter personalities. I looked through my small closet looking for my one and only favorite alter personality, I called her Lilith. I pulled out one of my many outfits and wig.  (Outfit above) I don't know why but I almost never wear makeup when I do my alter personalities. Anyways as I finished slipping on my outfit Peter walked in.
  "You seem to be ready. Let's go!"

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